The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Aaron Copland collection, 1841-1991
Writings and Oral Presentations, 1925-1988 (continued)
Writings by Others, 1925-1988 (continued)
About Aaron Copland (continued)
Articles (continued)
By Author (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 230/39 America goes to the ballet , 1948
Hightower, Marvin
BOX-FOLDER 221/5 A retrospective for Aaron Copland, composer , 1978
Hohenlohe, Manfred
BOX-FOLDER 221/6 Das Buch von Aaron Copland: Unsere neue Musik [Book review], 1949
Holloway, Robin
BOX-FOLDER 221/7 Copland: Volume I, 1900-1942 [Book review], 1985
Johnson, Harriett
BOX-FOLDER 230/40 Aaron Copland: Dean of American composers , 1976
Kay, Norman
Aspects of Copland's development, 1970-1971
See: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Copland at 70
BOX-FOLDER 221/8 Copland: All-American composer , 1965
Keener, Andrew
BOX-FOLDER 221/9 Aaron Copland , 1981
Keens, William
BOX-FOLDER 221/10 Part of it all: A profile of Aaron Copland , 1982
Kerman, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 221/11 American music: The Columbia series (II) , 1961
Kirkpatrick, John, Jr.
BOX-FOLDER 221/12 On Copland's music , 1928
Klein, Howard
BOX-FOLDER 231/1 Composers can be their own best conductors , 1966
BOX-FOLDER 231/2 A concert of conductors , 1964
Kolodin, Irving
BOX-FOLDER 221/13 Celebrating Aaron Copland , 1980
BOX-FOLDER 231/3 First fifty years hardest? , 1949
BOX-FOLDER 221/14 Music to my ears: Copland at the bowl, Samuel at Cabrillo , 1967
Koussevitzky, Olga
A wise and trusted friend
See: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Boulanger, Nadia. Tribute to Aaron Copland
Kriegsman, Alan M.
BOX-FOLDER 221/15 As American as a ten-gallon hat , 1974
Kubly, Herbert
BOX-FOLDER 231/4 America's no. 1 composer , 1948
Kyle, Marguerite Kelly
BOX-FOLDER 221/16 AmerAllegro , 1950
Lederman, Minna
BOX-FOLDER 231/5 Some American composers , 1947
Lerner, Bennett
BOX-FOLDER 221/17 Stalking American music , 1985
Lien, Connie
BOX-FOLDER 231/6 Going strong at 80 , 1981
McLellan, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 221/18 Classic Copland , 1983
Malloch, William
BOX-FOLDER 221/19 Copland's triumph , 1988
Masselos, William
BOX-FOLDER 221/20 The composer's workhorse , 1984
Matthews, David
Copland and Stravinsky, 1970-1971
See: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Copland at 70
Mattos, Edward
BOX-FOLDER 221/21 Aaron Copland , n.d.
Mellers, Wilfred
BOX-FOLDER 221/22 Aaron Copland and the American idiom , 1948
Hommage to Aaron Copland, 1970-1971
See: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Copland at 70
BOX-FOLDER 221/23 Language and function in American music , 1942
Milhaud, Darius
BOX-FOLDER 231/8 Musique des U. S. A. , 1947
Moor, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 221/24 Aaron Copland , 1951
BOX-FOLDER 221/25 In search of a native muse , 1949
Morrill, Charles
BOX-FOLDER 231/9 An afternoon with Aaron Copland , 1981
Morton, Lawrence
BOX-FOLDER 221/26 Music notes , 1943
Nelson, Boris
BOX-FOLDER 221/27 Aaron Copland , 1970
Nichols, Lewis
BOX-FOLDER 231/10 Talk with Aaron Copland , 1952
Northcott, Bayan
BOX-FOLDER 221/28 Composers of the sixties , 1970
BOX-FOLDER 221/29 Copland in England , n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 221/30 Notes on Copland , 1980
O'Brien, Frances
Aaron Copland, a portrait
See: Writings by AC, Articles: Stravinsky and Hindemith premieres
Oja, Carol J.
BOX-FOLDER 221/31 The Copland-Sessions Concerts and their reception in the contemporary press , 1979
BOX-FOLDER 221/32 Cos Cob Press and the American composer , 1988
Oppens, Kurt
A note on Aaron Copland, 1975
See: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Composers-in-residence
Orga, Ateş (editor)
The composer speaks: Quotes from the composer
See: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Dommett, Kenneth: Aaron Copland - An appreciation
Orrego-Salas, Juan
BOX-FOLDER 221/33 Aaron Copland: A New York composer , 1948, 1952
BOX-FOLDER 221/34 Aarón Copland: Un músico de New York , n.d.
P. C. H.
BOX-FOLDER 220/38 Aaron Copland , n.d.
Paddack, John Christopher
BOX-FOLDER 222/1 Aaron Copland (English and Spanish), 1964
Pasles, Chris
BOX-FOLDER 222/2 Aaron Copland: A reminder that music is a living art , 1978
Payne, Ifan
BOX-FOLDER 222/3 Copland on film: Indeed, the best does go on , n.d.
Perlis, Vivian
BOX-FOLDER 222/4 Aaron Copland and the piano , 1990
Boulanger -- 20th-century music was born in her classroom
See: Writings by AC, Articles: Copland salutes Boulanger
Perlis, Vivian and Aaron Copland
BOX-FOLDER 231/11 Copland and the BSO: A lasting friendship , 1981
Pettis, Ashley
BOX-FOLDER 231/12 Marching with a song , 1934
Plaistow, Stephen
Some notes on Copland's "Nonet"
See: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Evans, Peter. First performances: Copland's "Connotations"
Portela, Francisco V.
BOX-FOLDER 231/13 Copland, arquitecto de la música , n.d.
Pottersman, Edna
BOX-FOLDER 231/14 Copland conducts Copland , 1972
R. A. S.
BOX-FOLDER 222/15 [ America's young men of promise ], n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 222/16 Musical events , 1932
Ramey, Phillip
BOX-FOLDER 222/5 Aaron Copland: Genial patriarch of American music , 1985
Aaron Copland at eighty: A candid talk with the composer about himself, American music and its makers, 1980
See: Writings by Others, About AC, Articles: Dommett, Kenneth: Aaron Copland -An appreciation
Redlich, H. F.
BOX-FOLDER 222/6 Music from the American continent , 1958
Reed, Philip
BOX-FOLDER 222/7 Copland and Britten: A composing friendship , 1990
Reti, Rudolph
BOX-FOLDER 222/8 Copland's "Third Symphony" termed a milestone , 1948
Roddy, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 222/9 At 75, Aaron Copland is the first composer to live nicely off his notes , 1975
BOX-FOLDER 222/10 The case of Aaron Copland , 1976
Rosenfeld, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 222/11 Aaron Copland's growth , 1931
BOX-FOLDER 222/12 The advance of American music , 1939
BOX-FOLDER 222/13 Musical chronicle , 1925
Roy, Klaus George
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