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William A. Newland and Charles Zeuner collection of music, circa 1735-circa 1900

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BOX 1-5 Collections of Instrumental and Vocal Music
Holograph and printed scores, bound and unbound.
Arranged by genre and composer or title.
BOX 1-4 Printed music
Clementi, Muzio
BOX-FOLDER 1/3-4 Oeuvres Complettes de Muzio Clementi. Cahier I, VI. Leipsic: Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.
Haydn, Franz Joseph
BOX 1-2 Oeuvres Complette de Joseph Haydn. Cahier I-IV. Leipsic: Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.
Pl. no. 1428, 2204.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
BOX 2-3 Oeuvres Complettes de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Cahier III, IV, VII-XI, XIII, XIV, & XVII Leipsic: Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.
BOX 4 Sarah Regina Newland
Music book, hard cover; printed piano music for 2 and 4 hands by various composers; handwritten index on inside front pages
BOX 4-5 Manuscripts
BOX 4 Litanies Hymns Vespers Chant Mass.
On t.p.: W. A. Newland, Organist
hard cover, oblong, with index on inside and outside of back cover
BOX 4 Mass. Kyrie and Gloria. Dies irae. Dona eis. Requiem
see also: for organ/vocal score by W. A. Newland, Box 30
scored for orchestra and voices
Title on spine
[on first page] Messa Cantata con piena Orchestra, Fatta in Venezia.
oblong; soft cover, brown ink
BOX 4 Overtures. Piano solo. Violin.
operatic overtures transcribed for solo violin and solo piano
oblong, soft cover
BOX-FOLDER 5/1 [Unidentified]
On cover: William A. Newland / Port Royal av. / 21st ward / Phila
empty hard cover with listing of 64 works on inside verso
BOX-FOLDER 5/2 [Collection of piano music (2 and 4 hands) with 6 pages of printed songs]
BOX-FOLDER 5/3 [Collection of piano music for 2 and 4 hands, preceded by an aria by Dittersdorf]
(German text)
BOX-FOLDER 5/4 [Collection of short pieces for piano and songs with German text; oblong]
BOX-FOLDER 5/5 [Collection of music for piano (4 hands), violin, oboe with piano]
BOX 5 [Music book, signed on inside front page by Mrs. Eliza Cockey]
songs and piano pieces; hard cover
BOX 5-23 BOX 56-57 Instrumental Music
Holograph and printed scores, bound and unbound.
Arranged by genre and composer or title.
BOX 5-20 BOX 57 Music for solo instruments
BOX 5 Organ - Printed music
Rinck, Johann Christian Heinrich
BOX-FOLDER 5/6 Nos. 7-10, Rink's Op. 2, 8
Batiste, Edouard
BOX-FOLDER 5/7 The Great Organ : a selection of pieces performed at the Inauguration [Nov. 2, 1863] of the Great Organ (Boston Music Hall) and at subsequent concerts Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., n.d.
Title page only.
BOX 5-6 Organ - Manuscripts
BOX 5-6 By Composer
Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg
BOX-FOLDER 5/8 Organ Fugue
Handel, George Frideric
BOX-FOLDER 5/9 Messiah
BOX-FOLDER 5/10 Sechs Fugen
Haydn, Franz Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 5/11 Adagio für die Orgel
Newland, William Augustine (arranger)
BOX-FOLDER 5/12 [Unidentified]
arrangements for the organ
BOX-FOLDER 5/13 Capriccio for organ
Pleyel, Ignaz
BOX-FOLDER 6/1 Quintetto 1
Rembt, John Ernst
BOX-FOLDER 6/2 Six trios, 1787
Dedicated to Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach.
BOX-FOLDER 6/3 A Celebrated Introduction and Fugue
Umbrecht, Carl Gottleib
BOX-FOLDER 6/4 51 Orgelstücke
Wagner, C.
BOX-FOLDER 6/5 Die Jungfrau von Orleans
Wills, J.
BOX-FOLDER 6/6 Voluntary
BOX 6 Title only
BOX-FOLDER 6/7 Grand Capriccios for Organ
BOX 6 [Compilation of fugues by various composers; hard cover]
BOX-FOLDER 6/8 [Miscellaneous organ works]
BOX 7-9 Piano, 2 hands - Printed music
BOX 7-9 By Composer
Adam, Adolphe and Ludwig Wenzel Lachnith
BOX-FOLDER 7/1 Premières Leçons et 38 Pièces agréables Handstücke de tout genre par gradation, le tout doigté, pour le Pianoforte à l'usage des Élèves du Conservatoire de Musique, par Adam & Lachnith Leipzig: C. F. Peters, n.d.
Pl. no. 887.
Beethoven, Ludwig van
BOX-FOLDER 7/2 LIme [51st] Sonate pour le Pianoforte composée par Louis van Beethoven. Op. 54 Vienne: Bureau des arts et d'industrie, [1806] .
