The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Aaron Copland collection, 1841-1991
Writings and Oral Presentations, 1925-1988 (continued)
Writings by Aaron Copland, 1925-1988 (continued)
Radio (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 216/37 CBS: Music for a great city , 1966
BOX-FOLDER 216/38 CBS intermission, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 216/39 Interview with [Edwin] Seaver, 1942
BOX-FOLDER 216/40 Modern music and audience, (1939?)
BOX-FOLDER 216/41 WABC: Howard Barlow series, 1940
BOX-FOLDER 216/42 WBAI: Stockhausen's Momente , 1962-1963
See also: Writings by AC, Lectures & Speeches: Stockhausen lecture
BOX-FOLDER 216/43 WGBH: Our American music, Series IV, 1959-1960
BOX-FOLDER 216/44-48 BOX-FOLDER 217/1-6 WNCN: Aaron Copland comments, 1968-1971
See also: Writings by AC, Radio, United States: WQXR: [Music for the theatre]
See also: Writings by AC, Articles: Some notes on my "Music for the theatre"
  • 216/44 Contract
  • 216/45 Correspondence, 1968-1971
  • 216/46 Lists: Series I-III
  • 216/47 Notes; Miscellany
  • 216/48 Promotional material
  • 217/1-6 Series I-III: Programs 1-52; 217/1-3 Draft; 217/4-6 Typescript
BOX-FOLDER 230/14 WNCN: Aaron Copland comments, 1968-1971
Promotional material
BOX-FOLDER 217/7 WNYC: Questions, 1949
BOX-FOLDER 217/8 WQXR: Interview with Edwin Seaver, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 217/9 WQXR: Memorial to Paul Rosenfeld, 1946
BOX-FOLDER 217/10 WQXR: [ Music for the theatre ], 1942
See also: Writings by AC, Radio, United States: WNCN: Aaron Copland comments, Series I-III, Program 2, Typescript
BOX-FOLDER 217/11 WQXR: [New trends in music], 1939
BOX-FOLDER 217/12 WQXR: RCA Victor Record Showcase, Interview with Aaron Copland, n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 217/13 WQXR: Russian war relief program, 1942
BOX-FOLDER 217/14 WQXR: Testimonial dinner to Dr. Koussevitzky, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 217/15 Radio Ariel, Montevideo, 1947: Interview with Maestro Aaron Copland, 1947
BOX-FOLDER 217/16 Radio El Espectador, 1947
See also: Writings by AC, Radio, Argentina: Radio El Mundo
See: Writings by AC, Radio, Cuba: Radio Ministerio de Educación
BOX-FOLDER 217/17 [ Appalachian spring ], n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 217/18 [Paul Bowles; Roy Harris; Aaron Copland], n.d.
BOX 218 MAPCASE-DRAWER C-Drw 2/2 Television
BOX-FOLDER 218/1 CBC: The music of man: Program five "The power of invention", 1977-1978
Great Britain
BOX-FOLDER 218/2 BBC: Copland on Copland, 1965
BOX-FOLDER 218/3 BBC: Miscellany: Clippings, 1964-1980
United States
BOX-FOLDER 218/4-5 CBS: New York Philharmonic Young People's Concerts #1: "Music for the movie", 1969
  • 218/4 Miscellany
  • 218/5 Scripts
BOX-FOLDER 218/6 Correspondence, miscellaneous, 1957-1981
BOX-FOLDER 218/7-12 WGBH: Aaron Copland: Music in the 20s, 1965
  • 218/7 Correspondence, 1962-1967
  • 218/8 Lists: Music illustrations
  • 218/9 Miscellany: Clippings; Poster (photocopy); Program guide
  • 218/10 Schedules
  • 218/11-12 Typescripts, Programs 1-12
BOX-FOLDER 218/13 WNBC: Speaking freely, 1969
BOX-FOLDER 218/14 WNET: The American composer, Program #1: Aaron Copland, n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 218/15 WNET: Bill Moyer's journal "Aaron Copland", 1976
BOX-FOLDER 218/16 WNET: Music in America: Copland conducts Copland, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 218/17 WNEV: Copland profile, 1984-1985
BOX-FOLDER 218/18 WQED: A Copland celebration!, 1980
MAPCASE-DRAWER C-Drw 2/2 WQED: A Copland celebration!, 1980
Promotional material
BOX 219-232 BOX-FOLDER 25/39 BOX-FOLDER 212/29 Writings by Others, 1925-1988
Writings by Others extends to material written about Aaron Copland and material written about other composers, musicians, and critics or other subjects. The articles reflect the views and opinions of a wide range of notable people. The interviews almost span his entire life from 1928 to 1988 and comprise dialogues with substantive and substantial quotes by Copland. This series is divided into About Aaron Copland, Articles, Booklets, Interviews, Libretti, Poetry and Scripts. Includes manuscripts, typescripts, unpublished and published printed material and microfilm. Arranged alphabetically by author in each category, then by title.
Arranged by author, title or chronologically.
