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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Music Collected by Nicolas Slonimsky, 1930-1990 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Printed Music (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX 328 | Ziloti, S. I. (arranger) | ||||||||||||
BOX 328 | Kogda my vstrietilis' s toboiu. Novaia tsyganskaia piesnia [voice and piano]. Saint Petersburg: Nikolaĭ Khrist. Davingof, 1888 . | ||||||||||||
Zubov, N. V. | |||||||||||||
BOX 328 | Snova so mnoiu ty! Romans [voice and piano]. Saint Petersburg: N. Kh. Davingof, 1901 . | ||||||||||||
BOX 328 | Zhazhdu svidan'ia, zhazhdu lobzaniia. Tsyganskīĭ val's [voice and piano]. Saint Petersburg: K. Leopasa, 1898 . | ||||||||||||
BOX 329-339 | Multi-Composer Collections | ||||||||||||
BOX 329 | 20 russkikh narodnykh pesen [voice(s)]. Moscow: Muzgiz, 1936 . | ||||||||||||
Vladimir Zakharov (transcriber). | |||||||||||||
BOX 329 | 357 songs we love to sing. Songs for every purpose and occasion for home, school and assembly use. Minneapolis: Schmitt, Hall & McCreary, 1938 . | ||||||||||||
BOX 329 | A. Pushkin v romansakh i pesniakh sovetskikh kompozitorov [voice and piano]. Moscow: Muzgiz, 1937 . | ||||||||||||
Compositions by Alexander ABRAMSKY, Anatoli ALEXANDROV, Victor BELY, Yuri BIRIUKOV, Vladimir DESHEVOV, Anatol DROZDOV, Konstantin EIGES, Samuel FEINBERG, Vladimir FRIZE, Varvara GAIGEROVA, Mikhail IORDANSKY, Yuri KOCHUROV, Alexander KREIN, Zara LEVINA, Alexander MOSOLOV, Vasily NECHAYEV, Sergei PROKOFIEV, Vasili SEDOI [SOLOVIEV-SEDOY], Yuri SHAPORIN, Vissarion SHEBALIN, Boris SHEKHTER, Ivan SHISHOV, Lev SHVARTS, Mikhail STAROKADOMSKY, and Georgi SVIRIDOV. | |||||||||||||
BOX 329 | American composers of today. 23 piano pieces imparting appreciation of contemporary music. New York: Marks Music Corp., 1965 . | ||||||||||||
Compositions by [?] BABBITT, Arthur BERGER, Sol BERKOWITZ, Mario CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO, Norman CAZDEN, Henry COWELL, Norman DELLO JOIO, Vivian FINE, Miriam GIDEON, Lou HARRISON, Robert HELPS, Alan HOVHANESS, Jan MEYEROWITZ, Charles MILLS, Hall OVERTON, Joseph PROSTAKOFF, Karol RATHAUS, Roger SESSIONS, Nicolas SLONIMSKY, Robert STARER, William SYDEMAN, and Ben WEBER. | |||||||||||||
BOX 329 | Antifashistskie pesni [voice and piano]. Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1939 . | ||||||||||||
G. M. Shneerson (ed.). | |||||||||||||
Compositions by Alan BUSH, Hans EISLER, Ia. EZHEK, Tikhon KHRENNIKOV, Vadim KOCHETOV, Charles KOECHLIN, [Kurt?] MANSCHINGER, Carlos PALACIO, Dimitri and Daniel POKRASS, Mark SEVERN, Grigory SHNEERSON, G[alina] SMIRNOVA, Ferenc SZABÓ, and Victor TOMILIN. | |||||||||||||
BOX 329 | Antologia pianistica di autori italiani contemporanei, v. 1. Milan: Edizioni Suvini-Zerboni, 1944 . | ||||||||||||
