The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Serge Koussevitzky archive, 1880-1978
Correspondence, 1909-1977 (continued)
General Correspondence, 1909-1977 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 18/19-20 Eiseman, Sally, 1936-1949, undated
  • 18/19 Eiseman, Sally [Mrs. Albert], 1936-1949
  • 18/20 Eiseman, Sally, undated
BOX-FOLDER 18/21 Eisenberg, Maurice
BOX-FOLDER 18/22 Eisenhower, Dwight D.
BOX-FOLDER 18/23 Eisler, Daniel
BOX-FOLDER 18/24 Eitingon, Matvei
Eitingon, Motty
see Eitingon, Matvei
Eldridge, Edric, Mrs.
see Eldridge, Harriet
BOX-FOLDER 19/1 Eldridge, Harriet
BOX-FOLDER 19/2 Elgar, Edward
BOX-FOLDER 19/2a Elias, Rosalind
BOX-FOLDER 19/3 Elisabeta, Abbess
BOX-FOLDER 19/4 Ellington, Duke
BOX-FOLDER 19/5 Elman, Mischa
BOX-FOLDER 19/6 Elmore, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 19/7 El-Tour, Anna
BOX-FOLDER 19/8 Elwell, Herbert
BOX-FOLDER 19/9 Enesco, Georges
BOX-FOLDER 19/10 Engalycheva, Sonia
BOX-FOLDER 19/11 Engel', A.
Wife of IUliĭ Engel', composer and musicologist.
Engel, Carl
see Library of Congress
BOX-FOLDER 19/12 Engel, Lehman
BOX-FOLDER 19/13 English, Granville
BOX-FOLDER 19/14 Enthoven, Emile
BOX-FOLDER 19/15 Eppert, Carl
Eppert, Hertha
see Eppert, Carl
BOX-FOLDER 19/15a Ericourt, Daniel
BOX-FOLDER 19/16 Erskine, John
BOX-FOLDER 128/16 Esquire (magazine)
BOX-FOLDER 19/17 Etler, Alvin
BOX-FOLDER 128/17 Etude (magazine)
BOX-FOLDER 19/18 Evans, Edwin, Jr.
BOX-FOLDER 19/18a Evans, Luther
BOX-FOLDER 19/19 Evlogii, Metropolitan-Archbishop
BOX-FOLDER 19/20 Fairchild, Blair
BOX-FOLDER 19/20a Falkenburg, Jinx
BOX-FOLDER 19/21 Falkner, D. Keith
BOX-FOLDER 19/22 Fall, Fritz
BOX-FOLDER 19/23 Falla, Manuel, de
BOX-FOLDER 19/24 Farberman, Harold
BOX-FOLDER 19/25 Farwell, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 19/26 Fearing, Gwendoline
BOX-FOLDER 19/27 Fëdorov, Ivan
BOX-FOLDER 19/28 Fëdorov, Mikhail
BOX-FOLDER 19/29 Fekete, Zoltan
BOX-FOLDER 19/30 Fennell, Frederick
BOX-FOLDER 19/31 Ferrer, José
BOX-FOLDER 19/32 Ferroud, Pierre-Octave
BOX-FOLDER 19/33 Feuermann, Emanuel
BOX-FOLDER 19/34 Février, Jacques
Fiala, George
see Fiala, IUriĭ
BOX-FOLDER 20/1 Fiala, IUriĭ
BOX-FOLDER 20/2 Fickenscher, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 20/3 Fiedler, Arthur
Fiedler, Ellen
see Fiedler, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 20/4 Filippi, Amadeo de
BOX-FOLDER 20/5 Fine, Irving
Fine, Verna
see Fine, Irving
BOX-FOLDER 20/5a Fink, Jacob
BOX-FOLDER 20/6 Finland (official correspondence)
see also "Subject Files" series, Finland
BOX-FOLDER 20/7 Finney, Ross Lee
BOX-FOLDER 20/8 Firkušný, Rudolf
BOX-FOLDER 20/9 Fisher, William Arms
BOX-FOLDER 20/10 Fistoulari, Anatole
BOX-FOLDER 20/11 Fitelberg, Gregor
BOX-FOLDER 20/12 Fitelberg, Jerzy
BOX-FOLDER 20/13 Flanders, Helen Hartness
BOX-FOLDER 20/14 Fleischer, Anton
BOX-FOLDER 20/14a Fleischer, Herbert
BOX-FOLDER 20/15 Fleisher, Edwin A.
BOX-FOLDER 20/16 Fletcher, H. Grant
BOX-FOLDER 20/17 Foerster, Adolph
BOX-FOLDER 20/18 Fokine, Michel
Contains Koussevitzky's telegram expressing sympathy regarding Fokine's death. Does not contain correspondence to or from Fokine.
BOX-FOLDER 20/19 Foldes, Andor
BOX-FOLDER 20/20 Fontana, John
BOX-FOLDER 20/21 Foote, Arthur
Foote, Doris
see Foote, George
BOX-FOLDER 20/22 Foote, George
Foote, Kate
see Foote, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 20/23 Forbes, Allan
BOX-FOLDER 20/24 Forbes, Edward
Forbes, Elizabeth
see Forbes, F. Murray
BOX-FOLDER 20/25 Forbes, F. Murray
Forbes, Josephine
see Forbes, Allan
Forbes, Marjorie
see Forbes, F. Murray
BOX-FOLDER 20/26 Forrest, Hamilton
Foss, Cornelia
see Foss, Lukas
BOX-FOLDER 20/27 Foss, Lukas
BOX-FOLDER 20/28 Fournier, Pierre
BOX-FOLDER 20/29 Fox, James Ingram
BOX-FOLDER 21/1 France (official correspondence)
BOX-FOLDER 21/1a Franceschi, Vera
BOX-FOLDER 21/2 Franco, Johan
François, Samson
see Schnitzer, Germaine
For correspondence about François.
BOX-FOLDER 21/4 Frank, Claude
BOX-FOLDER 21/5 Frank, Marco
BOX-FOLDER 21/6 Frankenstein, Alfred
BOX-FOLDER 21/7 Frankford, Joseph S.
BOX-FOLDER 21/8 Frankfurter, Felix
BOX-FOLDER 21/9 Frécheville, Fernand
BOX-FOLDER 21/10 Freed, Isadore
BOX-FOLDER 21/11 Freedman, Israel
BOX-FOLDER 21/11a Freedman, Jacques R.
BOX-FOLDER 21/12 Freeman, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 21/13 Freund, Marya
BOX-FOLDER 21/14 Frid, Géza
BOX-FOLDER 21/15 Friedberg, Annie
BOX-FOLDER 21/16 Friedberg, Carl
BOX-FOLDER 21/16a Frijsh, Povla
BOX-FOLDER 21/17 Fromm, Herbert
BOX-FOLDER 21/18 Fromm, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 21/19 Fuchs, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 21/20 Fuleihan, Anis
BOX-FOLDER 21/21 Fuller, Alvan T.
BOX-FOLDER 21/21a Fuller, Faith
Fuller, Viola
see Fuller, Alvan T.
BOX-FOLDER 21/22 Furtwängler, Wilhelm
Gabrilowitsch, Clara
see Gabrilowitsch, Osip
BOX-FOLDER 22/1 Gabrilowitsch, Osip
BOX-FOLDER 22/2 Galajikian, Florence
BOX-FOLDER 22/3 Galamian, Ivan
BOX-FOLDER 128/18 Galaxy Music Corporation
see also Prokofiev, Serge and Stravinsky, Igor
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