BOX 219-232 BOX-FOLDER 25/39 BOX-FOLDER 212/29 About Aaron Copland
BOX 219-231 BOX-FOLDER 212/29 Articles
By Title
BOX-FOLDER 219/1 Aaron Copland , 1961
BOX-FOLDER 219/2 [ Aaron Copland ](in Persian), 1961
BOX-FOLDER 219/3 Aaron Copland , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 230/16 Aaron Copland , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 219/4 Aaron Copland: His flavor is personal, American , 1966-1977
BOX-FOLDER 219/5 Aaron Copland at 50 , 1950
BOX-FOLDER 219/6 Aaron Copland on jazz , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 219/7 Aaron Copland 75th anniversary: Dean of American composers , 1976
BOX-FOLDER 219/8 About Aaron Copland , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 219/9 All' U. S. I. S. Aaron Copland , 1951
BOX-FOLDER 219/10 America gradually learns importance of artists, Copland notes , 1967
BOX-FOLDER 230/17 Amerikanische Komponisten: Aaron Copland , 1947
BOX-FOLDER 219/11 The arts at Northwestern , 1958
An award for Copland
See: Writings by AC, Articles: Composers in Russia
BOX-FOLDER 219/12 Bernstein tells of first time with Copland , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 219/13 Boys High School Alumni Association: West coast chapter , 1980, 1983
BOX-FOLDER 219/14 Composers-in-residence , 1975
BOX-FOLDER 219/15 Concert, reception honor Aaron Copland on his birthday , 1981
BOX-FOLDER 219/16 Conferenza all'USIA: Parole e musica di Aaron Copland , 1951
BOX-FOLDER 219/17 Copland at 70 , 1970-1971
BOX-FOLDER 230/18 Copland comes to town , 1977
BOX-FOLDER 219/18 Copland views movies as strong challenge to modern composers , 1948
Copland's "Hear Ye, Hear Ye!" and an Ibert ballet
See: Writings by AC, Articles: Scherchen on conducting and Ewen on composers
BOX-FOLDER 219/19 Copland's soundtrack , 1961
BOX-FOLDER 219/20 Dance Magazine awards 1979: Erick Hawkins; Aaron Copland; Jorge Donn , 1979
BOX-FOLDER 219/21 Una entrevista con Copland , 1932
BOX-FOLDER 219/22 Exchange of persons: Aaron Copland completes tour , 1948
BOX-FOLDER 230/19 Fontainebleau Alumni Bulletin: Music alumni news, Aaron Copland, comp '21 , 1952-1954, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 219/23 For Aaron Copland at 80 , 1980
BOX-FOLDER 219/24 For the people , 1939
BOX-FOLDER 219/25 Great guys in their day , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 219/26 Great men of music , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 230/20 Jazz as folk-music , 1925
BOX-FOLDER 230/21 The music man: Harmony in a new found land , 1959
BOX-FOLDER 219/27 New York state award 1975: New York Council on the Arts , 1975
BOX-FOLDER 219/28 The premiere of a noted composer's piece for youngsters: "Down a country lane" , 1962
BOX-FOLDER 212/29 Un "Retrato Musical" de Martí?... , 1953
BOX-FOLDER 219/30 The rise of the American composer , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 219/31 S. A. musicians getting to consider New York as hub of music world , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 219/32 The second hurricane , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 219/33 The simple gift of genius: The music of Aaron Copland on record , 1981
BOX-FOLDER 219/34 The spectacular 80s , 1983-1984
BOX-FOLDER 219/35 Thank you, Aaron Copland , 1965
BOX-FOLDER 230/22 U. S. composers in a bright era , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 219/36 A visit to Peekskill , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 219/37 Young boro musician wins fellowship honor , 1925
By Author
A. H. M.
BOX-FOLDER 231/7 The serried past, the full present of Aaron Copland , 1925
Affelder, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 219/38 The artists who create the nation's best serious music , 1963
Antheil, George
BOX-FOLDER 219/39 American music must grow up , 1949
Asbell, Bernard
BOX-FOLDER 219/40 Hear, hear new music, U.S.A. , 1961
Avery, Stanley
BOX-FOLDER 230/23 When we were 21 , 1951
Bauer, Marion
BOX-FOLDER 219/41 Aaron Copland: A significant personality in American music , 1939
Beals, Kathie
BOX-FOLDER 219/42 Copland the living classic , 1985
Behrend, Jeanne
BOX-FOLDER 219/43 Preludio a cinco programas: Estudio sobre el panamericanismo musical , 1946
Berger, Arthur V.
BOX-FOLDER 219/44 An Aaron Copland discography , 1955
BOX-FOLDER 219/45 American composers: Aaron Copland, Roy Harris, Walter Piston , 1943
BOX-FOLDER 219/46 The home-grown Copland , 1950
BOX-FOLDER 219/47 The "Third Symphony" of Aaron Copland , 1948
BOX-FOLDER 219/48 Stravinsky and the younger American composers , 1955
Bernstein, Leonard
BOX-FOLDER 219/49 Aaron and Moses , 1975
See also: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Composers-in-residence
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