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William A. Newland and Charles Zeuner collection of music, circa 1735-circa 1900

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Instrumental Music (continued)
Orchestral music (continued)
BOX 20 Concertos and other concert music - Printed music
Beethoven, Ludwig van
BOX-FOLDER 20/7 Adelaide von Beethoven. Zur gewöhnlichen Clavier Begleitung gesetzt von J. P. Heuschkel.
Bassetthorn, Horn in F, Viola and Violoncello ou Fagotto parts
includes manuscript parts for Violin or Flute, an. Cornet or Clarinet in B-flat
Pl. no. 107.
Gyrowetz, Adalbert
BOX-FOLDER 20/8 Sinfonie Periodique Divers Instrumens composée par Mr. Adalberto Gyrowetz. Paris: Imbault, n.d.
basso part - fragment.
Pl. no. 19.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
BOX-FOLDER 20/9 Concerto. Op. 4.
Pl. no. 1556.
Rode, Pierre
BOX-FOLDER 20/10 Second Concerto pour le Violon, par P. Rode. Paris: Janet et Cotelle, n.d.
Pl. no. 504.
Schmitt, Jacques
BOX-FOLDER 20/11 Var. No. 7.
Pl. no. 3603.
Theme and Variations for Orchestra
Viotti, Giovanni Battista
BOX-FOLDER 20/12 Vingt deuxième [22nd] Concerto pour le Violon, accompagné de grand orchestre composé par J. B. Viotti. Offenbach s/M: J. André, [1805?] .
Pl. no. 1841.
BOX 21 Concertos and other concert music - Manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 21/1 Fantasie
BOX-FOLDER 21/2 Nel cor più - Solo for Clarinet in B-flat with Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 21/3 [Unidentified]
Solo Concerto - solo part not included
BOX 21 BOX 56 Operatic overtures and potpourris - Printed music
Bellini, Vincenzo
BOX-FOLDER 21/4 [La Sonnambula] Overture.
violoncello part
Boieldieu, Adrien
BOX-FOLDER 21/5 [Caliphe von Bagdad] Overtura.
Pl. no. 5538.
Cimarosa, Domenico
BOX-FOLDER 21/6 Matrimonio Segreto. Ouverture.
Pl. no. O.S. 179.
Franzl, Ferdinand
BOX-FOLDER 56/3 Adolph and Clara. Overture
Hérold, Louis Joseph Ferdinand
BOX-FOLDER 21/7 Zampa. Ouverture.
violino secondo part
Pl. no. 6040.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
BOX-FOLDER 21/8 [Die Zauberflöte] [Overture - flauto part]
Päer, Ferdinando
BOX-FOLDER 21/9 Sofonisbe. Overture de l'Opèra Sofonisbe pour 2 Violons, Alto, Violoncelle, Basse, Flute, 2 Clarinettes, 2 Hautbois, 2 Cors, 2 Bassons, 2 Trompettes et Timballes par Ferd. Paer. Mayence: B. Schott, n.d.
Pl. no. 156.
BOX 22 Operatic overtures and potpourris - Manuscripts
Bellini, Vincenzo
BOX-FOLDER 22/1 Norma. Potpourri
string parts
BOX-FOLDER 22/2 La Sonnambula. Overture
orchestra parts
Boieldieu, Adrien
BOX-FOLDER 22/3 Caliphe de Bagdad. Overture
Cimarosa, Domenico
BOX-FOLDER 22/4 Il Matrimonio. Overture
orchestra parts
Donizetti, Gaetano
BOX-FOLDER 22/5 La Fille du Regiment. Overture
full score
Flotow, Friedrich von
BOX-FOLDER 22/6 [Alessandro] Stradella. Overture
viola part
Franzl, Ferdinand
BOX-FOLDER 22/7 Adolphe & Clara. Overture
Fry, William Henry
BOX-FOLDER 22/8 Leonora
title page only
Méhul, Etienne Nicolas
BOX-FOLDER 22/9 Joseph. Overture
Mercadente, Saverio
BOX-FOLDER 22/10 Elisa e Claudio. Overture
Rossini, Gioacchino
BOX-FOLDER 22/11 L'Inganno Felice. Overture
BOX-FOLDER 22/12 Semiramide. Overture
Verdi, Giuseppe
BOX-FOLDER 22/13 Ernani. Excerpts
misc. instrumental parts
Weber, Carl Maria von
BOX-FOLDER 22/14 Der Freischütz
violin part only
includes cast lists for London performances from 1821 through 1849
Weigl, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 22/15 Les Vestales. Overture
BOX 23 Popular dance forms - Printed music
Aulagnier, Antonin
BOX-FOLDER 23/1 Quadrille Deuriante par Aulagnier.
Pl. no. 73. AA.
BOX 23 Popular dance forms - Manuscripts
BOX 23 By Composer
Donizetti, Gaetano
March from La Favorita
see: Fry, Fill Up, Fill Up
Fry, William Henry
BOX-FOLDER 23/2 Fill Up, Fill Up
Includes: March from La Favorita
Graffula, Claudio S.
BOX-FOLDER 23/3 Col. Duryee's Quick Step [et al]
BOX-FOLDER 23/4 Oh would I were a boy again
also includes: Captain Shepherd's Quick Step by Graffula
Labitzky, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 23/5 Elfen Waltz
also includes: Evening Star Waltz
BOX-FOLDER 23/6 Woronzow Waltzes
Newland, William Augustine
BOX-FOLDER 23/7 Villanova College Quick Step
BOX-FOLDER 23/8 Ladies Polka Quadrille [et al]
BOX 23 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 23/9 Hail Columbia [et al]
BOX-FOLDER 23/10 [Quadrilles]
BOX-FOLDER 23/11 [Miscellaneous instrumental parts to dance music]
BOX 23 Instrumental parts to orchestral works - Printed music
Beethoven, Ludwig van
BOX-FOLDER 23/12 Sonata [Op. 17] [Flauto o Violino, Corno in F]
Pl. no. 2165.
BOX 23 Instrumental parts to orchestral works - Manuscripts
BOX 23 By Composer
Beethoven, Ludwig van
BOX-FOLDER 23/13 Concerto [Op. 15]
violin part
BOX-FOLDER 23/14 La Sorcière des Ardennes
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