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William A. Newland and Charles Zeuner collection of music, circa 1735-circa 1900

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Vocal Music (continued)
Secular vocal music (continued)
Music for 1 voice - Manuscripts (continued)
By Composer (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 42/22 Achille. Aria
BOX-FOLDER 42/24 Romance
also includes: secular songs for one voice by Blangini, Castelli, Naderman, and Romagnesi
BOX-FOLDER 42/23 Arias
copied by Charles Zeuner
see: Paer, Romance, Box 42
Rossini, Gioacchino
BOX-FOLDER 43/1 Il Barbiera di Siviglia - Cavatina
BOX-FOLDER 43/2 2 Romanzen aus der Oprette Das Irrlicht.
Arranged by [?].anicher
Weber, Carl Maria von
BOX-FOLDER 43/3 Der Freischütz. Aria
Zelter, Carl Friedrich
BOX-FOLDER 43/4 Feenreigen aus Schillers Musen-Almanach 1798
Zingarelli, Nicolo
BOX-FOLDER 43/5 Lucido eccelso Nume
Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf
BOX-FOLDER 43/6 An die Menschengelichter
Title page reads: Zumsteg
BOX-FOLDER 43/7 Canzonette
BOX 43 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 43/8 [Songs - English]
BOX-FOLDER 43/9 [Songs - German]
BOX-FOLDER 43/10-11 [Songs - German - Books (2)]
BOX-FOLDER 43/12 [Songs - German - Compilation]
BOX-FOLDER 43/13 [Songs - German - Guitar accomp.]
BOX-FOLDER 44/1 [Miscellaneous song fragments]
BOX-FOLDER 44/2 [Miscellaneous song title pages]
BOX 44-45 BOX 56 Music for 2 or more voices - Printed music
BOX 44-45 BOX 56 By Composer
Campana, Fabio
BOX-FOLDER 44/3 Dimmi che m'ami! Duettino. Musica del M. Campana.
Pl. no. G, A & Co. 726.
Clapisson, Louis
BOX-FOLDER 44/4 Le Coffret de St. Domingue. Opéra comique en un acte. Paroles de Mr Emile Deschamps. Paris: Magasin des Demoiselles, 1854-1855 .
Dietsch, Pierre-Louis-Philippe
BOX-FOLDER 44/5 Mois de Marie. 20 Motets à une, deux et trois Voix égales avec Acc. d'Orgue ou d'Harmonium ou de Piano par L. Dietsch. Paris: S. Richault, n.d.
Pl. no. 9849.R.
Dittersdorf, Karl
BOX-FOLDER 44/6 Aus dem rothen Käppchen
  • Aria - No. 5. (Lustig leben die Soldaten). Pl. no. 161.
  • Duetto - No. 15. (Ach liebes Hänschen fey so gut) Pl. no. 161.
Gluck, Christoph Willibald
BOX-FOLDER 56/4 Iphigénie en Aulide=Iphigenia in Aulis, Tragédie lyrique en trois actes=Lyrische Tragödie in drie Aufzügen, Mise en musique par Mr. le chevalier Gluck=In Musik gesetzt von dem Ritter Gluck. Arrangée pour le Pianoforte von J. D. Sander. Erster Act. Berlin: Sanders Buchhandlung, [1808?] .
Henrion, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 44/7 La Treille du roi. Opéra-comique en un acte. Paroles de M. Charles Depeuty. Paris: Magasin des Demoiselles, 1856-1857 .
Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich
BOX-FOLDER 44/8 Fanchon das Leyermädchen, nach dem französischen Vaudeville bearbeitet von A. v. Kotzebue, in Musik gesetzt von Friederich Heinrich Himmel. Clavier Auszug. Amsterdam: A. Kuntze, [180-] .
Pl. no. 18.
Johnson, Ben
BOX-FOLDER 44/9 Drink to me only. A favorite Glee for three Voices with the Original Words by Ben Johnson. [London]: T. Straight, n.d.
Lampugnani, Giovanni Baptista
BOX-FOLDER 44/10 Quintetto. No. 4. (Il villan che colti vail giardino)
from L'amor contadine by Lampugnani?
Pl. no. 13.
Massé, Victor
BOX-FOLDER 44/11 Le Prix de famille. Opéra Comique en un acte. Paroles de Méry. Paris: Magasin des Demoiselles, 1855-1856 .
Meyerbeer, Giacomo
BOX-FOLDER 44/12 Aus Margherita d'Anjou von Meyer-Beer. (No. I. Beilage zur allgem. musikalischen Zeitung. 1821. No. 2).
