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William A. Newland and Charles Zeuner collection of music, circa 1735-circa 1900

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Vocal Music (continued)
Secular vocal music (continued)
Music for 2 or more voices - Manuscripts (continued)
By Composer (continued)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
BOX-FOLDER 45/16 [La Clemenza di Tito]. Duet
Newland, William Augustine
BOX-FOLDER 45/17 For our National Celebration July 4th
Rossini, Gioacchino
BOX-FOLDER 45/18 Otello. Duetto
Shaw, Oliver
BOX-FOLDER 45/19 There is an hour of peaceful rest
BOX-FOLDER 46/1 Horcht, Vater, horcht
Weber, Carl Maria von
BOX-FOLDER 46/2 Der Freischütz. Terzett con Chor
BOX 46 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 46/3 The African's Complaint
Copied by Charles Zeuner
BOX-FOLDER 46/4 Hunters Glee
BOX-FOLDER 46/5 Oh! Then We Live!
BOX-FOLDER 46/6 When music swells
BOX 46 [Compilation of glees - hard cover]
Bound volume - not assigned a folder number.
BOX-FOLDER 47/1 [Four English songs for chorus]
BOX-FOLDER 47/2 [Unidentified German work for chorus and orchestra]
BOX 47 BOX 56 Instruction and Study Materials
Holograph and printed scores, bound and unbound.
Arranged by genre and composer or title.
BOX 47 BOX 56 Printed music
BOX 47 BOX 56 By Composer
Clifton, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 47/3 Clifton's Piano-forte Preceptor, containing the Rudiments of Music, Exercises & Rules for Fingering and the Major & Minor Scales, together with a selection of Popular Airs & Lessons, Adapted by the Author. Third Edition. Baltimore: John Cole, 1839 .
Title page only
Holloway, John T. (arranger)
BOX-FOLDER 47/4 Singing School Exercises; designed to assist the teacher and aid pupils in singing schools in acquiring a practical knowledge of the principles of vocal music. Arranged by John T. Hollaway. Philadelphia: John T. Holloway, 1843 .
2 copies
Horn, Henry
BOX-FOLDER 47/5 Rudiments for the single and double movement harp. Exemplified in a clear & concise manner with forty-two exercises for forming the hands and the fingering marked (to which are subjoined) forty-two progressive lessons constructed on pleasing familiar airs arranged in the principle keys, with the fingering marked where necessary, by Henry Horn. London: Goulding & D'Almaine, n.d.
Title page only
Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm
BOX-FOLDER 56/5 Abhandlung von der Fuge - Exempel
Meignen, Leopold
BOX-FOLDER 47/6 L. Meignen's Elements of Vocal Music.
Mompour, F. J.
BOX-FOLDER 47/7 Der allgemeinen Harmonielehre, für angehende Tonkünstler mit ausführlichen Beijspielen, zum Selbstunterrichte, erläutert von F. J. Mompour. Frankfurt a/M: Fr. Ph. Dunst, [1830] .
Pl. no. 3.
Zeckwer, Richard
BOX-FOLDER 47/8 Writing Book for Harmony Pupils. Edited for the use of the pupils of the Philadelphia Music Academy by Rich. Zeckwer. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1885 .
[signed] Agnes Ethel Poulterer.
2 copies
BOX 47 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 47/9 Elementary Principles of Music
Exercises of keys, intervals, rhythms, etc.
BOX-FOLDER 47/10 [Unidentified]
Two books of instructions and practice pieces for the pianoforte
no title pages
BOX-FOLDER 47/11 Generalbass.
[signed on cover] Carl Schulz
BOX-FOLDER 47/12 General=Bass. Exemel. in C clef and F clef
BOX-FOLDER 47/13 [Miscellaneous instructional pieces]
BOX-FOLDER 47/14 [Spanish lessons]
BOX-FOLDER 47/15 [Vocalization exercises]
BOX 48-58 Music of Charles Zeuner
Holograph and printed scores, bound and unbound.
Arranged by genre and composer or title.
BOX 48-50 BOX 57 Music for solo instruments
BOX 48 BOX 57 Organ
BOX 48 BOX 57 Zeuner as Composer: Holographs
BOX-FOLDER 48/1 Adagio[s] für die Orgel
BOX-FOLDER 48/2 Ausgeführten Choral
Largo für die Orgel
see: Adagio
BOX-FOLDER 48/3 Fantasia [in G]
BOX-FOLDER 48/4 Fantasia for the organ
BOX-FOLDER 48/5, 57/6 [Unidentified]
22 fantasias and fugues for the organ, nos. 3-22
for nos. 1-2, see Box 57
BOX-FOLDER 48/6 Fuga für die Orgel
BOX-FOLDER 48/7 Great fantasia
BOX-FOLDER 48/8 Organ fantasia
BOX-FOLDER 48/9 Organ fantasia and Capriccio
BOX-FOLDER 48/10 Polonaises
2 hands
BOX-FOLDER 48/11 Polonaises
4 hands
BOX-FOLDER 57/6 [Unidentified]
Four fugues for the organ
BOX-FOLDER 57/7 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 57/11 [Unidentified]
Organ prelude
BOX-FOLDER 48/12 [Unidentified]
Organ Voluntaries, Part I
BOX-FOLDER 48/13 [Unidentified]
Variations for organ on Handel's See the conquering hero come
BOX-FOLDER 48/14 [Miscellaneous organ chorales]
BOX-FOLDER 48/15 [Miscellaneous organ voluntaries]
BOX 48 Zeuner as Composer: Printed music
BOX-FOLDER 48/16 Zeuner's Organ Voluntaries in two parts. Boston: Parker & Ditson, 1840 .
  • Part I. 165 Interludes and Short Preludes in which are introduced all the Various Keys used in Modern Church Music.
  • Part II. Practical Voluntaries to be used before and after Serivce in Churches. By Ch. Zeuner. Boston: Parker & Ditson. [Part II only]
BOX 49 BOX 57-58 Piano
BOX 49 BOX 57 Zeuner as Composer: Holographs
BOX-FOLDER 57/2 Boston Galopade
BOX-FOLDER 49/1 Fugues
BOX-FOLDER 49/2 Gallops
BOX-FOLDER 49/3 Introduction and Variations to Hail Columbia
BOX-FOLDER 49/4 Marches
BOX-FOLDER 49/5 Quicksteps
BOX-FOLDER 49/6 Rondos [and] Rondinos
BOX-FOLDER 49/7 VI Variationen für das Pianoforte
BOX-FOLDER 57/14 Spanish Dance No. 4
BOX-FOLDER 49/8 Themes and Variations
BOX-FOLDER 49/9 Variations on the American National Song: Yankee Doodle
BOX-FOLDER 49/10 Waltzes
BOX-FOLDER 49/11 [Miscellaneous piano pieces]
BOX-FOLDER 58/1 [Unidentified]
Fugue in C and F clefs ; other miscellaneous pieces
BOX-FOLDER 58/2 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 58/3 [Unidentified]
General bass examples, 1807 [signed "Zeuner"]
BOX-FOLDER 58/4 [Unidentified]
General bass
BOX-FOLDER 58/5 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 58/6 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 58/7 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 58/8 [Unidentified]
General bass
BOX-FOLDER 58/9 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 58/10 [Unidentified]
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