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Serge Koussevitzky archive, 1880-1978

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BOX 262-285, 288-289 Subject Files, 1908-1977
Materials relating to people, organizations and topics of interest to the Koussevitzkys. Includes items from cultural, social, and political organizations, and causes supported by the Koussevitzkys; charitable interests; European, South American, Israel, and Cuban tours; Serge Koussevitzy as a composer for and performer of the double bass; conducting requests; RCA Victor recordings; and the Moses Smith lawsuit. Contains correspondence, clippings, promotional materials, programs, membership materials, narratives, statements and speeches, financial and business papers, scripts, and miscellaneous materials.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of document.
BOX-FOLDER 262/1 Amati double bass--Gary Karr, 1935-1972
BOX-FOLDER 262/2 Amati double bass--Koussevitzky's Concerto for Double Bass, 1943-1977
BOX-FOLDER 262/3-10 Amati double bass--Koussevitzky performances, 1908-1929
(8 folders)
BOX-FOLDER 262/11 Amati double bass--Miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 263/1 America-Israel Cultural Foundation, 1961-1970
BOX-FOLDER 263/2-4 America-Israel Society, 1951-1959
BOX-FOLDER 263/5-7 American Association for Assistance to French Artists, 1939-1947
BOX-FOLDER 263/8 American Christian Palestine Committee, 1947-1953
BOX-FOLDER 264/1-3 American Friends of the Hebrew University, 1948-1969
BOX-FOLDER 264/4 American Friends of the Palestine Conservatoire of Music in Jerusalem, 1940-1941
BOX-FOLDER 264/5 American Fund for Israel Institutions, 1949-1952
BOX-FOLDER 264/6 American Fund for Palestinian Institutions, 1946-1950
BOX-FOLDER 264/7 American Guild of Musical Artists, 1937-1951
BOX-FOLDER 264/8 American Relief Administration in Russia, 1922-1923
BOX-FOLDER 264/9--265-12 American-Soviet friendship, 1942-1949
(14 folders)
BOX-FOLDER 266/1-8 American-Soviet Music Society, 1945-1947
BOX-FOLDER 266/9 Americans for a Music Library in Israel, 1951-1962
BOX-FOLDER 266/10 Baldwin Piano Company, 1940-1941
see also "General Correspondence," Baldwin Piano Company
BOX-FOLDER 266/11 Beethoven Memorial, 1932-1933
BOX-FOLDER 266/12 Bernstein, Leonard, 1949-1960
BOX-FOLDER 267/1 Boston Public Library, 1925-1977
BOX-FOLDER 267/2 Boston University, 1926-1967
BOX-FOLDER 267/3-4 Boulanger (Lili) Memorial Fund, 1944-1977
Also includes documents on Nadia Boulanger's 80th birthday commemoration for which people contributed to the Lili Boulanger Fund.
BOX-FOLDER 267/5 Brandeis University, 1949-1971
BOX-FOLDER 267/6-7 Brazil trip, 1945-1949
BOX-FOLDER 268/1 Bruckner Society of America, 1930-1939
BOX-FOLDER 268/2-5 CARE, 1946-1951
BOX 288 CARE food contribution receipts, 1946-1951
BOX-FOLDER 268/6 Chaliapin memorial concert, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 268/7 Charitable giving and contributions, 1943-1946
BOX-FOLDER 268/8--269/5 Children to Palestine, 1946-1960
(7 folders)
BOX-FOLDER 269/6 Church on the Hill, 1952-1956
BOX-FOLDER 269/7 Combined Jewish Appeal, 1946
BOX-FOLDER 269/8 Conducting requests (American), 1922-1950
BOX-FOLDER 269/9 Conducting requests (non-American), 1922-1950
BOX-FOLDER 270/1 Contemporary Music Society, 1958
BOX-FOLDER 270/2-3 Debussy monument fund, 1928-1930
BOX-FOLDER 270/4 Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 1950-1951
Double bass
see Amati double bass
BOX-FOLDER 270/5 Dutilleux, Henri, 1962-1975
BOX-FOLDER 270/6 Ecclesiastical speeches of the Russian Orthodox Church, 1932-1935
BOX-FOLDER 270/7 'En Gev project, 1950-1952
see also Israel Music Festivals
BOX-FOLDER 270/8--271/1 ESKA, 1927-1953
(2 folders)
BOX-FOLDER 271/2-4 European concerts, 1921-1947
Koussevitzky concerts without the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
BOX-FOLDER 271/5 European trip (1950), 1949-1954
see also London concerts
Koussevitzky's conducting trip to England, Havana, Brazil, Israel, Belgium, France and Italy.
BOX-FOLDER 271/6 Federal Advisory Commission on the Arts, 1956
BOX-FOLDER 271/7 Finland, 1935-1941
see also "General Correspondence" series, Finland
Includes documents on the Sibelius Festival, and Finland’s presence at the New York World’s Fair.
