| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Personal Files, 1880-1978
(continued) |
Olga Koussevitzky and Family
(continued) |
BOX-FOLDER 255/3 |
English translation of first two
chapters of Naumov’s memoir, by William H. Dougherty,
Includes letters to Olga from Dougherty,
and his translation of a couple chapters of The
Brothers Karamazov. |
BOX-FOLDER 255/4--256/2 |
Correspondence about Naumov’s memoir,
(6 folders) |
Correspondence among Olga, Anna Naumova,
Sergei Cheremeteff (Sheremetev) and Boris Brasol (Brazol’) regarding
the publication of Naumov's memoir by Russian printing house (Russkaia
Tipografiia). Also includes receipts, invoices, and other documents
that relate to the sale of the memoir. |
BOX-FOLDER 256/3-4 |
Hoover War Library materials,
Includes the contract between A. N.
Naumov and the Hoover War Library at Stanford University;
correspondence, including that between Naumov and Nikolai Nikolaevich
Golovin regarding Naumov’s memoir; and other materials relating to the
acquisition of Naumov's memoir by the Hoover War Library. |
BOX-FOLDER 256/5 |
Fantastic sketch (CH’i to golosa), by
Aleksandr Naumov, 1944
In Russian. |
BOX-FOLDER 256/6 |
Historical study of the development of
land ownership in Russia, by Aleksandr Naumov, Oct. 1933
Accompanied by English translation by
Loraine Rowan Shevlin, entitled "A short history of the development of
land ownership in Russia." |
BOX-FOLDER 256/7 |
History of the Naumov family (Imienie
Golovkino), possibly by Aleksandr Naumov, undated
One page in Olga’s hand. In
Russian. |
BOX-FOLDER 256/8 |
On the occasion of the overhearing of a
conversation (Sluchaino Uslyshannye Razgovory), by Aleksandr Naumov,
In Russian. |
BOX-FOLDER 256/9 |
Souvenirs of Petr Arkad’evich Stolypin
(Vospominaniia Stolypine), by Aleksandr Naumov, undated
Stolypin was prime minister under
Nicholas II until Stolypin’s assassination in 1911, in Kiev. |
In Russian. |
BOX-FOLDER 256/10 |
Speech delivered by Aleksandr Naumov,
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary
of the death of Nicholas II, under whom Naumov served as minister of
agriculture from 1915-1916. |
In Russian. |
BOX-FOLDER 256/11 |
Stenographic report of the Russian Duma
(Stenograficheskii Otchet), Feb. 18, 1916
Contains a report/speech by Aleksandr
Naumov. Incomplete. Printed. |
In Russian. |
BOX-FOLDER 256/12 |
The Zemstvo (elective district) in
Russia of the past and of the future, by A. Naumov, Feb. 17,
Contains emendations. |
In Russian. |
BOX-FOLDER 256/13-14 |
Various writings of A. N. Naumov,
1916, 1934-1950
BOX-FOLDER 257/1-2 |
Biographical materials relating to Anna
Ushkova Naumova (Olga's mother), circa 1911, 1953-1963
Includes obituaries, letters of
condolence to OK, clippings, memoir, estate documents, possibly her
passport. |
BOX-FOLDER 257/3-5 |
Naumova, Anna Ushkova. Memories of My Husband, A. N. Naumov, 1951
(4 copies) |
In Russian. |
BOX-FOLDER 257/6 |
Memoir of the wife of Alexander Naumov,
born Ushkov (handwritten on front page of this document),
BOX-FOLDER 257/7 |
Naumova's foreward to the memoir
BOX-FOLDER 257/8-9 |
Family correspondence and business
documents, 1960-1964
Many of these documents relate to real
estate. |
BOX-FOLDER 258/1 |
Family documents, 1930, 1939, 1964,
and undated
Includes Naumov business instructions,
immigration and certification information pertaining to Olga. |
BOX-FOLDER 258/2 |
Ushkov business papers, 1932,
Includes telegrams between Natalie and
others, legal documents regarding liquidation of the business, and budget
documents. |
BOX 500 |
Scrapbook, undated
Scrapbook containing photographs commemorating
Olga's role as honorary chairman of "Music for Israel." |
Subject Files |
BOX-FOLDER 258/3 |
International Music Council,
BOX-FOLDER 258/4 |
National Arts Club, 1963
BOX-FOLDER 258/5 |
Religious materials,
BOX-FOLDER 258/6 |
University of Hartford, Hartt College of
Music, honorary degree, 1977
Writings by and about Olga Koussevitzky
BOX-FOLDER 258/7 |
Albert Einstein College of Medicine-Spirit
of Achievement |
BOX-FOLDER 258/8 |
America, Israel: new worlds in the making
BOX-FOLDER 258/9 |
American Christian Palestine Committee
BOX-FOLDER 258/10 |
American Embassy, Paris |
BOX-FOLDER 258/11 |
Berkshire Garden Center concert
BOX-FOLDER 258/12 |
Bernstein, Nanette article on Olga
BOX-FOLDER 258/13 |
Brandeis Gold Medal award |