Miller, Julius
BOX-FOLDER 45/1 Sechs Canons komischen Inhalts für drei Singstimmen ohne Begleitung componirt von Julius Miller. 2s Werk. Leipzig: Friedr. Hofmeister, [before 1815] .
Pl. no. 175.
Möller, N.
BOX-FOLDER 45/2 Tio Sånger ur Lucksalighetens Ö satta i Musik och tillegnade Författaren af N. Möller. Stockholm: C. Müller, n.d.
Moore, Thomas
BOX-FOLDER 45/3 Oh Lady Fair! A Ballad for Three Voices. [London]: James Carpenter, 1802 .
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
BOX-FOLDER 45/4 Die Zauberflöte. Duet - Bei Männern welche Liebe Fühlen. Für das Klavier aus der Opera Die Zauberflöte von Herrn Mozart. Wien: Artaria u. Compl., n.d.
Pl. no. 94
Purcell, Henry
BOX-FOLDER 45/5 Britons Strike Home, a favorite duett composed by Purcel[!]. Arranged for the Piano Forte. London: G. Shade, n.d.
Root, George F.
BOX-FOLDER 45/6 The Flower Queen, or the Coronation of the Rose. A Cantata in two parts, for the use of singing classes in academies, female seminaries & high schools, adapted especially for concerts, anniversaries, or other festive occasions, and also for the social circle. Poetry by Miss Frances Jane Crosby. Music composed by Geo. F. Root. New York: Mason Brothers, n.d.
Stevenson, John Andrew
See our oars with feathered spray
see: Mozart, Twelfth Mass, Box 24
Winter, Peter
BOX-FOLDER 45/7 Das Unterbrochene Opferfest. Quartetto. No. 18. (Kind! willst du ruhig schlafen)
Pl. no. 61.
BOX 45 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 45/8 Apollo Sammlung auserlesener Gesangstücke aus Opern, Concerten, Oratorien, etc., alter und neuer Zeit. Braunschweig: F. Busse, [183-] .
BOX-FOLDER 45/9 Cruel Flatterer - The admired Duet Sung by Miss Abrahams and Miss Field in the Critic. Adapted for the Harpsichord, with English & Italian Words. [London]: L & B, n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 45/12 [Unidentified]
SATB arr.
[O Brignal banks are fresh and fair... ]
BOX-FOLDER 45/10 Vous l'ordonnez - To be Sung either as an Air, Duett or Trio [by Monsigny?]. [S.l.]: Babb, [1800?] .
BOX-FOLDER 45/11 [Excerpt from book of duets and glees]
  • Our Way Across the Sea - Duet.
  • May-Day Song - Solo and Duet from Haydn's The Seasons.
  • My Native Land - Duet.
  • Rise, Cynthia, Rise! - Glee [by] Hook. The Land of the Blest.
BOX 45-47 Music for 2 or more voices - Manuscripts
BOX 45-47 By Composer
Cherubini, Luigi
BOX-FOLDER 45/13 Opening Round.
Adapted by T. Cooke
Handel, George Frideric
BOX-FOLDER 45/14 Patriotic Chorus
Hiller, Friedrich Adam
BOX-FOLDER 45/15 Hymne an die Tonkunst
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
BOX-FOLDER 45/16 [La Clemenza di Tito]. Duet
Newland, William Augustine
BOX-FOLDER 45/17 For our National Celebration July 4th
Rossini, Gioacchino
BOX-FOLDER 45/18 Otello. Duetto
Shaw, Oliver
BOX-FOLDER 45/19 There is an hour of peaceful rest
BOX-FOLDER 46/1 Horcht, Vater, horcht
Weber, Carl Maria von
BOX-FOLDER 46/2 Der Freischütz. Terzett con Chor
BOX 46 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 46/3 The African's Complaint
Copied by Charles Zeuner
BOX-FOLDER 46/4 Hunters Glee
BOX-FOLDER 46/5 Oh! Then We Live!
BOX-FOLDER 46/6 When music swells
BOX 46 [Compilation of glees - hard cover]
Bound volume - not assigned a folder number.
BOX-FOLDER 47/1 [Four English songs for chorus]
BOX-FOLDER 47/2 [Unidentified German work for chorus and orchestra]
BOX 47 BOX 56 Instruction and Study Materials
Holograph and printed scores, bound and unbound.
Arranged by genre and composer or title.
BOX 47 BOX 56 Printed music
BOX 47 BOX 56 By Composer
Clifton, Arthur
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