The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Aaron Copland collection, 1841-1991
Professional Papers, 1917-1990 (continued)
Business Organizations, 1922-1990 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 330/3 1948-1949
BOX-FOLDER 330/4 1950-1951
BOX-FOLDER 330/5 1952-1953
BOX-FOLDER 330/6 1954-1956
BOX-FOLDER 330/7 1957-1959
BOX-FOLDER 330/8 1960-1962
BOX-FOLDER 331/1 1963-1964
BOX-FOLDER 331/2 1965-1966
BOX-FOLDER 331/3 1967-1968
BOX-FOLDER 331/4 1969
BOX-FOLDER 331/5 1970-1971
BOX-FOLDER 331/6 1972-1973
BOX-FOLDER 332/1 1974
BOX-FOLDER 332/2 1975
BOX-FOLDER 332/3 1976
BOX-FOLDER 332/4 1977
BOX-FOLDER 332/5 1978
BOX-FOLDER 332/6 1979
BOX-FOLDER 333/1 1980-1981
BOX-FOLDER 333/2 1982
BOX-FOLDER 333/3 1983-1984
BOX-FOLDER 333/4 1985-1986
BOX-FOLDER 333/5 1988
Score Corrections
BOX-FOLDER 329/19 Appalachian Spring - Dance Symphony
BOX-FOLDER 329/20 Emblems Orchestral Score - Orchestral Variations
BOX-FOLDER 329/21 Piano Concerto - Third Symphony , untitled
BOX-FOLDER 334/1 Boston Musica Viva, 1979, 1988
Boston Symphony Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 334/2 1940-1952
BOX-FOLDER 334/3 1953-1969
BOX-FOLDER 334/4 1970-1981, n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 334/5 Programs
See also: Tanglewood
BOX-FOLDER 334/6 Boston University, College of Music, 1952
BOX-FOLDER 334/7 Bozell & Jacobs, Inc., 1981
BOX-FOLDER 334/8 Brandeis University, 1955-1980
BOX-FOLDER 334/9 British Broadcasting Co. (BBC), 1958-1986
BOX-FOLDER 334/10 Britten Estate, 1980-1981
See: Columbia Broadcasting Systems (CBS)
C. C. Birchard and Company
BOX-FOLDER 334/11 Contract, 1937
BOX-FOLDER 334/12 Correspondence, 1937-1939, n.d.
C-C Clubs, Inc.
See: Concert Hall Society, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 334/13 Carl Fischer, Inc., 1935-1987
BOX-FOLDER 334/14 Century Association, The, 1967-1985
BOX-FOLDER 334/15 Chappell and Co., Inc., 1943
Charles Ives Society, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 334/16 Correspondence, 1966-1984
BOX-FOLDER 334/17 Essays
BOX-FOLDER 334/18 Ives Review
BOX-FOLDER 334/19 Miscellaneous, 1939-1981
BOX-FOLDER 335/1 Charles Scribner's Sons, 1966
BOX-FOLDER 335/2 Chelsea House Publishers, 1967
BOX-FOLDER 335/3 Civic Films, Inc., 1939-1950
Columbia Artists Management
BOX-FOLDER 335/4 1948-1972
BOX-FOLDER 335/5 1973-1977
BOX-FOLDER 335/6 1978-1979
BOX-FOLDER 335/7 1980-1984
BOX-FOLDER 335/8 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 335/9 Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 1936-1976
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) / Columbia Records
BOX-FOLDER 335/10 Contracts, 1935-1986
BOX-FOLDER 335/11 1946-1969
BOX-FOLDER 335/12 1970-1987
BOX-FOLDER 335/13 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 336/1-2 Royalty Statements, 1935-1988
BOX-FOLDER 336/3 Columbia Gramophone Company, Ltd., 1936
Columbia Pictures Publication, 1962-1969
See: Belwin Mills Publishing Corp.
BOX-FOLDER 336/4 Columbia University, 1962-1969
BOX-FOLDER 336/5 Commonwealth Fund, 1956-1964, n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 336/6 Composers' Forum, 1940-1966
BOX-FOLDER 336/7 Composers Recordings, Inc., n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 336/8 Concert Hall Society, Inc. 1947-1960
BOX-FOLDER 336/9 Concerts Management (London) Ltd., 1958
BOX-FOLDER 336/10 Copland School of Music, Queens College, 1981-1985
Copland-Sessions Concerts of Contemporary Music
BOX-FOLDER 337/1 Article, "A Chronicle of Copland-Sessions..." by Carol Oja
BOX-FOLDER 337/2 Clippings, 1928-1931
BOX-FOLDER 337/3 Correspondence, 1928-1988
BOX-FOLDER 337/4 Programs
BOX-FOLDER 337/5 Sessions, Roger
Cos Cob Press
See: Arrow Music Press
BOX-FOLDER 337/6 Crescent Productions, Inc., 1943
Cuban-American Music Group
BOX-FOLDER 337/7 Correspondence, 1944-1946
BOX-FOLDER 337/8 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 337/9 Publications
BOX-FOLDER 337/10 Curtis Publishing Company, 1959
BOX-FOLDER 337/11 Czech Music Foundation, 1965-1968
BOX-FOLDER 337/12 Decca Record Company, Ltd., 1948-1959
BOX-FOLDER 337/13 de Mille, Agnes, [ Tragic Ground ], 1945, n.d.
See also: Correspondence, Personal
Department of State
See: United States Government
Doubleday & Co., Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 337/14 Contracts, 1959, n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 337/15 Correspondence, 1940-1979
BOX-FOLDER 337/16 Royalty Statements, 1961-1988
BOX-FOLDER 337/17 Durand & Cie., 1950
E. C. Schirmer Music Co.
BOX-FOLDER 337/18 Correspondence, 1940-1965
BOX-FOLDER 337/19 Royalty Statements, 1932-1976
BOX-FOLDER 337/20 E. P. Dutton & Company, n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 337/21 Éditions Maurice Senart, 1922
BOX-FOLDER 337/22 Éditions Salabert, Inc., 1942-1976
Edward MacDowell Association, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 338/1 Announcements, 1953
BOX-FOLDER 338/2 Annual Reports, 1957-1958
BOX-FOLDER 338/3 Applications
BOX-FOLDER 338/4 Articles, 1962-1981
BOX-FOLDER 338/5 Alphi Chi Omega; Care and Feeding of Artists
BOX-FOLDER 338/6 A history of the MacDowell Colony
BOX-FOLDER 338/7 Story of the MacDowell Colony
BOX-FOLDER 338/8 News, 1957-1966
BOX-FOLDER 338/9 Personal Notes of Artists, 1963
BOX-FOLDER 338/10 Certificate of Incorporation and By Laws, 1959-1960
BOX-FOLDER 338/11 Charts: Artists in Residence, 1948-1968
BOX-FOLDER 338/12 1950-1965
BOX-FOLDER 338/13 1966-1976
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