Compositions by Franco ABBIATI, Guido AGOSTI, Tommaso ALATI, Dante ALDERIGHI, Franco ALFANO, Giulia BASSI, Bruno BETTINELLI, Massimo BONTEMPELLI, Enzo BORLENGHI, Enrico BORMIOLI, Adolfo C. BOSSI, Renzo BOSSI, Enzo CALACE, Isidoro CAPITANIO, Ezio CARABELLA, Alfredo CASELLA, Cesare CHIESA, Francesco CILÈA, Spartaco COPERTINI, Luigi CORTESE, Luigi DALLAPICCOLA, Adelmo DAMERINI, Vincenzo DAVICO, Paolo DELACHI, Ettore DESDERI, Guido FARINA, Renato FASANO, Luigi FERRARI TRECATE, Vito FRAZZI, Sandro FUGA, Terenzio GARGIULO, Ottorino GENTILUCCI, Giorgio Federico GHEDINI, Barbara GIURANNA, Gino GORINI, and Guido GUERRINI. | |||||||||||||
BOX 329 | Antologia pianistica di autori italiani contemporanei, v. 2. Milan: Edizioni Suvini-Zerboni, 1944 . | ||||||||||||
Compositions by Amando LA ROSA PARODI, Ang. Francesco LAVAGNINO, Lino LIVIABELLA, Achille LONGO, Alessandro LONGO, Adriano LUALDI, Enrico MAINARDI, G. Francesco MALIPIERO, Franco MARGOLA, Renzo MARTINI, Umberto MICHELI, Corradina MOLA, Federico MOMPELLIO, G. Oreste MONTANI, Pietro MONTANI, Mario MORETTI, Virgilio MORTARI, Giuseppe MULÈ, Riccardo NIELSEN, Guido Cesare PARIBENI, Arrigo PEDROLLO, Carlo PEDRON, Tito PETRALIA, Goffredo PETRASSI, Giuseppe PICCIOLI, Riccardo PICK-MANGIAGALLI, Ildebrando PIZZETTI, Ennio PORRINO, Ettore POZZOLI, Giulio RAZZI, Nino ROSSI, Roberto ROSSI, Nino ROTA, Achille SCHINELLI, Renzo SILVESTRI, Giulio Cesare SONZOGNO, Giovanni SPEZZAFERRI, Santo SPINELLI, Ottavio TOMMASINI, Antonio VERETTI, Franco VITTADINI, Amilcare ZANELLA, and Sante ZANON. | |||||||||||||
BOX 329 | Arii i khory iz oper sovetskikh kompozitorov [voice or chorus and piano]. | ||||||||||||
Published as a supplement Sovetskaia Muzyka 10 (1958). | |||||||||||||
Compositions by Vissarion SHEBALIN; Victor TRAMBITSKY; and Vladimir VLASOV, Abdylas MALDYBAYEV and Vladimir FERE [collectively]. | |||||||||||||
BOX 330 | Boletin latino americano de musica 1. Suplemento musical. Montevideo: Instituto de Estudios Superiores del Uruguay, 1935 (April) . | ||||||||||||
Various compositions by P. Humberto ALLENDE, Enrique M. CASELLA, Juan José CASTRO, F. Eduardo FABINI, O. Lorenzo FERNANDEZ, Luis GIANNEO, M. Camargo GUARNIERI, Cárlos ISAMITT, Francisco MIGNONE, Juan Cárlos PAZ, H. VILLA-LOBOS, and J. T. WILKES. | |||||||||||||
BOX 330 | Boletin latino-americano de musica 3. Suplemento musical. Montevideo: Instituto de Estudios Superiores, Montevideo, 1937 (April) . | ||||||||||||
Various compositions by Vicente ASCONE, Roberto CARPIO VALDéS, Luis CLUZEAU-MORTET, Federico GERDES, Radamés GNATTALI, and Josué TeÓfilo WILKES (arr.). | |||||||||||||
BOX 330 | Boletín latino-americano de música 4. Suplemento musical. Bogota: Instituto de Estudios Superiores, Montevideo, 1938 (Oct.) . | ||||||||||||
Compositions for piano by Pedro Humberto ALLENDE, Renée AMENGUAL, Isabel ARETZ-THIELE, PrÓspero BISQUERTT, Eduardo CABA, José María CASTRO, Jacobo FICHER, Carlos ISAMITT, Alfonso LENG, Roberto García MORILLO, Samuel NEGRETE, Juan Carlos PAZ, Julio PERCEVAL, Carlos SáNCHEZ MáLAGA, Domingo SANTA CRUZ, Honorio SICCARDI, Carlos SUFFERN, Fructuoso VIANNA, and Heitor VILLA-LOBOS. | |||||||||||||
