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Aaron Copland collection, 1841-1991

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Copland Library, 1908-1988 (continued)
By Author (continued)
Diamond, David
The Alice and Frederick Slee lectures. University of Buffalo, 1961.
Dolan, Robert Emmett
Music modern media. Schirmer, 1967.
Note: signed by author.
Drutman, Irving
Good company. Little, Brown, 1976.
Edwards, Arthur
The art of melody. Philosophical Library, 1956.
Note: signed by author.
Eekhoud, George
Escal-Vigor. Mercure de France, n.d.
Le terroir incarné. La Renaissance d'Occident, 1923.
Elöd, Juhász
Amerikai variációk. Zenemükiadó, 1969.
Note: signed by author.
Bernstein Story. Zenemükiadó, 1972.
Note: signed by author.
Engel, Gabriel
Gustav Mahler: song-symphonist. Bruckner Society of America, 1932.
Note: signed by author.
Engel, Lehman
Words with music. Macmillan, 1972.
Note: signed.
Ewen, David (editor)
The book of modern composers. Knopf, 1942.
Note: pencil marks, section on Copland.
Composers of today. Wilson, 1934.
Note: Copland copy, pencil notes.
Fennell, Frederick
Time and the winds. G. LeBlanc, 1954.
Note: signed by author.
Fernández, Justino
Folklore Méxicano. Eugenio Fischgrund, n.d.
Note: signed.
Fernández, Ramón
André Gide. Éditions R.-A. Corrêa, 1931.
Foote, Arthur and Walter R. Spalding
Modern harmony in its theory and practice. Schmidt, 1905.
Note: Copland notes.
Forster, E. M.
Alexandria: a history and guide. Doubleday, 1961.
Maurice. Edward Arnold, 1971.
Fox, Ida
In the wind. Antiphon, 1970.
Note: signed by author.
France, Anatole
L'anneau d'améthyste. Calmann-Levy, n.d.
Franco, Enrique
La música en los estados unidos. La Editora Nacional, 1955.
Note: signed by author.
Friedman, Sanford
Rip Van Winkle. Atheneum, 1980.
Note: signed by family.
Gagliani, Oliver
Oliver Gagliani. Ideograph, 1975.
Note: signed by author.
Oliver Gagliani: a retrospective. 1984.
Note: signed.
Gagne, Cole and Tracy Caras
Soundpieces, interviews with American composers. Scarecrow, 1982.
Note: signed, includes Copland section.
Galantière, Lewis (editor)
The Goncourt journals. Doubleday, 1958.
Gavoty, Bernard and Daniel Lesur
Pour ou contre la musique moderne. Flammarion, 1957.
Note: signed by author.
Genet, Jean
Pompes funebres. 1948.
Georges-Michel, Michel
Gens de théâtre que j'ai connus 1900-1940. Brentano, 1942.
Note: signed by friend.
Gide, André
André Gide. Éditions du Capitole.
Note: numbered #897.
Ainsi soit-il ou les jeux sont faits. Gallimard, 1952.
Amyntas. Gallimard, 1925.
Attendu que... Charlot, 1943.
Les caves du Vatican. Nouvelle Revue Française, 1922.
Les contemporains. Capitole, 1928.
Note: numbered edition.
Corydon. Nouvelle Revue Française, 1924.
Un esprit non prévenu. Éditions Kra, 1929.
Et nunc Manet in te. Ides et Calendes, 1947.
Les faux-monnayeurs. Gallimard, 1925.
Feuillets d'automne. Mercure de France, 1949.
L'immoraliste. Mercure, 1923.
Incidences. Nouvelle Revue Français, 1924.
Journal, 1939-1942. Gallimard, 1946.
Journal, 1942-1949. Gallimard, 1950.
Journal des faux-monnayeurs. Gallimard, 1927.
Les nourritures terrestres. Gallimard, 1921.
Nouveaux prétextes. Mercure, 1921.
Les nouvelles nourritures. Gallimard, 1935.
Paludes. Gaimard, 1926.
Prétextes. Mercure, 1923.
Retouches à mon retour de l'U.R.S.S. Gallimard, 1937.
Le retour de l'enfant prodigue. Gallimard.
Retour de l'U.R.S.S. Gallimard, 1936.
Robert. Gallimard, 1930.
Saül. Gallimard, 1922.
Si le grain ne meurt, II. Nouvelle Revue Française, 1924.
Note: 3 vols.
La symphonie pastorale. Gallimard, 1925.
Voyage au Congo: Carnets de route. Gallimard, 1927.
Le voyage d'Urien. Gallimard, 1929.
Gide, André and J. L. Barrault
Le procès: Pièce tirée du roman de Kafka. Gallimard, 1947.
Goldfarb, Rabbi Israel and Samuel E. Goldfarb
Friday evening melodies. Bureau of Jewish Education, 1918.
Note: signed by author.
Gorali, Moshe; Gideon Almagor, and Moshe Bick (editors)
The golden peacock. Haifa Music Museum, 1970.
Gordon, Henry Evarts
Vocal expression in speech. Ginn and Company, 1911.
Gordon, Philip
The availability of contemporary American music for performing groups... Teachers College, Columbia University, 1950.
Note: signed by author.
Goss, Madeleine
Modern music-makers. Dutton, 1952.
Note: Section on Copland.
Graham, Martha
Notebooks of Martha Graham. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, n.d.
Note: Advance uncorrected proofs.
Gräter, Manfred
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