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Aaron Copland collection, 1841-1991

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Copland Library, 1908-1988 (continued)
By Author (continued)
L'étranger. Gallimard, 1942.
Le mythe de Sisyphe. Gallimard, 1942.
La peste. Gallimard, 1947.
Carco, Francis
Jésus-la-Caille. Artheme Fayard, n.d.
Cartwright, Jean and John Cartwright
Enjoy Santa Fe more. New Mexico Publishing Co., 1976.
Castillo, B. Díaz del
Conquista de la nueva españa, tomo II. Espasa-Calpe, 1928.
Cendrars, Blaise
Histoires vraies. Grasset, 1938.
Chapin, Katherine Garrisoin
Lament for the stolen. Centaur, 1938.
Note: signed by author.
Chevalier, Maurice and Robert Doisneau
My Paris. Macmillan, 1972.
Note: signed.
Childs, Barney
...and other poems. Privately printed, 1955.
Note: numbered, signed by author.
Citron, Samuel and David Diamond
The golden slippers. Friends of the Jewish Theatre for Children, 1967.
Clermont-Tonnerre, E. de
Robert de Montequiou et Marcel Proust. Flammarion, 1925.
Cober, Alan
The forgotten society. Dover, 1975.
Note: signed.
Cocteau, Jean
Carte blanche. Éditions de la Sirene, 1920.
Lettre à Jacques Maritain. Librairie Stock, 1926.
Mon premier voyage. Gallimard, 1936.
Opium. Librairie Stock, 1930.
Cogley, John
Report on blacklisting: II Radio-television. The Fund for the Republic, 1956.
Conteurs Anglais
La Venus Indienne. Bibliothèque des curieux, 1921.
Copland, Aaron
Att lyssna tíll muśik. Stockholm: Gebers, 1949.
Note: What to listen for, Swedish transl.; 2 hard copies.
Att lyssna tíll muśik. Gebers, Almquist & Wiksells, 1957.
Note: What to listen for, Swedish transl.; 1970 printing, soft copy.
Az új zene, 1900-1960. Zenemükiadó, 1973.
Note: The new music, revised and enlarged edition, Hungarian transl.; 2 copies, 1 signed, Budapest.
Come ascoltare la musica. Garzanti, 1950.
Note: What to listen for, Italian transl.; 2 paper copies.
Come ascoltare la musica. Garzanti, 1954.
Note: What to listen for, Italian transl.; paperback.
Come ascoltare la musica. Garzanti, 1959.
Note: What to listen for, Italian transl.; hard copy.
Cómo escuchar la música. Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1955.
Note: What to listen for, Spanish transl.; 2 paper copies: 8th reprint, 1984 and 10th reprint, 1988.
Cómo escuchar la música. Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Note: What to listen for, Spanish transl.; 3 hard copies: 1st edition, 1955; 2nd edition, 1961; 3rd edition,1967.
Como ouvir (e entender) música. Editôra Artenova, 1974.
Note: What to listen for, Portuguese transl.
Copland on music. Doubleday, 1960.
Copland on music. Andre Deutsch, 1961.
Copland on music. Da Capo, 1960.
Note: 1976 reprint.
Copland on music. Norton, n.d.
Note: soft copy, pages msg.
Lerne Musik hören. Kasparek, 1948.
Note: What to listen for, German transl.; 2 copies.
Luister zo naar muziek. Zomer & Keunings, n.d.
Note: What to listen for, Dutch transl.; 1 hard copy, 1 soft copy.
Music & imagination. Mentor, 1952.
Note: paperback.
Music and imagination. Harvard, 1952.
Note: composer copy, 2nd printing 1953.
Music and imagination. Harvard, 1952.
Note: paperback, sixth printing, 1972.
Music and imagination. Oxford, 1952.
[ Music and imagination ]. Shorinsha, Tokyo, 1962.
Note: Japanese transl.
[ Music and imagination ]. Shridhar Hari, 1962.
Note: Annotated; Marathi transl., Bombay.
[ Music and imagination ]. 1968.
Note: Russian transl., in three parts.
Música e imaginación. Emece, 1955.
Note: 3 soft copies.
Música y músicos contemporáneos. Editorial Losada, 1945.
Note: Our new music, 2 copies.
Musik von heute. Humboldt, 1947.
Note: Our new music.
The new music, 1900-1960. Norton, 1968.
Note: rev. and enlarged edition; 1 soft copy, 2 hard copies, one cased in hard cover.
The new music, 1900-1960. MacDonald, 1968.
Note: rev. and enlarged edition; 2 hard copies.
A nova música. Gráfica Record Editôra, 1969.
Note: The new music; 2 soft copies.
Nueva música, 1900-1960. Editorial Letras, 1969.
Note: The new music, rev. and enlarged edition, Spanish transl.; 2 hard copies.
Our new music, leading composers in Europe and America. Whittlesey, McGraw-Hill, 1941.
Note: 3 hard copies, 1 with notations for 1966 revision.
Unsere neue Musik. Kasparek, 1947.
Note: Our new music, German transl.
Vom richtigen anhören der Musik. Rowohlts, 1967.
Note: What to listen for, revised and enlarged edition, German transl.; paperback.
What to listen for in music. Whittlesey, 1939.
Note: Accomp. Study Outline, 2 copies, annotated.
What to listen for in music. Mentor, 1953.
Note: 2 copies.
[ What to listen for in music ] Tehran, Iran: Zavar, 1956.
Note: Persian transl.
What to listen for in music. McGraw-Hill, 1957.
Note: revised edition.
[ What to listen for in music ]. Cairo: Hassan Irani, 1958.
Note: Arabic transl.
[ What to listen for in music. ] Tokyo: Ongaku no tomo-sha, 1965.
Note: Japanese tranls., signed by Tsukatami.
Copland, Aaron and Vivian Perlis
Copland, 1900 through 1942. St. Martin's, 1984.
Note: hardback, signed by Copland.
Coulette, Henri
The war of the secret agents. Scribner's, 1966.
Red Channels: Report of Communist influence in radio and television. American BusinessConsultants, 1950.
Note: annotations on Copland entry.
Crevel, René
Le clavecin de Diderot. Editions Surrealistes, 1932.
Note: signed, gift to Copland.
Davison, Alvin
The human body and health. American Book Company, 1908.
Derais, François and Henri Rambaud
L'envers du journal de Gide. Le nouveau portique, 1951.
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