Compositions for voice by Alejandro INZAURRAGA, Abraham JURAFSKY, Estanislao MEJíA (for chorus), Carlos POSADA AMADOR, Andrés SAS, Guillermo URIBE-HOLGUíN, and Fructuoso VIANNA. | |||||||||||||
BOX 330 | Boletín latino-americano de música 5. Suplemento musical. Montevideo: Instituto Interamericano de Musicología, Montevideo, 1941 (Oct.) . | ||||||||||||
Includes various chamber works as well as works for solo piano and voice and piano. | |||||||||||||
BOX 330 | Carlo Buti song album of continental hits [voice and piano]. New York: Alfred Music Co., 1937 . | ||||||||||||
Compositions by Carlo BUTI, Gorni KRAMER, Eldo di LAZZARO, Peppino MENDES, M. de PAOLIS, RAY-MARF-MASCHERONI [3 persons], Mario SCHISA, and D. VASIN. | |||||||||||||
Words in Italian. | |||||||||||||
BOX 330 | Chantons les vieilles chansons d'Europe. 232 chansons populaires des divers peuples. Paris: Les éditions OuvriÈres, 1946 . | ||||||||||||
Paul Arma (ed.). | |||||||||||||
Melodies with text (in French). Very fragile condition. | |||||||||||||
BOX 330 | Children's piano pieces, by Soviet composers. New York: Leeds Music Corp., 1946 . | ||||||||||||
Joseph Wolman (ed.). | |||||||||||||
Compositions by Vassily BARVINSKY, Anatole DROSDOFF [Anatol DROZDOV], Vladimir FEHRE, Alexander GLADKOVSKY, Elena GNESSINE, Alexander GOEDICKE, Dmitri KABALEVSKY, Nicolai MIASKOVSKY, Sergei PROKOFIEV, Mikhail RAUCHVERGER, and Ivan SHISHOV. | |||||||||||||
BOX 330 | Collection Espagnole (ColecciÓn de obras españolas e iberoamericanas), from Albéniz to Villa-Lobos, for piano solo. New York: Edward B. Marks Music Corp., 1941 . | ||||||||||||
Felix Guenther (ed.). | |||||||||||||
Compositions by Isaac ALBéNIZ, Eduardo L. CHAVARRI, Manuel de FALLA,Oscar Lorenzo FERNÅNDEZ, Enrique GRANADOS, Victor GRANADOS, Carlos ISAMITT, Ernesto LECUONA, Federico LONGAS, Daniel A. ROBLES, Miguel SANDOVAL, Carlos SUFFERN, Joaquin TURINA, and Hector VILLA-LOBOS. | |||||||||||||
BOX 330 | Contemporary American piano music. New York: Edwin H. Morris & Co., 1956 . | ||||||||||||
Joseph Prostakoff (ed.). | |||||||||||||
BOX 331 | Dēmotika tragoudia Ēpeirou kai Mōrēa, se vyzantinē kai Eurōpaïkē parasēmantikē [melodies with words]. Athens: Ch. Synodinou, 1950 . | ||||||||||||
Spyros D. Peristeres (ed.). | |||||||||||||
Byzantine and modern notation. | |||||||||||||
Inscribed by [Peristeres?]. | |||||||||||||
BOX 331 | Deset skladeb, por housle a klavír (10 Czech pieces for violin and piano). Prague: Hudební Matice Umělecké Besedy, 1947 . | ||||||||||||
Score and part. | |||||||||||||
Compositions by Emil AXMAN, Pavel BOŘKOVEC, Joseph B. FOERSTER, Emil HLOBIL, Leoš JANÁČEK, Jaroslav KVAPIL, Bohuslav MARTINŮ, Vilém PETRŽELKA, František PÍCHA [PICKA], and Josef SUK. | |||||||||||||
BOX 331 | Fifty-one piano pieces from the modern repertoire. New York: G. Schirmer, 1940 . | ||||||||||||
39 composers. | |||||||||||||
