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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Writings, 1920-1995 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Articles (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX 9 | [Cobbett's cyclopedia of chamber music-drafts, correspondence, galleys, etc.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Colors and keys. Medical Opinion and Review2, no. 1 (Oct. 1966). | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Complicated problem-drastic solution. Christian Science Monitor, 10 Nov. 1952. | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Composer in a palace. Surrounded by treasures and household pets, Malipiero personifies an ageless tradition.Christian Science Monitor, 30 Sept. 1950. | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Composer in uniform. Christian Science Monitor, 21 Aug. 1943. | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Composer's fan mail. Friends on the air waves put a sparkle in Slonimsky activities.Christian Science Monitor, 28 Aug. 1948. | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Composer's notes on the quaquaversal suite. [typescript, 1 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Comprehensive encyclopedia of musical knowledge. [typescript, 3 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Concert of contemporary American music | ||||||||||||
[Program notes for] Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. May 25, 1967. (Essay for strings, by John T. Williams ; Structures sonores, by Henri Lazarof ; Concerto for bassoon and orchestra, by Ernest Kanitz ; Symphony no. 2, op. 9, by Easley Blackwood.) | |||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Consonances and dissonances. Christian Science Monitor, 6 Dec. 1937. | ||||||||||||
[Copland, Aaron] | |||||||||||||
BOX 10 | [Program notes for] Outdoor Overture[1947]. | ||||||||||||
[Corelli, Arcangelo] | |||||||||||||
BOX 10 | La folia. [typescript, 3 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Creativity by edict. Medical Opinion and Review3, no. 7 (July 1967). | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Critics ain't what they used to be. The sad decline of musical invective. [journal article undated] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Cross-note puzzles. Christian Science Monitor, 1 Mar. 1937. | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Cultural explosion in the U.S.S.R. [typescript, 62 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Curious facts and amusing anecdotes. [typescript, 7 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Dance map of Europe. Christian Science Monitor, 20 Oct. 1945, weekly magazine section. | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Dancing on an asteroid.Christian Science Monitor, 1 July 1955. | ||||||||||||
[Debussy, Claude] | |||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Prelude a l'après-midi d'un faune. [typescript, 3 p.; inscribed: Long Beach Jan. 31, 1969] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | String quartet, op. 10. [typescript, 3 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Two dances for harp and string orchestra. [typescript, 3 p.] | ||||||||||||
[Delius, Frederick] | |||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Two pieces for small orchestra. [typescript, 2 p.] | ||||||||||||
[Dello Joio, Norman] | |||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Concerto for harp and orchestra. [typescript, 1 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Demotic music. [typescript, 8 p.; inscribed: Medical Opinion and Review, Mar. 1998] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | The demotic style. Medical Opinion and Review4, no. 5 (May 1968). | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Development of Soviet music. Bulletin on the Soviet Union2 (30 Apr. 1937). | ||||||||||||
[Diamond, David] | |||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Suite for Romeo and Juliet. [typescript, 2 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Dictionnaire de musique, 1972. [typescript, 28 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Distortions scored of Soviet translator. Christian Science Monitor, 22 Sept. 1959. | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Dizzy Dorato. [typescript, 20 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Dmitri Dmitrievitch Shostakovitch, July 31, 1942. [typescript, 27 p.; inscribed: copy fromThe Musical Quarterly] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Dmitri Shostakovich. [typescript, 7 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Dmitri Shostakovitch. The Musical Mercury2, no. 2 (June/July 1935). | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Domashniaia kanitel (Household proceedings). [comedy by N.S. (1907), 15 leaves ; sketches, 7 leaves.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 10 | Dreams. [descriptions of dreams by N.S., 8 p.] | ||||||||||||
[Dukas, Paul] | |||||||||||||
BOX 11 | The apprentice sorcerer. [typescript, 3 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Dvořák's quartet, op. 96. [typescript, 1 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Elements of music. [typescript (Nov. 1963), 17 p.; inscribed: forThe Book of Knowledge(Grolier)] | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Elgar. [typescript, 2 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | [Program notes for] Elie Siegmeister 75th Birthday Tribute Concert. Merkin Concert Hall, Abraham Goodman House, 15 Jan. 1984. | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | [Encyclopedia Britannica-drafts, correspondence, etc. for music articles] | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | [Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year articles, 1958-69](seeGeneral Collections) | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | [Encyclopedia Judaica-drafts, correspondence, etc. for music articles] | ||||||||||||
[Enesco, Georges] | |||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Octet for strings. [typescript, 3 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Rumanian rhapsody no. 1. [typescript, 3 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Ernst Toch, 1887-1967. Neue Zeitschrift für Musik(Dec. 1967). | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Escena musical de los estados unidos. Nuestra Musica6, no. 24 (1951). | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Etude musical miscellany. Etude (Jan. 1949). | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Eureka, the process of intellectual discovery. [typescript of seminar description, at Norman Okla., 9-13 Oct. 1988; 1 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Europa volveré a cantar! Musicalia10 (June 1944). | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Europe will sing again! Christian Science Monitor, 22 Jan. 1944. | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Ever youthful Mozart. Christian Science Monitor, 6 Oct. 1953. | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Ewen's musical masterpieces, corrections and suggestions. [corrections for David Ewen'sEncyclopedia of the Opera, June-Sept. 1952 and July-Sept. 1958; typescript, 200 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Exploring on a keyboard. Girls Today, 7 Sept. 1947. | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | Exposition of music. [typescript, 26 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 11 | The extraordinary monsieur Liszt. Christian Science Monitor, 4 Apr. 1952. