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William A. Newland and Charles Zeuner collection of music, circa 1735-circa 1900

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Vocal Music (continued)
Sacred vocal music : Non-Latin (continued)
Works for voice and orchestra - Manuscripts (continued)
Mason, Lowell
BOX-FOLDER 37/7 The Lord our God is clothed with might
orchestral score
copied by Charles Zeuner
Neukomm, Sigismund Ritter von
BOX-FOLDER 56/7 David ; Chorus - Behold the Giant
Newland, William Augustine
BOX-FOLDER 37/8-10 [12] Te Deum[s]
vocal and instrumental parts
Raffelin, A.
BOX-FOLDER 37/11 Villansicos para la Noche de Navidad a 4 voces con acompañamiento de Orquesta (Op. 78)
instrumental parts
BOX 38-39 Works for voice and keyboard or a cappella voices - Printed music
BOX 38 By Composer
Adam, Adolphe
BOX-FOLDER 38/3 Noël [with] Orgue Mélodium par A. Adam.
Pl. no. 11539.
Clasing, I. H.
BOX-FOLDER 38/4 Canon aus dem Oratorium: Belsazar. In Musik gesetzt von I. H. Clasing. (Beilage zur allgem. musickalischen Zeitung 1825. No. 52; No. VI).
Emerick, Albert G.
BOX-FOLDER 38/5 Sacred Sentences from the Bible, Designed as introductory pieces for public worship, Selected and Composed, with an accompaniment for the organ by Albert G. Emerick. Book II. Philadelphia: G. B. Zieber & Co., 1846 .
Title page only
Neukomm, Sigismund Ritter von
BOX-FOLDER 38/6 Canon aus der Ostermorgen von S. Neukomm. (Beilage zur allgemeinen musikalischen eitung. 1824. No. III, 20.)
Newland, William Augustine
BOX-FOLDER 38/7 Te Deum Laudamus for four voices with an accompaniment for the Organ or Piano Forte by William Augustine Newland. Baltimore: W. C. Peters, 1848 .
Peters Collection of Popular Sacred Music. No. 703) Pl. no. 164.-17.
2 copies
Werner, Arno (harmonizer)
BOX-FOLDER 38/8 Forth comes the standard (Vexilla Regis), Jesus Crucified, [and] At the Cross Her Station Keeping. Harmonized by A. Werner. Boston: O. Ditson & Co., n.d.
Ditson & Co.s Sacred Selections. 18th series. No. 1840
Zingarelli, Nicolo
BOX-FOLDER 38/9 Fuga a 4 di Nicolo Zingarelli. (Beilage zur allgem. musikalischen Zeitung. 1821. No. 52; No. V).
BOX-FOLDER 38/10 An Gott. [Der du mit Weisheit... ]
BOX 38-39 Collections
BOX-FOLDER 38/1 The Boston Handel and Haydn Society Collection of Sacred Music. Vol. II Boston: Handel and Haydn Society, 1823 .
BOX-FOLDER 38/2 The Boston Handel and Haydn Society Collection of Sacred Music. Vol. IV Boston: Handel and Haydn Society, 1832 .
BOX-FOLDER 39/1 The Choral Harmonist. Vol. 3, No. 25-32. London: J. Hart, n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 39/2-3 Handel & Haydn Collection.
From the 4th volume.
5 copies
  • Palestrina - We have heard with our ears.
  • [Kent] - Te Deum.
  • Haydn - Te Deum.
  • Beethoven - March and Chorus of Roman Soldiers from the Mount of Olives.
BOX 39-41 BOX 56 Works for voice and keyboard or a cappella voices - Manuscripts
BOX 39-40 BOX 56 By Composer
Bordese, Luigi
BOX-FOLDER 39/4 Flowers of Sacred Harmony
Carr, Benjamin
BOX-FOLDER 39/5 Anthem for Christmas
soprano and basso parts
BOX-FOLDER 39/6 Jubilate Deo (O be joyful)
vocal parts
BOX-FOLDER 56/2 Jubilate Deo (with a Gloria by Charles Zeuner)
Cunnington, W. P.
BOX-FOLDER 39/7 3 Dirges - Sung at the Solemn Requiem at St. Joseph's Church on March 18, 1863
organ score with text
Greene, Maurice
BOX-FOLDER 39/8 Duet - The Lord is my shepherd
organ/vocal score
Handel, George Frideric
BOX-FOLDER 39/9 Athalia
organ/vocal score
Hansen, E. R.
BOX-FOLDER 39/10 When shall we meet again - A sacred hymn
organ/vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 39/11 Funeral Anthem
organ/vocal score
copied by Charles Zeuner
Jackson, William
BOX-FOLDER 39/12 Anthem - Turn ye to me
vocal score
Jones, Geo. F.
BOX-FOLDER 39/13 Krug
contralto part and organ score with text
Meignen, Leopold
BOX-FOLDER 39/14 [Compilation of sacred and secular vocal works]
piano and piano/vocal scores
Milelotti, G.
BOX-FOLDER 39/15 La Pentecosta
organ/vocal score
Moran, P. K.
BOX-FOLDER 39/16 The Hebrew Mourner
organ/vocal score
Words by J. W. Eastburn
Neukomm, Sigismund Ritter von
BOX-FOLDER 39/17 O Jesus my Redeemer
organ/vocal score
Words from the German of Klopstock
Newland, William Augustine
BOX-FOLDER 40/1 Fairest Virgin
vocal parts
BOX-FOLDER 40/3 [Te Deum]
organ/vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 40/4 Te Deum Laudamus
orchestral and organ/vocal scores
Newland, William Augustine
BOX-FOLDER 40/2 Grand Te Deum
organ/vocal score
Rosenthal, W.
BOX-FOLDER 40/5 Spirit Creator
organ score with text
Spohr, Louis
BOX-FOLDER 40/6 Blessed are the dead
vocal score
This dirge was performed at the memorial services of Gen. U. S. Grant, Aug. 5, 1885
Stradella, Alessandro
BOX-FOLDER 40/7 Air D'Eglise (Pieta Signore)
vocal parts
Tuckerman, S. Parkman
BOX-FOLDER 40/8 Anthem - Sing praises to God
BOX 40-41 BOX 56 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 40/9 As the Hart Panteth
organ/vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 40/10 Mary Our Lovely Queen of May
organ score with text
BOX-FOLDER 40/11 O my Redeemer
organ/vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 40/12 We praise thee O God / Te Deum
organ/vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 40/13-20 [Anglican chants copied by Charles Zeuner]
  • Benedic anima mea
  • Benedictus
  • Bonum est confiteri
  • Deus Miseratur
  • Gloria Patri
  • Glorious Mother
  • Jubilate Deo
  • Venite Exultemus Domino
BOX-FOLDER 40/21 [Compilation of litanies, etc.]
BOX-FOLDER 56/10 [Hymn parts]
BOX-FOLDER 40/23 [Miscellaneous chants]
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