BOX 331 | Fifty-nine piano solos you like to play. New York: G. Schirmer, 1936 . | ||||||||||||
39 composers. | |||||||||||||
BOX 331 | The golden book of favorite songs. A treasury of the best songs of our people. Chicago: Hall & McCreary Co., [1946] . | ||||||||||||
John W. Beattie, et al. (eds.). | |||||||||||||
Edition: 21st ed. | |||||||||||||
BOX 331 | Historical revolutionary songs [melodies with words]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1971 . | ||||||||||||
Music by Pei Chih, Nieh Erh, Mai Hsin, and Hsien Hsing-hai. | |||||||||||||
BOX 331 | Izbrannye pesni sovetskikh kompozitorov.[voice or chorus and piano]. Moscow: Muzgiz, 1937 . | ||||||||||||
M. Iordansky (ed.). | |||||||||||||
Compositions by Alexander ALEXANDROV, Victor BELY, Matvei BLANTER, Nicolai CHEMBERDZHI, Isaak DUNAYEVSKY, Zinovy DUNAYEVSKY, Ivan DZERZHINSKY, Yuli KHAIT, Lev KNIPPER, Daniel and Dimitri POKRASS, Venedikt PUSHKOV, Lev REVUTSKY, and Boris SHEKHTER. | |||||||||||||
BOX 331 | John W. Schaum presents American composers of the twentieth century [piano]. Milwaukee: Schaum Publications, 1969 . | ||||||||||||
Compositions by Samuel BARBER, Cecil BURLEIGH, Abram CHASINS, Zez CONFREY, James Francis COOKE, James DUNN, Howard HANSON, Edward Burlingame HILL, Alan HOVHANESS, Henry Holden HUSS, A. Walter KRAMER, and Nicolas SLONIMSKY (Dreams and drums). | |||||||||||||
BOX 331 | Jugoslawisches album (Jugoslavenski album) [piano]. [Vienna]: Universal-Edition, 1935 . | ||||||||||||
Contents: "Sonatina" by Žiga HIRSCHLER; "Improvisation über ein Volkslied" by Božidar KUNC; and "Reigen" by Boris PAPANDOPULO. | |||||||||||||
BOX 331 | Katalonskie narodnye pesni (Cançoner popular de Catalunya) [voice and piano]. Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1939 . | ||||||||||||
A. V. Fevralsky and G. M. Shneerson (eds.). | |||||||||||||
Arrangements by Francisco ALIÓ, Jose CUMELLAS i RIBÓ, and Juan LAMOTE de GRIGNON. | |||||||||||||
BOX 332 | Krest'ianskīia piesni, zapisannyia v S. Nikolaevkie, menzelinskago uiezda, ufimskoĭ gubernīi, N. Pal'chikovym. Moscow: P. Iurgenson, 1896 . | ||||||||||||
N. Palchikov (ed.). | |||||||||||||
Unaccompanied folk melodies (Russian peasant songs). | |||||||||||||
BOX 332 | Latin-American art music for the piano, by twelve contemporary composers. New York: G. Schirmer, 1942 . | ||||||||||||
Francisco Curt Lange (ed./compiler). | |||||||||||||
BOX 332 | Masterpieces of contemporary Japanese music 1959. Tokyo: Ongaku-no-Tomo Sha, 1959 . | ||||||||||||
Compositions (mostly orchestral) by Yoshirō IRINO, Michio MAMIYA, Toshirō MAYUZUMI, Akira MIYOSHI, Makoto MOROI, Minao SHIBATA, and Toru TAKEMITSU. | |||||||||||||
Includes textual material in English and Japanese. | |||||||||||||
BOX 332 | Masterpieces of contemporary Japanese music 1960. Tokyo: Ongaku-no-Tomo Sha, 1960 . | ||||||||||||
Compositions by Miyoshi AKIRA, Moroi MAKOTO, Mamiya MICHIO, Ogura ROH, Bekku SADAO, Matsushita SHINICHI, and Irino YOSHIRO. | |||||||||||||
