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Nicolas Slonimsky collection, 1873-1997

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Correspondence, 1920-1994 (continued)
BOX 151 McLean, Barton and Priscilla McLean
BOX 151 McPhee, Colin
BOX 151 Mead, Rita H.
BOX 151 Medinš, Jānis
BOX 151 Meerwein, Georg
BOX 151 Mencken, H. L.
BOX 151 Mennini, Louis A.
BOX 151 Mercator Music Foundation
BOX 151 Merchavia, Ch.
BOX 151 Merrill-Mirsky, Carol
BOX 151 Metropolitan Opera Guild
BOX 151 Mexicana Airlines
BOX 151 Meyer, Bernard C.
BOX 151 Meyer, Krzysztof
BOX 151 Meyer, Leonard B.
BOX 151 Meyerowitz, Jan
BOX 152 Miaskovsky, Nikolai
BOX 152 Michaelis, Kurt
BOX 152 Michalsky, Jay
Note: nephew of Donal Michalsky
BOX 152 Miedél, Rainer
BOX 152 Międzynarodowe Festiwale Muzyki Współczesnej w Polsce
BOX 152 Miersch, Paul T.
BOX 152 Migot, Georges
BOX 152 Mikhailov, N.
BOX 152 Miletić, Miroslav
BOX 152 Milhaud, Darius
BOX 152 Mills-Cockell, John
BOX 152 Mimaroglu, Ilhan
BOX 152 Misch, Ludwig
BOX 152 Mitchell, Donald
BOX 152 Mitsukuri, Shukichi
BOX 152 Moevs, Robert
BOX 152 Mohaupt, Richard
BOX 152 Mokrejs, John
BOX 152 Moldenhauer, Hans
BOX 152 Moldenhauer, Mary
BOX 152 Monfred, Avenir H. de
BOX 152 Montague, Stephen
BOX 152 Moór, Emanuel
BOX 152 Moore, Douglas
BOX 152 Morita, Minoru
BOX 152 Moross, Jerome
BOX 152 Morris, Harold
BOX 152 Morton, Lawrence
BOX 152 Moser, Hans-Joachim
BOX 152 Moss, Lawrence
BOX 152 Mostly Modern
Note: concert series
BOX 152 Motorola Scalatron Inc.
BOX 152 Muczynski, Robert
BOX 152 Mumma, Gordon
BOX 152 Murray, Bain
BOX 152 Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
BOX 152 Museum of Modern Art
BOX 152 Musgrave, Thea
BOX 152 Music Educators National Conference
BOX 152 Music Journal
BOX 152 Music Library Association
BOX 152 Music Review
BOX 152 Music Trades
BOX 152 Musical America
BOX 152 Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart
BOX 153 N (misc.)
BOX 153 Nabokov, Nicolas
BOX 153 Naimon, Judith Sandberg
BOX 153 Nancarrow, Conlon
BOX 153 Nathan, Hans
BOX 153 National Association of Teachers of Singing
BOX 153 National Endowment for the Humanities
BOX 153 National Music Council
BOX 153 National Public Radio
BOX 153 National Repertory Theatre Foundation
BOX 153 Natural Sound Workshop
BOX 153 Neiman, V.
BOX 153 Nestor, Gregg M.
BOX 153 Nestyev, Izrail
BOX 153 New Grove Dictionary of Music in U. S.
BOX 153 New Haven Civic Orchestra
BOX 153 New School for Social Research
BOX 153 New World String Quartet
BOX 153 New York Public Library
BOX 153 Newcomb, Ethel
BOX 153 Newlin, Dika
BOX 153 Newman, William S.
BOX 153 Newmark, John
BOX 153 Newsom, Hugh
BOX 153 Nicholas, Louis
BOX 153 Niesseu, R.
BOX 153 Nikolov, Lazar
BOX 153 Nimetz, Daniel
BOX 153 Nin-Culmell, Joaquín
BOX 153 Nixon, Roger
BOX 153 Noble R. Steves, Inc.
BOX 153 Nollman, Jim
BOX 153 Nolte, Ewald Valentin
BOX 153 Nordoff, Paul
BOX 153 Norsk Komponistforening
BOX 153 North, Alex
BOX 153 North, Annemarie (Mrs. Alex)
BOX 153 Northeastern Records
BOX 153 Northwestern University
BOX 153 Novoye Russkoye Slovo
BOX 153 Nowak, Lionel
BOX 153 Nurock, Kirk
BOX 153 Nystedt, Knut
BOX 154 O (misc.)
BOX 154 O'Dwyer, Robert
BOX 154 Oehl, Kurt Helmut
BOX 154 Oklahoma Scholar-Leadership Enrichment Program (SLEP)
BOX 154 Olds, Gerry
BOX 154 Olénine d'Alheim, Marie
BOX 154 Oliveros, Pauline
BOX 154 Olmstead, Andrea
BOX 154 Opera News
BOX 154 Ophee, Matanya
BOX 154 Oransay, Gültekin
BOX 154 Orchestre symphonique de Paris, L'
BOX 154 O'Reilly, F. Warren
BOX 154 Organization of American States
BOX 154 Ornstein, Leo
BOX 154 Orrego-Salas, Juan A.
BOX 154 Osaka International Festival Society
BOX 154 Osmon, Leroy
BOX 154 Ottman, Robert W.
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