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Aaron Copland collection, 1841-1991

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Copland Library, 1908-1988 (continued)
By Author (continued)
Hallgren, Mauritz A.
Seeds of revolt. Knopf, 1933.
Hammond, Mac
The horse opera and other poems. Ohio State University, 1966.
Note: signed by author.
Harrison, Lou
Lou Harrison's music primer. Peters, 1971.
Note: signed by author.
Hayden, George
The cancer of the French candystoreman... R. E. Martin, 1972.
Note: signed by author.
Heinsheimer, Hans W.
Best regards to Aida. Knopf, 1968.
Note: signed by author.
Henriot, Émile
Les livres du second rayon. Le Livre, 1926.
Ryls. Librairie Ollendorff, n.d.
Hernan, W. J.
What you want to say and how to say it in Italian. Hernan, 1920.
Hindemith, Paul
Testimony in pictures. Introduction by Heinrich Strobel. Schott, 1961.
Note: signed by friend.
Hines, Robert Stephan (editor)
The composer's point of view. University of Oklahoma, 1963.
Note: signed by author.
Hoffman, E. T. A.
Musikalische Novellen und Auffäße. Insel, n.d.
Hoffnung, Gerard
Hoffnung's musical chairs. Dobson and Putnam, 1958.
Note: signed by author.
The maestro. Dobson, 1953.
Note: signed by author.
Hölderlin, Friedrich
Gedichte. Insel, n.d.
Holguín, Guillermo Uribe
Vida de un música colombiano. Libreria Voluntad, 1941.
Note: signed by author.
Hopkins, Antony
Talking about concertos. Heinemann Educational Books, 1974.
Note: signed by author.
Howe, Mark Anthony De Wolfe
The tale of Tanglewood. Vanguard Press, 1946.
Hughes, Rupert (composer); Deems Taylor, and Russell Kerr (editors)
Music lovers' encyclopedia. Garden City Publishing, 1939.
Note: Copland notes inserted.
Hurst, Fannie (editor)
A record of tributes to Clarence Adler.... , n.p., n.d.
Note: in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of his music....
Hurtado, Leopoldo
Espacio y tiempo en el arte actual. Editorial Losada, 1941.
Note: signed by author.
Estética de la música contemporanea. Biblioteca del colegio de graduados de la facultad de filosofia..., 1934.
Note: Vol. 2, signed by author.
Introducción a la estética de la música. Ricordi Americana, 1951.
Realidad de la música. Emecé Editores, 1953.
Note: signed by author.
Instituto di Studi Verdiani
Verdi. Instituto de Studi Verdiani, 1969.
Note: 7, 1966-1969.
Jackson, George Pullen (editor)
Down-east spirituals and others. J. J. Augustin, n.d.
Spiritual folk-songs of early America. Dover, 1964.
Jarustowski, Boris
Die Dramaturgie der klassischen russischen Oper. Henschelverlag, 1957.
Note: signed by author.
Jelinek, Hanns
Anleitung zür Zwölftonkomposition. Universal-Edition, 1952.
Note: Copland pencil annotations, accompanying "Anhang".
Johnson, Thomas (editor)
Final harvest: Emily Dickinson's poems. Little, Brown, 1961.
Kai, Miwa
Say it in Japanese. Dover, 1954.
Kierkegaard, Søren
Aus dem Tagebuch des Verführers. George Muller, 1927.
King, Francis
E. M. Forster and his world. Scribner, 1978.
Note: signed.
Kirkpatrick, John (editor)
The music manuscripts and related materials of Charles Ives. John Kirkpatrick, Yale University, 1960.
Note: copy 17 of mimeographed catalogue, signed by author.
Kohlhaas, Michael
Aus einer alten Chronik von Heinrich von Kleist. Lesel, n.d.
Note: annotated
Kosarin, Sol
Juvenile delinquency. Vantage Press, 1956.
Note: 2 copies, both signed; letter included from author.
Kostelanetz, Richard (editor)
The new American arts. Horizon, 1965.
Kramer, Aaron
Denmark Vesey. Kramer, 1952.
Note: signed by author.
Last, Jef
Zuyderzée. Gallimard, 1938.
Leatherman, Leroy and Martha Swope
Martha Graham. Knopf, 1966.
Note: signed by authors and Graham.
Leconte (editor)
Plan de Paris. Leconte, n.d.
Note: Copland notes.
Lee Stern Press
Who is who in music, 1941. Lee Stern Press, 1941.
Note: signed, program inserted.
Lefèvre, Frédéric
Entretiens avec Paul Valéry. "Le Libre", 1926.
Lenin, V. I.
Imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism. International Publishers, 1939.
Lewis, Richard (editor)
In praise of music. Orion, 1963.
Note: signed by author.
Lime, Maurice
Gide, tel je l'ai connu. Julliard, 1952.
Lobato, José Monteiro (editor)
Alice no paíz das maravilhas por Lewis Carroll. Nacional, 1931.
Lockspeiser, Edward (editor)
Lettres inédites de Claude Debussy a André Caplet. Éditions du Rocher, 1957.
Lomax, John and Alan Lomax
Cowboy songs. Macmillan, 1938.
Our singing country. Macmillan, 1941.
Luxton, Eleanor G.
Banff. Summerthought, 1975.
Note: signed by author.
Machado, Lavínia
A study of Brazilian folksongs. University of Miami, thesis, 1955.
Machlis, Joseph
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