Includes textual material in English and Japanese. | |||||||||||||
[Miscellaneous opera excerpts (voice/chorus and piano), 1870s-1890s: compilation (inc. and annotated)] | |||||||||||||
Compositions by G. BIZET, A. DARGOMYZHSKY, G. MEYERBEER, W. A. MOZART, E[duard] NAPRAVNIK, G. ROSSINI, A. RUBINSTEIN, C. SAINT-SAËNS, P. TCHAIKOVSKY, A[mbroise] THOMAS, G. VERDI, and Carl Maria von WEBER. | |||||||||||||
Note: bound volume no. I, fragile condition. Russian/multilingual texts. | |||||||||||||
[Miscellaneous piano pieces and songs (a few), dedicated to various lofty personages (mostly Russian) of the first decades of the 19th century (the Grand Duke Nicholas [later Czar Nicholas I]; wife of Alexander I) and often performed in celebration of lofty moments in their lives] | |||||||||||||
Polonaises, marches, waltzes, romances, national airs, etc. by [William] von AUMANN, Felice BLANGINI, [?] DOERFFELD [DÖRFFELD], Jósef KOZŁOVSKY, Marina KOZLOVSKY, F[redrik] LITHANDER, L. MINELLY, Joseph RAMNITZ, and Joseph WILDE. | |||||||||||||
Note: bound volume, fragile. | |||||||||||||
[Miscellaneous salon piano pieces from the 1850s: compilation (inc., p. 61-131, annotated)] | |||||||||||||
Compositions by H. G. BARROWS, James BELLAK, Charles CZERNY (arr.), C. P. FRANCIS, S. T. FRANKLIN, J. Z. HESSER, Hans KRUMMACHER, [Louis James Alfred] LEFéBURE-WéLY, James E. MAGRUDER, W. C. PETERS, Gustavus RAU, W. H. RULISON, F. SOUTHGATE, Johan SPINDLER (arr.), and Septimus WINNER (arr.). | |||||||||||||
Note: formerly a bound volume. | |||||||||||||
[Miscellaneous songs (one or more voices and piano), 1870s-1890s: compilation (inc., annotated)] | |||||||||||||
Compositions by G. BIZET, A. DARGOMYZHSKY, C[arl] DAVIDOV, L[uigi] DENZA, J[oseph] DESSAUER, E. DŁUSKI, N[ikolai] DMITRIEV, S[tanislas] GASTALDON, Benjamin GODARD, E[dvard] GRIEG, M[ikhail] IVANOV, A. RUBINSTEIN, F. SCHUBERT, A. SPIRO, P. TCHAIKOVSKY, and [Francesco] Paolo TOSTI. | |||||||||||||
Note: bound volume no. II, fragile condition. Russian/multilingual texts. | |||||||||||||
[Miscellaneous songs (one or more voices and piano), ca.1870-1910: compilation, 321 leaves (annotated)] | |||||||||||||
Note: bound volume (fragile). Russian/multilingual texts. | |||||||||||||
BOX 335 | Musica folklorica de Costa Rica. Seleccion de lo publicado en los tres primeros folletos con algunos agregados [piano solo or piano and voice]. San José: Danzuni, undated | ||||||||||||
Compositions by Juan Rafael ALFARO, Roberto CAMPABADAL, Ismael CARAVACA, Saturnino CUBILLO, Manuel María GUTIÉRREZ, Pasión Acevedo JÁCAMO, Andrés Centeno MORALES, Pedro PRADO, and Manuel RODRÍGUEZ C. | |||||||||||||
Inscribed by Joseph Wagner. | |||||||||||||
BOX 335 | Musica popular cubana. 80 composiciones revisadas y corregidas ... por Emilio Grenet [ed.] [voice(s) and piano; some piano solo]. Havana: Carasa y Cía (printer), 1939 . | ||||||||||||
Cataloged in the Library of Congress Music Collection as "Popular Cuban music." | |||||||||||||