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | The fabulous Garcia family. Christian Science Monitor, 10 June 1953. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | The fame and legend of Villa Lobos. The Saturday Review, 30 Aug. 1947. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Father of Russian music. Christian Science Monitor, 7 Mar. 1958. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Ferde Grofé. [typescript, 1 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | The fervent genius. Christian Science Monitor, 7 May 1955. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Firebirdsmanship. [typescript, 3 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | The first romantic composer. Christian Science Monitor, 30 Nov. 1957. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Florent Schmitt. Side-glances at the guest of the hour. Boston Evening Transcript, 26 Nov. 1932. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Florentine in Paris. Christian Science Monitor, 9 Jan. 1959. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | The flowering of classical opera.Medical Opinion and Review4, no. 1 (Jan. 1968). | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Folklore, harmony, rhythm. [typescript, 10 p.; inscribed: Puerto Rico, Nov. 27, 1959] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | The folklore of Latin America's music. Christian Science Monitor, 18 July 1942, weekly magazine section. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | The follies of critics, from the Lexicon of Musical Invectiveby N.S.Upbeat!3, no. 3 (Dec. 1986). | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Footsteps to Parnassus. Christian Science Monitor, 26 July 1957. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Forest festival gets wide praise. [newspaper article, undated] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Foreword to Instrumentation and Orchestration, by Gardner Read. New York: Schirmer Books, 1979. [typescript, 7 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Fortunate years for unfortunate composer the greater glory of Mussorgsky after half a century of name and fame.Boston Evening Transcript, 11 Apr. 1931. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | [Program notes for] Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in a Concert of Contemporary American Music. Royce Hall, UCLA, 25 May 1967. (compositions by Kanitz, Blackwood, Lazarof, Williams) | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Four modernist composers. Panorama(Nov. 1934). | ||||||||||||
[Franck, César] | |||||||||||||
BOX 12 | [Liner notes for] Prelude, Chorale and Fugue. Columbia Masterworks, Set X- 176. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | [Liner notes for] Symphony in D. Columbia Masterworks, Set M-436-AM-436-MM- 436. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Frederick Delius. [typescript, 4 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | French Secular Music of the Late Fourteenth Century, by Willi Apel.Christian Science Monitor, 17 June 1950. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Fresh light on Tchaikovsky's private life. Hitherto unpublished letters fill out picture of composer's personality.New York Times, 4 May 1941. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | A fresh sound in Soviet music. [typescript, 9 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | From peasant beginnings. Medical Opinion and Review3, no. 6 (June 1967). | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | From the ether a "new" music in a new manner.Boston Evening Transcript, 8 Oct. 1928. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Funny coincidence department. [typescript, 5 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Gardner Read and his second symphony. [typescript, 4 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | The gay Rossini. Christian Science Monitor, 10 Mar. 1961. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | A genius among artisans. Christian Science Monitor, 25 May 1956. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Genius of grand opera. Christian Science Monitor, 23 Apr. 1960. | ||||||||||||
[Gershwin, George] | |||||||||||||
BOX 12 | [Liner notes for] Rhapsody in Blue. Columbia Records, X-196. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Good as Gould. Review of Glenn Gould. A Life and Variations, by Otto Friedrich.Los Angeles Times Book Review, 7 May 1989. | ||||||||||||
[Glinka, Mikhail] | |||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Trio pathetique for piano, clarinet and bassoon. [typescript, 3 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Gontcharov, Ivan Alexandrovitch. [typescript, 3 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Gossip, 3/10/69. [typescript, 16 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | The great Sarasate.Christian Science Monitor, 13 May 1959. | ||||||||||||
[Grieg, Edvard] | |||||||||||||
BOX 12 | [Liner notes for] Peer Gynt Suite, no. 1. Columbia Masterworks, Set X-180. | ||||||||||||
[Grofé, Ferde] | |||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Grand Canyon. [typescript, 3 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Growth of musical gifts. [typescript, 9 p.; inscribed: Medical Opinion and Review, 1966] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | The hand that evokes music from the ether. To introduce Prof. Theremin, Russian savant of sound, prophet of new tones. Boston Evening Transcript, 8 Oct. 1928. | ||||||||||||
[Handel, George Frideric] | |||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Concerto grosso in G major no. 12. [typescript, 2 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Suite from the opera The Faithful Shepherd. [typescript, 4 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Handel's world. Its magnificence, its practicality, and its survival in our time. [typescript with annotations, 23 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | Handel the magnificent. Christian Science Monitor, 11 Sept. 1954. | ||||||||||||
BOX 12 | The harpsichord is patrician. Christian Science Monitor, 25 Oct. 1952. | ||||||||||||
[Harris, Roy] | |||||||||||||
BOX 13 | Roy Harris. [typescript of drafts and correspondence for unpublished N. S. book, 450-500 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 13 | [Liner notes for] Quartet no. 3. Columbia Masterworks, Set M-450. | ||||||||||||
[Haydn, Joseph] | |||||||||||||
BOX 13 | Seven last words of Christ. [typescript, 2 p.] | ||||||||||||
BOX 13 | Symphonie concertante. [typescript, 2 p.] | ||||||||||||
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