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William A. Newland and Charles Zeuner collection of music, circa 1735-circa 1900

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Music of Charles Zeuner (continued)
Music for solo instruments (continued)
Organ (continued)
Zeuner as Composer: Holographs (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 48/4 Fantasia for the organ
BOX-FOLDER 48/5, 57/6 [Unidentified]
22 fantasias and fugues for the organ, nos. 3-22
for nos. 1-2, see Box 57
BOX-FOLDER 48/6 Fuga für die Orgel
BOX-FOLDER 48/7 Great fantasia
BOX-FOLDER 48/8 Organ fantasia
BOX-FOLDER 48/9 Organ fantasia and Capriccio
BOX-FOLDER 48/10 Polonaises
2 hands
BOX-FOLDER 48/11 Polonaises
4 hands
BOX-FOLDER 57/6 [Unidentified]
Four fugues for the organ
BOX-FOLDER 57/7 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 57/11 [Unidentified]
Organ prelude
BOX-FOLDER 48/12 [Unidentified]
Organ Voluntaries, Part I
BOX-FOLDER 48/13 [Unidentified]
Variations for organ on Handel's See the conquering hero come
BOX-FOLDER 48/14 [Miscellaneous organ chorales]
BOX-FOLDER 48/15 [Miscellaneous organ voluntaries]
BOX 48 Zeuner as Composer: Printed music
BOX-FOLDER 48/16 Zeuner's Organ Voluntaries in two parts. Boston: Parker & Ditson, 1840 .
  • Part I. 165 Interludes and Short Preludes in which are introduced all the Various Keys used in Modern Church Music.
  • Part II. Practical Voluntaries to be used before and after Serivce in Churches. By Ch. Zeuner. Boston: Parker & Ditson. [Part II only]
BOX 49 BOX 57-58 Piano
BOX 49 BOX 57 Zeuner as Composer: Holographs
BOX-FOLDER 57/2 Boston Galopade
BOX-FOLDER 49/1 Fugues
BOX-FOLDER 49/2 Gallops
BOX-FOLDER 49/3 Introduction and Variations to Hail Columbia
BOX-FOLDER 49/4 Marches
BOX-FOLDER 49/5 Quicksteps
BOX-FOLDER 49/6 Rondos [and] Rondinos
BOX-FOLDER 49/7 VI Variationen für das Pianoforte
BOX-FOLDER 57/14 Spanish Dance No. 4
BOX-FOLDER 49/8 Themes and Variations
BOX-FOLDER 49/9 Variations on the American National Song: Yankee Doodle
BOX-FOLDER 49/10 Waltzes
BOX-FOLDER 49/11 [Miscellaneous piano pieces]
BOX-FOLDER 58/1 [Unidentified]
Fugue in C and F clefs ; other miscellaneous pieces
BOX-FOLDER 58/2 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 58/3 [Unidentified]
General bass examples, 1807 [signed "Zeuner"]
BOX-FOLDER 58/4 [Unidentified]
General bass
BOX-FOLDER 58/5 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 58/6 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 58/7 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 58/8 [Unidentified]
General bass
BOX-FOLDER 58/9 [Unidentified]
BOX-FOLDER 58/10 [Unidentified]
BOX 49 Zeuner as Composer: Printed music
BOX-FOLDER 49/12 Eissler Quadrilles. Adapted by Francis Weiland, arranged for the Piano Forte by C. Zeuner. Philadelphia: Geo. W. Hewitt & Co., 1840 .
BOX-FOLDER 49/13 2nd Set of Tremont Quadrilles selected from Celebrated Operas, performed by Kendall & Sanborn's Band, arranged for the Piano Forte by Charles Zeuner. Boston: Henry Prentiss, n.d.
BOX-FOLDER 49/14 Three Divertisments for the Piano Forte [on] subjects from Norma by Ch. Zeuner. Philadelphia: John F. Nunns, 1841 .
  • No. 1. Ah Bello Ame Ritorna.
BOX 49 Zeuner as Composer: Manuscript copies in other hands
BOX-FOLDER 49/15 Fantasia and Polacca
BOX-FOLDER 49/16 President Harrison's Funeral March
BOX-FOLDER 49/17 Sonata
BOX 50 Violin
BOX 50 Zeuner as Composer: Holographs
BOX-FOLDER 50/1 Solo für Violino
BOX-FOLDER 50/2 zum Coda
fragment for solo violin
BOX 50 [Unidentified]
violin and piano
Variations on Mozart's Là ci darem la mano
BOX 28 Zeuner as Composer: Manuscript copies in other hands
St John the Baptist
see: Mozart, Mass No. 12, Box 28
BOX 50 BOX 57 Flute
BOX 57 Zeuner as Composer: Holographs
BOX 57 Bagatellen für die Flöte
Variations for flute
BOX 50 Zeuner as Arranger
BOX 50 [Unidentified]
flute or violin accompaniment to operatic overtures
BOX 50-51 BOX 57 Orchestral music
BOX 50-51 BOX 57 Concertos and other concert works
BOX 50-51 BOX 57 Zeuner as Composer: Holographs
BOX-FOLDER 50/6 American Pot Pourri (pour le Cor)
BOX-FOLDER 50/7 Chor - Allegro
BOX-FOLDER 50/8 Clarinet Solo with Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 57/4 Concerto [in C]
V.2 and Vc. only
BOX-FOLDER 50/9 Fantasia
clarinet and timpani parts
BOX 50 [Unidentified]
Oboe concerto
BOX-FOLDER 50/11 Organ Concerto [No. 1]
BOX-FOLDER 50/12 Organ Concerto [No. 1]
clarinet part
BOX-FOLDER 50/13 Organ Concerto (No. 2)
full score
BOX-FOLDER 50/14 Pot Pourri für Posthorn
BOX 51 [Unidentified]
Variations in A Major for piano and orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 51/2 Variations on [Home] Sweet Home
BOX 51 Zeuner as Composer: Manuscript copies in other hands
BOX-FOLDER 51/3 First Organ Concerto
BOX-FOLDER 51/4 Second Grand Concerto for the Organ
orchestral parts
BOX-FOLDER 51/5 Two Organ Concertos, Nos. I & II.
Arranged by W. A. Newland
BOX 51 BOX 57 Popular dance forms
BOX 51 BOX 57 Zeuner as Composer: Holographs
BOX-FOLDER 51/6 Allemande
BOX-FOLDER 51/7 Governor Everett's Quickstep
BOX-FOLDER 57/10 Military March, full Band
BOX-FOLDER 51/8 Masonic March
BOX-FOLDER 51/10 Rondo Polacca pour le Cor in Es
BOX-FOLDER 51/9 Rondo Polacca
for horn in F and orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 57/12 Quicksteps
BOX 51 [Unidentified]
Work for band, dedicated to the Springfield MA Musical Society
BOX 57 [Miscellaneous dance music - keyboard]
BOX 51 Zeuner as Arranger
BOX-FOLDER 51/12 Washington's March
BOX 51-55 BOX 57 Sacred vocal music
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