The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Serge Koussevitzky archive, 1880-1978
Correspondence, 1909-1977 (continued)
General Correspondence, 1909-1977 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 58/10 Stanislavsky, Konstantin
BOX-FOLDER 58/11 Starer, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 58/12 Stargardt-Wolff, Edith
BOX-FOLDER 58/13 Stavitsky, Ivan
BOX-FOLDER 58/14 Steber, Eleanor
BOX-FOLDER 58/15 Stefan, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 58/16 Stein, Erwin
BOX-FOLDER 58/17 Stein, Leon
BOX-FOLDER 58/18 Steinberg, Maximilian
BOX-FOLDER 58/19 Steinberg, William
BOX-FOLDER 58/20 Steinert, Alexandre
Steinert, Sylvia
see Steinert, Alexandre
Steinway & Sons
see Urchs, Ernest
Sterl, Helene
see Sterl, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 58/21 Sterl, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 58/22 Stern, Isaac
BOX-FOLDER 58/23 Stevens, Julie
BOX-FOLDER 58/24 Stevenson, Adlai
BOX-FOLDER 58/25 Stiedry, Fritz
BOX-FOLDER 58/26 Still, William Grant
BOX-FOLDER 58/27 Stillman, Mitya
BOX-FOLDER 59/1 Stock, Frederick
BOX-FOLDER 59/2 Stoessel, Albert
BOX-FOLDER 59/3 Stöhr, Richard
BOX-FOLDER 59/4 Stojowski, Sigismond
BOX-FOLDER 59/5 Stokowski, Leopold
BOX-FOLDER 59/6 Stokowski, Olga Samaroff
BOX-FOLDER 59/7 Stransky, Josef
BOX-FOLDER 59/8 Strassenberger, Max
BOX-FOLDER 59/9 Stratton, Charles
BOX-FOLDER 59/10 Strauss, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 59/11 Strauss, Richard
BOX-FOLDER 59/12 Stravinsky, Fëdor
BOX-FOLDER 59/13-15 Stravinsky, Igor, 1924-1957, undated
  • 59/13 Stravinsky, Igor, 1924-1942
  • 59/14 Stravinsky, Igor, 1943-1957, undated
  • 59/15 Stravinsky, Igor: Galaxy Music Corporation
BOX-FOLDER 59/16 Strimer, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 59/17 Stringfield, Lamar
Strouve, Nicolas
see Struv, Nikolaĭ
BOX-FOLDER 59/18 Strube, Gustav
Strunk, Oliver
see Library of Congress
BOX-FOLDER 59/19 Struv, Nikolaĭ
see also Scriabin, Alexander
Struv, Vera
see Struv, Nikolaĭ
BOX-FOLDER 59/19a Susskind, Dorothy J.
Sutro, Ottilie
see Sutro, Rose
BOX-FOLDER 59/20 Sutro, Rose
BOX-FOLDER 59/21 Suvchinskii, Pëtr
BOX-FOLDER 59/22 Swan, Alfred
BOX-FOLDER 59/23 Szell, George
BOX-FOLDER 59/24 Szeluto, Apolinary
BOX-FOLDER 59/25 Szeryng, Henryk
Materials about Szeryng.
BOX-FOLDER 59/26 Szigeti, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 59/27 Szymanowski, Karol
BOX-FOLDER 60/1 Tabakoff, Vladimir
BOX-FOLDER 60/2 Tabakov, Mikhaĭl
Tabakov, Vladimir
see Tabakoff, Vladimir
BOX-FOLDER 60/3 Taft, Edward
BOX-FOLDER 60/4 Tagliaferro, Magda
BOX-FOLDER 60/5 Tailleferre, Germaine
BOX-FOLDER 60/6 Talley, Thomasina
BOX-FOLDER 60/7 Talma, Louise
BOX-FOLDER 60/8 Tangeman, Nell
BOX-FOLDER 60/9-13 Tansman, Alexandre, 1924-1950, undated
  • 60/9 Tansman, Alexandre, 1924-1925
  • 60/10 Tansman, Alexandre, 1926
  • 60/11 Tansman, Alexandre, 1927
  • 60/12 Tansman, Alexandre, 1928-1950
  • 60/13 Tansman, Alexandre, undated
BOX-FOLDER 60/14 Taubman, Howard
BOX-FOLDER 60/15 Taylor, Deems
BOX-FOLDER 60/15a Taylor, W.C.
BOX-FOLDER 60/16 Tcherepnin, Alexandre
BOX-FOLDER 60/17 Tcherepnin, Ivan
Tcherepnin, Ming
see Tcherepnin, Alexandre
BOX-FOLDER 60/18 Tcherepnin, Nikolai
BOX-FOLDER 60/19 Templeton, Alec
Includes items about Templeton.
BOX-FOLDER 60/19a Terrell, Annabelle
BOX-FOLDER 60/20 Teslenko, Nikolai
BOX-FOLDER 60/21 Teyte, Maggie
Materials regarding Teyte.
Thaw, Edward, Mrs.
see Thaw, Jane
BOX-FOLDER 61/1 Thaw, Jane
BOX-FOLDER 61/2 Thérémin, Léon
Materials regarding Thérémin.
BOX-FOLDER 61/3 Thibaud, Jacques
BOX-FOLDER 61/4 Thillois, Fernand
BOX-FOLDER 61/5 Thomas, Rose Fay
BOX-FOLDER 61/6 Thomas, Rudolph
Thomas, Theodore, Mrs.
see Thomas, Rose Fay
BOX-FOLDER 61/7 Thompson, Randall
BOX-FOLDER 61/8 Thomson, Virgil
BOX-FOLDER 61/9 Thorne, Francis
BOX-FOLDER 61/10 Tibbett, Lawrence
BOX-FOLDER 61/11 Tille, Ivan
BOX-FOLDER 61/12 Tinayre, Yves
BOX-FOLDER 61/13 Tippett, Michael
BOX-FOLDER 61/14 Toch, Ernst
BOX-FOLDER 61/15 Tollefsen, Carl
BOX-FOLDER 61/16 Tolstoy, Alexandra
BOX-FOLDER 61/17 Tonkonogova, Evdokiia
BOX-FOLDER 61/18 Tortelier, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 61/19 Toscanini, Arturo
BOX-FOLDER 61/20 Totenberg, Roman
BOX-FOLDER 61/21 Tourel, Jennie
BOX-FOLDER 61/22 Truman, Harry
BOX-FOLDER 61/23 Truman, Margaret
Tutaev, Judith Anshen Brodsky
see Brodsky, Ralph
BOX-FOLDER 61/24 Tuthill, Burnet
BOX-FOLDER 129a/16 Unesco
BOX-FOLDER 62/1 Uninskii, Aleksandr
BOX-FOLDER 62/2 Union of Soviet Composers
BOX-FOLDER 129a/17 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
BOX-FOLDER 129a/18 United Nations
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
see Unesco
United Service Organizations (U.S.)
see USO
BOX-FOLDER 129a/19 United States government
Correspondence from various American governmental agencies.
BOX-FOLDER 62/3 Urchs, Ernest
see also "Subject Files," Steinway & Sons
BOX-FOLDER 62/4 Urussov, N. V.
BOX-FOLDER 62/5 Ussachevsky, Vladimir
see Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
BOX-FOLDER 62/6 Vakhromeeva, Sandra
BOX-FOLDER 62/7 Van Nagell, John
Van Nagell, Mimi
see Van Nagell, John
BOX-FOLDER 62/8 Van Vactor, David
BOX-FOLDER 62/9 Van Vechten, Carl
BOX-FOLDER 62/10 Varèse, Edgard
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