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Aaron Copland collection, 1841-1991

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Copland Library, 1908-1988 (continued)
By Author (continued)
Bator, Victor
The Béla Bartók Archives: history and catalogue. Bartók Archives, 1963.
Note: signed by author.
Bayard, Samuel Preston (editor)
Hill country tunes. American Folklore Society, 1944.
Bearsley, Aubrey
The later work of Aubrey Beardsley. Dover, 1967
Note: signed.
Beck, Georg
Guide to the beauty of Bamberg. Bayerische, 1969.
Note: annotations by Copland.
Beck, Georges
Darius Milhaud. Heugel, 1949.
Becker, John
After Geneva. London Magazine Editions, 1975.
Note: signed by author.
Berger, Arthur
Aaron Copland. Oxford, 1953.
Note: notated.
Aaron Copland. Club du Libre Americain, 1962.
Berger, Melvin
Masters of modern music. Lothrop, 1970.
Note: includes Copland.
Bergson, Henri
The two sources of morality and religion. Doubleday, 1954.
Bernanos, Georges
Sous le soleil de Satan. Plon, 1926.
Bernstein, Leonard
Findings. Simon and Schuster, 1982.
Note: signed by author.
The joy of music. Simon and Schuster, 1959.
Note: signed by author.
Bever, Adolphe van and Paul Léautaud
Poètes d'aujourd'hui. Mercure, 1922.
Boccaccio, Giovanni
Decameròn. Rizzoli, 1950.
Note: 2 vols.
Borevitz, Victor
B. C. E. Biggest Century Enterprise. Borevitz, 1972.
Botkin, B. A. (editor)
The pocket treasury of American folklore. Pocket, 1950.
Boucher, Maurice
La philosophie de Hermann Keyserling. Les Éditions Rieder, 1927.
Breton, André
Situation du surréalisme entre les deux guerres. Éditions de la Revue Fontaine, 1945.
Brincourt, André
La farandole. La Table Ronde, 1952.
Brindle, Reginald Smith
Serial composition. Oxford, 1967.
Brooks, Van Wyck
The pilgrimage of Henry James. Dutton, 1925.
Bruyr, José
L'écran des musiciens. Les Cahiers de France, 1930.
Note: signed by author.
Honegger et son oeuvre. Éditions Corrêa, 1947.
Bynner, Witter
Cake. Knopf, 1926.
Note: signed by author.
Cage, John
Writing through Finnegans Wake. University of Tulsa, 1978.
Note: presented to Copland by the Oswego County Council on the Arts.
Campos, Jorge Hernandez
La parabola del Terron. 1945.
Campos, Rubén
El folklore y la música méxicana. Secretaría de Educación Pública, 1928.
Camus, Albert
L'étranger. Gallimard, 1942.
Le mythe de Sisyphe. Gallimard, 1942.
La peste. Gallimard, 1947.
Carco, Francis
Jésus-la-Caille. Artheme Fayard, n.d.
Cartwright, Jean and John Cartwright
Enjoy Santa Fe more. New Mexico Publishing Co., 1976.
Castillo, B. Díaz del
Conquista de la nueva españa, tomo II. Espasa-Calpe, 1928.
Cendrars, Blaise
Histoires vraies. Grasset, 1938.
Chapin, Katherine Garrisoin
Lament for the stolen. Centaur, 1938.
Note: signed by author.
Chevalier, Maurice and Robert Doisneau
My Paris. Macmillan, 1972.
Note: signed.
Childs, Barney
...and other poems. Privately printed, 1955.
Note: numbered, signed by author.
Citron, Samuel and David Diamond
The golden slippers. Friends of the Jewish Theatre for Children, 1967.
Clermont-Tonnerre, E. de
Robert de Montequiou et Marcel Proust. Flammarion, 1925.
Cober, Alan
The forgotten society. Dover, 1975.
Note: signed.
Cocteau, Jean
Carte blanche. Éditions de la Sirene, 1920.
Lettre à Jacques Maritain. Librairie Stock, 1926.
Mon premier voyage. Gallimard, 1936.
Opium. Librairie Stock, 1930.
Cogley, John
Report on blacklisting: II Radio-television. The Fund for the Republic, 1956.
Conteurs Anglais
La Venus Indienne. Bibliothèque des curieux, 1921.
Copland, Aaron
Att lyssna tíll muśik. Stockholm: Gebers, 1949.
Note: What to listen for, Swedish transl.; 2 hard copies.
Att lyssna tíll muśik. Gebers, Almquist & Wiksells, 1957.
Note: What to listen for, Swedish transl.; 1970 printing, soft copy.
Az új zene, 1900-1960. Zenemükiadó, 1973.
Note: The new music, revised and enlarged edition, Hungarian transl.; 2 copies, 1 signed, Budapest.
Come ascoltare la musica. Garzanti, 1950.
Note: What to listen for, Italian transl.; 2 paper copies.
Come ascoltare la musica. Garzanti, 1954.
Note: What to listen for, Italian transl.; paperback.
Come ascoltare la musica. Garzanti, 1959.
Note: What to listen for, Italian transl.; hard copy.
Cómo escuchar la música. Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1955.
Note: What to listen for, Spanish transl.; 2 paper copies: 8th reprint, 1984 and 10th reprint, 1988.
Cómo escuchar la música. Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Note: What to listen for, Spanish transl.; 3 hard copies: 1st edition, 1955; 2nd edition, 1961; 3rd edition,1967.
Como ouvir (e entender) música. Editôra Artenova, 1974.
Note: What to listen for, Portuguese transl.
Copland on music. Doubleday, 1960.
Copland on music. Andre Deutsch, 1961.
Copland on music. Da Capo, 1960.
Note: 1976 reprint.
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