The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Serge Koussevitzky archive, 1880-1978
Writings, 1914-1975 (continued)
By Serge Koussevitzky, 1921-1951 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 132/36 On the art of conducting
BOX-FOLDER 132/37 On the performance of German music in Israel, 1950
BOX-FOLDER 133/1 Opening of our school
BOX-FOLDER 133/2 Orchestral performing art
BOX-FOLDER 133/3 Ou deux pionniers se rencontrent
BOX-FOLDER 133/4 Overture, circa 1929
BOX-FOLDER 133/4a Paderewski tribute, 1941
New York Times clipping.
BOX-FOLDER 133/5 Paris Exposition, 1937
BOX-FOLDER 133/6 Passacaglia
BOX-FOLDER 133/7 Peabody Award, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 133/8 Poetry and music; Musical interpretation; and some remarks about American orchestras, 1938
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Sept. 1938
BOX-FOLDER 133/8a "Program of the musical center ..."
BOX-FOLDER 133/9 Publishing house to assist Russian composers
BOX-FOLDER 133/10 Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1943
Various statements on Rachmaninoff on the occasion of his death.
BOX-FOLDER 133/11 Radio and music appreciation, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 133/12 RCA Victor recordings, 1941
see also "Correspondence" series, Radio Corporation of America and "Subject files" series, RCA Victor Records
BOX-FOLDER 133/13 Reconstruction of Humanity--appreciation of, 1948
Koussevitzky's statement of appreciation for Sorokin's book.
BOX-FOLDER 133/14 Red Army, 1943-1944
Statements, in Russian and English, sent to the Red Army and the Red Fleet on the occasion of their 25th anniversary.
BOX-FOLDER 133/15 Reflections on music
In Russian.
BOX-FOLDER 133/16 Resignation as conductor of Boston Symphony, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 133/17 Response of S.K. at civic banquet, Boston, 1949
Banquet given in Symphony Hall in his honor.
BOX-FOLDER 133/18 Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 133/19 Robeson, Paul, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 133/20 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1944-1945
Various statements in tribute to President Roosevelt.
BOX-FOLDER 133/21 Russian composers, 1948
Message to Russian composers.
BOX-FOLDER 133/22 Russian heroism, 1943-1944
BOX-FOLDER 133/23 Russian relief, 1942
BOX-FOLDER 133/24 Russian students, 1928
BOX-FOLDER 133/25 Schloezer (Boris de) article and Koussevitzky response, 1921
Includes Schloezer's 1921 article on Koussevitzky from Jar-ptitza, and Koussevitzky's response to the article. In Russian.
BOX-FOLDER 133/26 Schoenberg, Arnold, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 133/27 A school of music, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 133/28 "See Boston in 1939" campaign, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 133/28a Shostakovitch, Dimitri, 1942
BOX-FOLDER 133/29 Sibelius, Jean and trip to Finland
Includes letter to Carvalho and narratives regarding Sibelius and trip to Finland in 1935. In Russian.
BOX-FOLDER 133/30 Soaring music, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 133/31 Stravinsky, Igor
BOX-FOLDER 133/32 Taneev, Sergeĭ Ivanovich, 1948
Includes materials relating to Koussevitzky's introduction to the English translation of Taneev's Convertible Counterpoint in the Strict Style.
BOX-FOLDER 133/33 Tanglewood
Various writings regarding Tanglewood, including drafts of Koussevitzky's introduction to The Tale of Tanglewood.
BOX-FOLDER 133/34 Tchaikovsky, 1936
BOX-FOLDER 133/35 Temple Ohabei Shalom, 1942
BOX-FOLDER 133/36 Thoughts
In Russian.
BOX-FOLDER 133/37 Thoughts on music and conducting I and II, 1940
see also Music and conducting I and Music and conducting II
BOX-FOLDER 133/38 Thoughts on tuning in, 1946
BOX-FOLDER 133/39 Trends in symphonic music on the air
BOX-FOLDER 133/40 Turgenev, 1949-1950
Includes book review by Alfred Kazin.
BOX-FOLDER 134/1 The universal language of mankind, 1948-1949
An address given at the 1948-1949 Symposium of the Friends of Music at Princeton. Includes copies of the finished speech, typed and handwritten drafts, correspondence, and the program.
BOX-FOLDER 134/2 The value of a symphony orchestra, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 134/3 V-E Day
BOX-FOLDER 134/4 Victory of freedom
BOX-FOLDER 134/5 Vision of a music center, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 134/6 War bonds
BOX-FOLDER 134/7 "What is America's musical future?," 1944
Article from Musical America.