BOX-FOLDER 258/14 |
Brandeis Medal to Richard Tucker
BOX-FOLDER 258/15 |
BSO recordings |
BOX-FOLDER 258/16 |
Children to Palestine |
BOX-FOLDER 258/17 |
Copland, Aaron, 70th birthday |
BOX-FOLDER 258/18 |
Develop love of music in youngsters
BOX-FOLDER 258/19 |
Diary, 1917
BOX-FOLDER 259/1 |
Diary, 1921
BOX-FOLDER 259/2 |
Diary, 1949
BOX-FOLDER 259/3 |
Eastman School Festival of American Music
BOX-FOLDER 259/4 |
Federal Advisory Commission on the Arts
BOX-FOLDER 259/5 |
Fine arts bill |
BOX-FOLDER 259/6 |
First Press interview with Olga
Koussevitzky |
BOX-FOLDER 259/7 |
A foreward (on Serge Koussevitzky)
BOX-FOLDER 259/8 |
Fragment from diary, 1917
BOX-FOLDER 259/9 |
Gannett, Mrs. Guy Patterson |
BOX-FOLDER 259/10 |
Hadassah |
BOX-FOLDER 259/11 |
International Music Fund |
BOX-FOLDER 259/12 |
Interview with Olga Koussevitzky from
Music Festival |
BOX-FOLDER 259/13 |
Israel |
BOX-FOLDER 259/14 |
Israel Orchestra |
BOX-FOLDER 259/15 |
Koussevitzky memorial concerts
BOX-FOLDER 259/16 |
Koussevitzky Music Foundation |
BOX-FOLDER 259/17 |
Koussevitzky plays double bass selections
BOX-FOLDER 259/18 |
Koussevitzky portrait |
BOX-FOLDER 259/19 |
Koussevitzky, Serge |
BOX-FOLDER 259/20 |
Koussevitzky, Serge--First anniversary of
death |
BOX-FOLDER 259/21 |
Lipchitz, Jacques |
BOX-FOLDER 259/22 |
Memoires, by Olga Koussevitzky |
Unfinished typewritten manuscript at the
time of her death on Jan. 5, 1978. In English. |
BOX-FOLDER 260/1-2 |
Memoires, by Olga Koussevitzky |
(2 copies) |
Photocopies of handwritten manuscript. In
Russian. |
BOX-FOLDER 260/3 |
Mendelssohn, Felix |
BOX-FOLDER 260/4 |
Munch, Charles presentation |
BOX-FOLDER 260/5 |
Music for Israel |
BOX-FOLDER 260/6 |
Music in the international scene
BOX-FOLDER 260/7 |
Music is the purest form of art
BOX-FOLDER 260/8 |
Music should be guided, not fettered
BOX-FOLDER 260/9 |
Musicians Club of New York |
BOX-FOLDER 260/10 |
Notes on Serge Koussevitzky |
BOX-FOLDER 260/11 |
Our great musical heritage |
BOX-FOLDER 260/12 |
Pan pipes of Sigma Alpha Iota |
BOX-FOLDER 261/1 |
Prokofiev, Serge |
BOX-FOLDER 261/2 |
The public must be instructed to
understand new composers |
BOX-FOLDER 261/3 |
Rachmaninoff memorial concert |
BOX-FOLDER 261/4 |
Republican Committee on Program and
Process |
BOX-FOLDER 261/5 |
Russian Orthodox Cathedral Choir of New
York |
BOX-FOLDER 261/6 |
A sentimental journey |
BOX-FOLDER 261/7 |
Seranak |
BOX-FOLDER 261/8 |
Sero-agglutination |
BOX-FOLDER 261/9 |
Sessions, Roger |
BOX-FOLDER 261/10 |
Sibelius, Jean |
BOX-FOLDER 261/11 |
Smith, Moses |
BOX-FOLDER 261/12 |
Stockbridge Bowl Association |
BOX-FOLDER 261/13 |
Tanglewood |
BOX-FOLDER 261/14 |
Tanglewood Scholarship Fund |
BOX-FOLDER 261/15 |
This I Believe
BOX-FOLDER 261/16 |
Verses |
BOX-FOLDER 261/17 |
Virtuoso of the double bass |
BOX-FOLDER 261/18 |
Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania
BOX-FOLDER 261/19 |
Fragments |
BOX-FOLDER 261/20 |
Miscellany |
BOX-FOLDER 261/21 |
The life of Rev. Mark Francesco |
A small soft bound book, handwritten in
Russian, which was presented to Olga Naumov. |
BOX 142-168 MAPCASE 5 |
Visual Materials, 1888-1973
Chiefly formal and informal photographs of Serge, Olga, and Natalie Koussevitzky,
and their family, relatives, friends and notable colleagues. The photographic
materials also include slides, contact sheets, and negatives. The artwork includes
Olga Koussevitzky's caricatures, drawings and sketches of Serge and Olga
Koussevitzky, and photographs of paintings, drawings, and sculptures of
Koussevitzky. Other materials include Tanglewood posters and architectural
designs, and drawings and designs for the Koussevitzkys' property at
Charpignat-Lac du Bourget, in France. |
Arranged in four subseries: Photographs, Slides, and Negatives; Artwork; Posters;
and Architectural and Landscape Designs. |
BOX 142-155, 157-158, 161-168 |
Photographs, Slides, and Negatives, 1888-1968
Formal portraits and informal snapshots of Serge, Olga, and Natalie
Koussevitzky, alone and with family, relatives, friends and colleagues.
Includes photographs of Koussevitzky with the double bass, conducting
orchestras, and in formal portraits with Boston Symphony Orchestra. Also
includes photographs of Berkshire Music Center grounds, buildings and staff,
and Koussevitzky homes. |
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