Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Writings and Oral Presentations, 1925-1988 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Writings by Others, 1925-1988 (continued) | |||||||||||||
About Aaron Copland (continued) | |||||||||||||
Articles (continued) | |||||||||||||
By Title | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/1 | Aaron Copland , 1961 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/2 | [ Aaron Copland ](in Persian), 1961 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/3 | Aaron Copland , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 230/16 | Aaron Copland , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/4 | Aaron Copland: His flavor is personal, American , 1966-1977 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/5 | Aaron Copland at 50 , 1950 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/6 | Aaron Copland on jazz , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/7 | Aaron Copland 75th anniversary: Dean of American composers , 1976 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/8 | About Aaron Copland , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/9 | All' U. S. I. S. Aaron Copland , 1951 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/10 | America gradually learns importance of artists, Copland notes , 1967 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 230/17 | Amerikanische Komponisten: Aaron Copland , 1947 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/11 | The arts at Northwestern , 1958 | ||||||||||||
An award for Copland
See: Writings by AC, Articles: Composers in Russia |
BOX-FOLDER 219/12 | Bernstein tells of first time with Copland , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/13 | Boys High School Alumni Association: West coast chapter , 1980, 1983 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/14 | Composers-in-residence , 1975 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/15 | Concert, reception honor Aaron Copland on his birthday , 1981 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/16 | Conferenza all'USIA: Parole e musica di Aaron Copland , 1951 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/17 | Copland at 70 , 1970-1971 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 230/18 | Copland comes to town , 1977 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/18 | Copland views movies as strong challenge to modern composers , 1948 | ||||||||||||
Copland's "Hear Ye, Hear Ye!" and an Ibert ballet
See: Writings by AC, Articles: Scherchen on conducting and Ewen on composers |
BOX-FOLDER 219/19 | Copland's soundtrack , 1961 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/20 | Dance Magazine awards 1979: Erick Hawkins; Aaron Copland; Jorge Donn , 1979 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/21 | Una entrevista con Copland , 1932 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/22 | Exchange of persons: Aaron Copland completes tour , 1948 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 230/19 | Fontainebleau Alumni Bulletin: Music alumni news, Aaron Copland, comp '21 , 1952-1954, 1961 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/23 | For Aaron Copland at 80 , 1980 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/24 | For the people , 1939 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/25 | Great guys in their day , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/26 | Great men of music , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 230/20 | Jazz as folk-music , 1925 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 230/21 | The music man: Harmony in a new found land , 1959 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/27 | New York state award 1975: New York Council on the Arts , 1975 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/28 | The premiere of a noted composer's piece for youngsters: "Down a country lane" , 1962 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 212/29 | Un "Retrato Musical" de Martí?... , 1953 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/30 | The rise of the American composer , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/31 | S. A. musicians getting to consider New York as hub of music world , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/32 | The second hurricane , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/33 | The simple gift of genius: The music of Aaron Copland on record , 1981 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/34 | The spectacular 80s , 1983-1984 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/35 | Thank you, Aaron Copland , 1965 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 230/22 | U. S. composers in a bright era , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/36 | A visit to Peekskill , n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/37 | Young boro musician wins fellowship honor , 1925 | ||||||||||||
By Author | |||||||||||||
A. H. M. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 231/7 | The serried past, the full present of Aaron Copland , 1925 | ||||||||||||
Affelder, Paul | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/38 | The artists who create the nation's best serious music , 1963 | ||||||||||||
Antheil, George | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/39 | American music must grow up , 1949 | ||||||||||||
Asbell, Bernard | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/40 | Hear, hear new music, U.S.A. , 1961 | ||||||||||||
Avery, Stanley | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 230/23 | When we were 21 , 1951 | ||||||||||||
Bauer, Marion | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/41 | Aaron Copland: A significant personality in American music , 1939 | ||||||||||||
Beals, Kathie | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/42 | Copland the living classic , 1985 | ||||||||||||
Behrend, Jeanne | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/43 | Preludio a cinco programas: Estudio sobre el panamericanismo musical , 1946 | ||||||||||||
Berger, Arthur V. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/44 | An Aaron Copland discography , 1955 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/45 | American composers: Aaron Copland, Roy Harris, Walter Piston , 1943 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/46 | The home-grown Copland , 1950 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/47 | The "Third Symphony" of Aaron Copland , 1948 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/48 | Stravinsky and the younger American composers , 1955 | ||||||||||||
Bernstein, Leonard | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/49 |
Aaron and Moses , 1975
See also: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Composers-in-residence |
BOX-FOLDER 230/24 | Aaron Copland: Composer; Conductor , 1969-1970 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/50 | Aaron Copland: An intimate sketch , 1970 | ||||||||||||
Blitzstein, Marc | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/51 | Four American composers , n.d. | ||||||||||||
Boelzner, Gordon | |||||||||||||
[Titles by Gordon Boelzner]
See: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Edmunds, John |
Bohm, Jerome D. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/52 | American composers and their critics , 1932 | ||||||||||||
Bonvicini, Renzo | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 230/25 | Ragazzi romani , 1953 | ||||||||||||
Boulanger, Nadia | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/53 | Tribute to Aaron Copland , 1975 | ||||||||||||
Boys, Henry | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/54 | Aaron Copland and his "Piano Variations" , 1933 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/55 | The Amsterdam festival , 1933 | ||||||||||||
Burke, Kenneth | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/56 | Music: A bright evening, with musicians , 1936 | ||||||||||||
Cai, Dorothy Liang-Yu | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/57 | Visiting Copland , 1983 | ||||||||||||
Canby, Edward Tatnall | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/58 | A note on the work of Aaron Copland , n.d. | ||||||||||||
Carter, Elliott | |||||||||||||
The rhythmic basis of American music, 1955
See: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Berger, Arthur V.Stravinsky and the younger American composers |
Chase, Mary Coyle | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/59 | Sketches of those just added to roll of Pulitzer Prize winners , 1945 | ||||||||||||
Chávez, Carlos | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/60 | Ives y Copland , n.d. | ||||||||||||
Christophe, Jean | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/61 | La musique moderne: Un américain à Paris , 1971 | ||||||||||||
Citkowitz, Israel | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/62 | Aaron Copland - Personal note , 1953 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/63 | Compositores de johe: Aaron Copland , 1948 | ||||||||||||
Clement, Thom | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 219/64 | Composer Elmer Bernstein: Scoring fantasy films , 1986 | ||||||||||||
Clurman, Harold | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 220/1 |
Aaron Copland by Arthur Berger [Book review], 1953
See also: Writings by Others, Books: Berger, Arthur. Aaron Copland |
BOX-FOLDER 220/2 |
My friend Aaron , 1975
See also: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Boulanger, Nadia. Tribute to Aaron Copland |
BOX-FOLDER 220/3 | Nightlife and daylight , 1947 | ||||||||||||
Cogan, Alice | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 230/26 | Musical genius like a prophet , n.d. | ||||||||||||
Colapinto, Frank | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 220/4 | Copland , 1945 | ||||||||||||
Cole, Hugo | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 220/5 | Myth of the all-American composer , 1980 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 220/5 |
Popular elements in Copland's music , 1970-1971
See also: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Copland at 70 |
Commanday, Robert | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 230/27 | At home with Aaron Copland , 1970 | ||||||||||||
Conly, John M. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 220/6 | Aaron Copland looks ahead , 1965 | ||||||||||||
Cooper, Martin | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 220/7 | Extract from "Music Magazine" , 1953 | ||||||||||||
Craft, Robert | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 220/8 | Stravinsky: Chronicle of a friendship 1848-1971 , 1970 | ||||||||||||
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