BOX-FOLDER 271/8 Ford Hall Forum, 1928-1947
see also "Writings" series, Ford Hall Forum
BOX-FOLDER 271/9-10 France, 1923-1950
BOX-FOLDER 272/1 Franco-Russian Children's Home, 1924
BOX-FOLDER 272/1a Friedman, Abraham, 1972
Includes correspondence and obituary.
BOX-FOLDER 272/2 Gramophone Company, 1926-1934
see also "General Correspondence" series, Gramophone Company, Ltd.
Guggenheim Foundation
see John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
BOX-FOLDER 272/3 Hadassah, 1938-1939, 1953-1959
BOX-FOLDER 272/4 Havana, Cuba, 1945-1951
Koussevitzky’s concert in Havana, with the Havana Philharmonic Orchestra.
Hebrew University
see American Friends of the Hebrew University
BOX-FOLDER 272/5 High School of Music and Art, 1942-1948
BOX-FOLDER 272/6-9 Hollywood Bowl, 1926-1951
Independent Voters Committee of the Arts and Sciences for Roosevelt
see Roosevelt, Franklin D.--Re-election
BOX-FOLDER 272/10 International Competition for Singing and Violin, 1932
BOX-FOLDER 272/11 International musical review, 1955-1956
BOX-FOLDER 273/1 International Symphony Orchestra, 1948-1949
BOX-FOLDER 273/2 Iranian Institute, 1940-1946
BOX-FOLDER 273/3 Israel (Miscellany), 1949-1977
BOX-FOLDER 273/4 Israel music festivals, 1946-1954
see also 'En Gev project
Includes correspondence regarding Milhaud’s David, an opera commissioned by SK.
BOX-FOLDER 273/5--274/1 Israel Philharmonic Orchestra tour, 1939-1960
(7 folders)
Includes materials relating to their first American tour in 1951 with SK.
BOX-FOLDER 274/2 Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1946-1949
BOX-FOLDER 274/3 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1927-1956
BOX-FOLDER 274/4 Juilliard School of Music, 1931-1957
Karr, Gary
see Amati double bass--Gary Karr
BOX-FOLDER 274/5 Koussevitzky centennial, 1973-1975
BOX-FOLDER 274/6 Koussevitzky Memorial Fund, 1954-1963
BOX-FOLDER 274/7--275/2 Lenox Library, 1947-1965
(4 folders)
BOX-FOLDER 275/3 Lists of musical works
BOX-FOLDER 275/4 London concerts, 1949-1950
see also European trip (1950)
BOX-FOLDER 275/5 MacDowell Colony, 1925-1970
BOX-FOLDER 275/6 Makanowitzky fund, 1945-1946
BOX-FOLDER 275/7 Miniature scores, 1952-1955
Lists of miniature scores from the Serge Koussevitzky Library, given to the Lenox Library Association.
BOX-FOLDER 275/8 Miscellaneous unidentified documents in Russian
BOX-FOLDER 275/9 Miscellaneous unidentified music
BOX-FOLDER 275/10--276/1 Music You Want: Victor Record Program, 1944-1949
(3 folders)
BOX-FOLDER 276/2 National Association for American Composers and Conductors, 1933-1945
BOX-FOLDER 276/3 National Committee for Music Appreciation, 1939-1940
BOX-FOLDER 276/4 National Symphony Orchestra (Washington, D.C.), 1949
BOX-FOLDER 276/5 Nazi treatment of artists, 1933
New York Philharmonic
see Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York
BOX-FOLDER 276/6 New York World's Fair, 1937-1939
BOX-FOLDER 276/7 News about RCA Victor Records, 1947-1948
BOX-FOLDER 276/8--277/2 Novoye Russkoye Slovo, 1945-1947
(3 folders)
BOX-FOLDER 277/3-5 Paris concerts, 1920-1929
BOX-FOLDER 277/6-7 Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York, 1941-1942
Includes documents relating to SK’s becoming director of the New York Philharmonic after he was considering quitting the BSO in Spring 1942.
BOX-FOLDER 278/1 Pushkin, Aleksandr, 1936-1937
BOX-FOLDER 278/2 Queen Elizabeth of Belgium International Music Competition, 1951-1953
BOX-FOLDER 278/3-5 Rachmaninoff Fund, 1944-1949
Radio Corporation of America
see RCA Victor Records
BOX-FOLDER 278/6 RCA Victor Record Bulletin, 1946-1948
BOX-FOLDER 278/7 RCA Victor Records, 1924-1929
see also "Correspondence" series, Radio Corporation of America and "Writings" series, RCA Victor recordings
BOX-FOLDER 278/8 RCA Victor Records, 1930-1933
BOX-FOLDER 279/1 RCA Victor Records, 1934-1940
BOX-FOLDER 279/2 RCA Victor Records, 1941-1943
BOX-FOLDER 279/3 RCA Victor Records, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 279/4 RCA Victor Records, 1945
BOX-FOLDER 279/5 RCA Victor Records, 1946
BOX-FOLDER 280/1 RCA Victor Records, 1947
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