Pl. no. 507.
BOX-FOLDER 7/2 Rondo pour le Clavecin ou Piano Forte par Louis van Beethoven. [Op. 51] Vienne: Artaria, [1802] .
Pl. no. 884.
BOX-FOLDER 7/2 Sieben Ländlerische Tänze für's Piano-Forte von L. v. Beethoven Berlin: F. S. Lischke, [1799] .
Pl. no. 1551.
Clementi, Muzio
BOX-FOLDER 7/3 Deux Sonates pour le Forte Piano composées par Muzio Clementi. Oeuvre 34. Nouvelle Editione, et corrigées par l'auteur Vienne: Artaria et Comp., [1795?] .
Pl. no. 557.
BOX-FOLDER 7/3 Tre Sonate Per Clavicembalo o Forte-Piano Composte dal Sig. Muzio Clementi. Opera [23] Vienna: T. Mollo Compl., n.d.
Pl. no. M.1164.
Cramer, J. B. (Johann Baptist)
BOX-FOLDER 7/4 Collection des Sonates brillantes pour le Piano Forte. Nro. [1] Composées par J.B. Cramer. Munic: M. Falter, [1800] .
BOX-FOLDER 7/4 Three Sonatas for the Piano-Forte by J. B. Cramer. Op. 23 London: R. Birchall, n.d.
Czerny, Carl
BOX-FOLDER 7/5 Quatrième Rondino pour le Pianoforte seul sur un motif favori de Mr. Fesca composé par Charles Czerny. Op. 39 Vienne: A. Diabelli et Comp., [18-] .
Pl. C. et D. No. 1252.
Diabelli, Anton
BOX-FOLDER 7/6 Euterpe, eine Reihe moderner und vorzüglich beliebter Tonstücke zur Erheiterung in Stunden der Musse für das Piano-Forte herausgegeben von Anton Diabelli. No. 220. No. [55,93,95] [Vienna]: A. Diabelli et Comp., n.d.
  • No. 55 - Bollero von Caraffa (Ognor più tenero) (Ja meine Liebe soll) gesungen von Mad: Metzer = Vespermann. Pl. C. et D. No. 797.
  • No. 93 - Duetto (All Idea di quel metallo) (Strahlt auf mich der Blitz des Goldes) aus der Oper: Der Barbier von Sevilla, v. Rossini. Pl. D. No. 1315.
  • No. 95 - Duetto (Pace e gioja) (Glück und Huld mein Herr) aus der Oper: Der Barbier von Sevilla, von Rossini. Pl. C. et D. No. 1317.
Dussek, Johann Ladislaus
BOX-FOLDER 7/7 Thême Varié Pour Le Forte-Piano compossé por J. L. Dussek Vienne: Artaria et Comp., [1807?] .
Pl. no. 1837.
Field, John
BOX-FOLDER 7/8 Rondeau Favori pour Piano-Forté composé par John Field. No. 2. Offenbach s/M: J. André, [182-] .
Pl. no. 4488.
Freystädtler, Franz Jacob
BOX-FOLDER 7/9 10 Variazionen über das alte wohlbekante Preussische Lied: Schwerin bist wirklich todt? für das Pianoforte von Freystädtler Leipzig: C. F. Peters, n.d.
Pl. no. 1062.
Gelinek, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 7/10 Rondeau ou Polonoise favorite pour le Piano Forté, par Gelinek. Offenbach s/M: J. André, undated
Pl. no. 3664.
BOX-FOLDER 7/10 Sonatina leicht und angenehm für das Piano-Forte von Herrn Abbé Gelinek. No. [2] Wien: Artaria Comp., [1803?] .
Pl. no. 1637.
2 copies
BOX-FOLDER 7/10 Variationen über die Cavatine in Rossini's Tancred, für das Pianoforte von Abbé Gelinek. No. 96 Braunschweig: Musikalischen Magazine aus der Höhe, n.d.
Pl. no. 1589.
BOX-FOLDER 7/11 Variations pour le Pianoforte composées par L'Abbé Gelinek. No. [8,93,100] Cologne: N. Simrock, undated
Also published in Bonn
  • No. 8 - 8 Variations Sur le Trio: Copia Si Tenera, de l'Opera: Palmira. Pl. no. 1422.
  • No. 93 - 8 Variationen über den beliebten Fransens=Brunn Walzer. Pl. no. 1415.
  • No. 100 - Tema de l'Opera: Jean de Paris. Pl. no. 1916.
Glück, Carl
BOX-FOLDER 7/12 Twenne Walsar och en Cotillon componerade och arrangerade för Piano-Forte af Carl Glück Stockholm: Ebeling, n.d.
Hässler, Johann Wilhelm
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