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William A. Newland and Charles Zeuner collection of music, circa 1735-circa 1900

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Vocal Music (continued)
Sacred vocal music : Latin (continued)
Masses - Manuscripts (continued)
By Composer (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 29/4 Mass Pastorale
organ score with text
St. Clair, C. G.
BOX-FOLDER 29/5 Mass in G
organ/vocal score, organ score with text
Schubert, Franz
BOX-FOLDER 29/6 Mass in F
organ/vocal score
Vogler, Georg Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 29/7 Missa Pastorale No. 2 in E
organ/vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 29/8 Missa Pastoritia, No. 2 in D. Organ accompaniment by W. A. Newland
organ score with text
transposition of Missa Pastorale in E
BOX-FOLDER 29/9 Missa Solemnis No. I. Organ accompaniment by W. A. Newland
organ score with text
Webbe, Samuel
BOX-FOLDER 29/10 Mass in A; Kyrie, Gloria
organ score with text
Weber, Carl Maria von
BOX-FOLDER 29/11 Mass. Organ accompaniment by W. A. Newland
organ score with text
BOX-FOLDER 29/12 Mass in G
violin obbligato
  • Mass by Le Jeal
  • Mass by J. W. Kalliwoda, op. 137
BOX-FOLDER 29/13 Mass No. 2 in B-flat.
organ/vocal score
Arranged for the organ by W. A. Newland
BOX-FOLDER 29/14 Missa Brevis
organ score with text
BOX 29 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 29/15 Mass No. 3
organ/vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 29/16 Sanctus
organ/vocal score, vocal parts
BOX-FOLDER 29/17 [Mass responses]
BOX-FOLDER 29/18 [Miscellaneous vocal fragments]
BOX 31 Requiem Masses and Fragments - Printed music
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Requiem à quatre voix
see: Pergolesi, Stabat Mater, Box 31
BOX 30 Requiem Masses and Fragments - Manuscripts
BOX 30 By Composer
Desvignes, P.
BOX-FOLDER 30/1 Pie Jesu
organ score with text
Jordan, Rev. P.
BOX-FOLDER 30/2 [Requiem Mass]
vocal score with incipits only
Ohnewald, J.
BOX-FOLDER 30/3 [Requiem Mass] No. 2 in B-flat
vocal score
Tomaschek, W. J.
BOX-FOLDER 30/4-5 [Requiem Mass]
vocal scores, nos. I-IV
BOX-FOLDER 30/6 Messa Cantata con piena Orchestra - Fatta in Venezia
see also: for orchestral score, Box 4
organ/vocal score
includes requiem texts
BOX 30 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 30/7 [Requiem fragments]
BOX 30 Vespers services and excerpts - Printed music
BOX-FOLDER 30/8-9 W. A. Newland's collection of Vespers. Philadelphia: W. A. Newland, n.d.
Published and for sale by W. A. Newland.
10 sets
Includes cover pages for:
  • Catholic Church Music. Masses, Vespers & Responses. Boston: Ditson & Co.
  • Catholic Church Music, Seventh Series - Peters Collection. New York: J. L. Peters
  • Catholic Church Music, Ninth Series. Boston: Ditson & Co.
BOX-FOLDER 30/10 W. A. Newland's collection of Sacred Music, Nos. 1-10. Philadelphia: W. A. Newland, 1850 .
Published and for sale by W. A. Newland
Contains works by B. Carr, W. Newland, J. Ohnewald, Paxton, and R. Taylor
BOX 30 Vespers services and excerpts - Manuscripts
BOX 30 By Composer
BOX-FOLDER 30/11 [Unidentified]
vocal parts
Millard, Harrison
BOX-FOLDER 30/12 [Unidentified]
organ score with text
  • Magnificats and Vespers by Marzo and Mercadente
  • Mass by Mercadente
Newland, William Augustine
BOX-FOLDER 30/13 [Unidentified]
6 sets of vocal parts
Rosewig, Albert H.
BOX-FOLDER 30/14 [Unidentified]
organ score with text
Scherbauer, K.
BOX-FOLDER 30/15 Vesperae breves (Op. 5)
vocal parts
BOX 30 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 30/16 [Vespers fragments]
BOX 31 Motets, anthems, antiphons, etc. - Printed music
BOX 31 By Composer
André, Anton
BOX-FOLDER 31/1 Te Deum Laudamus komponirt und in einen Klavier-Auszug gebracht von Anton André. 60stes Werk. Offenbach a/M: Johann André, [1829-1833] .
Pl. no. 5250.
Fuss, Johann
BOX-FOLDER 31/2 Hymnus. Johann Fuss in Wien. (Beylage zur allgemeinen musikalischen Zeitung, [No. 51]; No. 9).
Gounod, Charles
BOX-FOLDER 31/3 Ave Maria by Charles Gounod. [S.l.]: N. & P., n.d.
Popular soprano or tenor songs
Handel, George Frideric
BOX-FOLDER 31/4 Te Deum [Laudamus] in Score Composed for His Grace the Duke of Chandos in the Year 1720 by G. F. Handel. No. 20.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
BOX-FOLDER 31/5 Te Deum a 4 Voci coll accompagnamento di due Violini, Bassi e Organo composto da W. A. Mozart. Partitura mit unterlegtem deutschen Texte von C. A. H. Clodius. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, [1803] .
Inscribed on title page: C. F. Abel
Neukomm, Sigismund Ritter von
BOX-FOLDER 31/6 Hymnus für drey Stimmen, von Hrn Ritter S. von Neukomm. (Beilage zur allgem. musikal. Zeitung 1825. No. 40; No. III).
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
BOX-FOLDER 31/7 Stabat [Mater] de Pergolèse. A deux voix avec accompagnement de Piano ou Orgue. Édition deluxe. Paris: V. Launer, n.d.
Pl. no. Vve. L.3335.
also includes: Requiem à quatre voix, by Mozart
Raffelin, A.
BOX-FOLDER 31/8 [Ave verum corpus] A. Raffelin. Partitur. Offenbach s/M: Joh. André, n.d.
Webbe, Samuel
BOX-FOLDER 31/9 Tantum Ergo, No. 3
also includes Tantum Ergo no. 4, by Fr. X. Schmid
Winter, Peter
BOX-FOLDER 31/10 Ave Maria. Trio. For the Offertory. Music by Winter. Cincinnati: W. C. Peters & Sons, n.d.
from The Musical World and Times
BOX-FOLDER 31/11 Regina Coeli. Trio [for] Two Trebles and Tenor. Arranged from Winter.
Winter, Peter and Vincent Novello
BOX-FOLDER 31/12 Jesu Fili Dei. Terzettino for Benediction from Winter and Novello. Cincinnati: W. C. Peters & Sons, n.d.
Pl. no. 1124
Manuscript alteration. both to score and to manuscript solo bass part
BOX 31 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 31/13 Magnificat - Canticum B. V. M.
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