BOX 335 | Musik der Zeit. Eine Sammlung zeitgenössischer Werke, [v.] 2 [piano]. Vienna: Universal-Edition, [1927] . | ||||||||||||
Compositions by Mario CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO, Hans GÁL, Paul GRAENER, Alois HÁBA, Nicolai MEDTNER, Alexander SCRIABIN, Karol SZYMANOWSKI, Alexander TCHEREPNIN, and Arthur WILLNER. | |||||||||||||
BOX 335 | Musik der Zeit. Eine Sammlung zeitgenössischer Werke, [v.] 3 [piano]. Vienna: Universal-Edition, [1927] . | ||||||||||||
Compositions by Béla BARTÓK, Rudolf KATTNIGG, György KÓSA, Gian Francesco MALIPIERO, Nicolai MIASKOVSKY, Vítězslav NOVÁK, Leonid POLOVINKIN, Ottorino RESPIGHI, Vittorio RIETI, Alexander SCRIABIN, and Pantcho VLADIGEROV. | |||||||||||||
BOX 335 | Musik der Zeit. Eine Sammlung zeitgenössischer Werke, [v.] 4 [piano]. Vienna: Universal-Edition, [1927] . | ||||||||||||
Compositions by Béla BARTÓK, Max BUTTING, Samuel FEINBERG, Fidelio FINKE, Wilhelm GROSZ, Louis GRUENBERG, Alois HÁBA, Karel B. JIRáK, Zoltán KODÁLY, Filip LAZAR, Leonid POLOVINKIN, Franz SALMHOFER, and Erwin SCHULHOFF. | |||||||||||||
BOX 335 | Musik der Zeit. Eine Sammlung zeitgenössischer Werke, [v.] 5 [piano]. Vienna: Universal-Edition, [1927] . | ||||||||||||
Compositions by Béla BARTÓK, Wilhelm GROSZ, Ernst KRENEK, Darius MILHAUD, Felix PETYREK, Sergei PROKOFIEV, Karol RATHAUS, and Alexander SCRIABIN. | |||||||||||||
BOX 335 | Musik der Zeit. Eine Sammlung zeitgenössischer Werke, [v.] 6 [piano]. Vienna: Universal-Edition, [1927] . | ||||||||||||
2 copies, 1 of which is incomplete | |||||||||||||
Compositions by Béla BARTÓK, Max BUTTING, Alfredo CASELLA, Hanns EISLER, Josef Matthias HAUER, Paul PISK, Arnold SCHÖNBERG, and Egon WELLESZ. | |||||||||||||
BOX 335 | Muzykal'naia literatura dlia khoreograficheskikh uchilishch ([v.] 1) [piano]. Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1963 . | ||||||||||||
V. Vladimirov and L. Kushnarev (eds.). | |||||||||||||
Ballet music of LULLY, RAMEAU, GLUCK, MOZART, and BEETHOVEN. | |||||||||||||
BOX 335 | My po[ė]m (We sing). Sbornik pesen [voice and piano]. Moscow: Muzgiz, 1938 . | ||||||||||||
G. M. Shneerson (ed.). | |||||||||||||
Compositions by Alexander V. ALEXANDROV, Matvei BLANTER, Pierre DEGEYTER, Isaak DUNAYEVSKY, Ivan DZERZHINSKY, Hans EISLER, Yuli KHAIT, Nicolai MIASKOVSKY, Carlos PALACIO, Daniel and Dimitri POKRASS, Venedikt PUSHKOV, Manuel RAMOS, Vasili SOLOVIEV-SEDOY, and Ferenc SZABÓ. | |||||||||||||
Text translations in English, French and German. | |||||||||||||
BOX 335 | Narodnye pesni o Staline [voice(s) or chorus, with and without piano]. Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, 1949 . | ||||||||||||
Note: also published in Leningrad | |||||||||||||
BOX 336 | Das neue Klavierbuch. Eine Sammlung von Klavierstücken zeitgenössischer Komponisten, bd. 1. Mainz: B. Schott's Söhne, 1948 . | ||||||||||||
Erich Winkler (ed.). | |||||||||||||
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