BOX-FOLDER 134/8 Wood, Henry, Sir, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 134/9 The world synod of music and musicians
BOX-FOLDER 134/10 A wrong to be repaired, 1943
see also Justice to composers
Includes copy of Koussevitzky's editorial, drafts of the narrative, correspondence, memos put together by Margaret Grant proposing the next step in creating a composers' fund, and excerpts from an Aaron Copland letter.
A wrong to be righted
see A wrong to be repaired
BOX-FOLDER 134/11 Miscellaneous fragments--typewritten
BOX-FOLDER 134/12-17 Miscellaneous handwritten documents
Most of these documents are in Russian, and some in English, and are written by either Serge or Olga Koussevitzky. They include draft autobiographical material.
BOX-FOLDER 134/18 Miscellaneous fragments--handwritten
BOX 135-141 About Serge Koussevitzky, 1914-1975
Published and unpublished writings chiefly in English or Russian. Articles, essays and news items written for newspapers, popular magazines and scholarly journals; biographical materials; addresses; reviews; tributes; editorials; typed or handwritten drafts; scripts from broadcasts; poetry and lyrics written in honor of Koussevitzky; articles from programs; clippings; and reprints. Includes some materials written by Olga Koussevitzky. Items may be accompanied by various documents, including clippings, correspondence, programs, and notes.
Arranged alphabetically by title, author, journal or magazine title, or subject.
BOX-FOLDER 135/1 A-C News, 1945
BOX-FOLDER 135/2 Abell, Arthur, articles 1928 and undated
Various published and unpublished articles on Koussevitzky by Abell.
BOX-FOLDER 135/3 About young artists, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 135/4 "Aftermath of Koussevitzky," 1926
BOX-FOLDER 135/5 L'Ame des contrebasses et non plus l'ame des violons, 1927
BOX-FOLDER 135/6 "America's foremost orchestras," by Pierre V.R. Key, 1945
BOX-FOLDER 135/7 The American Mercury: "Koussevitzky," by Ernest Newman, 1924
BOX-FOLDER 135/8 The American Record Guide: book review on Gentlemen, More Dolce Please! by Harry Ellis Dickson, 1970
A memoir about the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
BOX-FOLDER 141/1 The American Sketch, Nov. 1927
BOX-FOLDER 135/9 L'Art Musical, 1937 and 1938
Two items.
BOX-FOLDER 135/10 The art of conducting
BOX-FOLDER 135/11 The art of conductorial gesture as developed by Koussevitzky
BOX-FOLDER 135/12 Artist Life, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 135/13 Les arts et la vie, 1926
BOX-FOLDER 135/14 Austro American Tribune, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 135/15 Barchard, Adolphe article on Koussevitzky
BOX-FOLDER 135/16-22 Biographical materials
Includes typewritten Koussevitzky biographical narratives of various lengths, in both English and Russian; a typewritten portion of a biography that Olga may have written; correspondence, biographical outlines and entries, and other materials relating to his submissions to various biographical dictionaries; and press materials.
BOX-FOLDER 135/23 The Biosophical Review, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 135/24 B'nai B'rith National Jewish Monthly, 1935
BOX-FOLDER 135/25 Boosey and Hawkes Inc. Newsletter, 1974
BOX-FOLDER 135/26 The Boston Globe, 1962
Typewritten copies of editorials.
BOX-FOLDER 135/27 Boston Symphony Orchestra musician remembrance
BOX-FOLDER 135/28 Bostonia, 1945
Boston University confers upon Koussevitzky an honorary degree of Doctor of Music.
BOX-FOLDER 135/29 Brazil, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 135/30 Brazilian trip, 1950
BOX-FOLDER 135/31 Brookline Chronicle, 1941
BOX-FOLDER 135/32 Bulletin of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1937
BOX-FOLDER 135/33 Bulletin of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 135/34 Bulletin of the International Music Council, 1964
BOX-FOLDER 135/35 Bulley, Hebe articles, 1950, 1974
see also General Correspondence, Bulley, Hebe
Contains a 1974 article on Koussevitzky published in Concern, and a typewritten narrative entitled "Serge Koussevitzky and the Light Within," read by Koussevitzky in 1950.
BOX-FOLDER 135/36 Burkat, Leonard article, 1957
BOX-FOLDER 135/37 Butler Argus, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 136/1-4 Cavallo, Diana. Triple memoir: A documentary memoir of three 20th century lives, Koussevitzkys and Naumoffs, 1968-1973
A typewritten draft of Cavallo's biography of Koussevitzky. The title page indicates it was based on the reminiscences of Olga Naumoff Koussevitzky, the letters and documents of Serge Koussevitzky, and the Memoirs of Alexander Naumoff. Includes correspondence with Olga and handwritten drafts and notes.
BOX-FOLDER 136/5 Celebrity Bulletin, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 136/6 Le chef d'orchestre comme soliste, 1927
BOX-FOLDER 136/7 The Chicago Guide, 1972
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