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Biographical Materials on Composers and Performers, 1920-1989 (continued)
BOX 244 Weiner, Yehudi
Access point(s): Weiner [Wyner], Yehudi
BOX 244 Weinstock, Herbert
BOX 244 Weinzweig, John
BOX 244 Weis, Karel
BOX 244 Weisberg, Arthur
BOX 244 Weisgall, Hugo
BOX 244 Weiss, Adolph
BOX 244 Weissenbäck, Franz Andreas
BOX 244 Weisshaus, Imre
BOX 244 Welcher, Dan
BOX 244 Welin, Karl-Erik
BOX 244 Wellesz, Egon
BOX 244 Wendland, Waldemar
BOX 244 Wennerberg, Gunnar
BOX 244 Werle, Lars Johan
BOX 244 Werner, Eric
BOX 244 Wernick, Richard
BOX 244 Wersen, Louis G.
BOX 244 Wert, Jakob van
BOX 244 Wesley, Samuel S.
BOX 244 Westergaard, Peter
BOX 244 Westergaard, Svend
BOX 244 Westphal, Kurt
BOX 244 Westrup, Sir Jack Allan
BOX 244 Wetzel, Justus Hermann
BOX 244 Wetzler, Hermann Hans
BOX 244 Whear, Paul William
BOX 244 Whettam, Graham
BOX 244 White, Donald Howard
BOX 244 White, Felix Harold
BOX 244 White, John
BOX 244 White, John Reeves
BOX 244 White, John S.
BOX 244 White, Paul T.
BOX 244 White, William C.
BOX 244 Whitehill, Clarence
BOX 244 Whiteman, Paul
BOX 244 Whithorne, Emerson
BOX 244 Whitman, Walt
BOX 244 Whitney, Robert
BOX 244 Whittaker, Howard
BOX 244 Whittall, Gertrude Clarke
BOX 244 Whittenberg, Charles
BOX 244 Wickham, Florence
BOX 244 Widor, Charles-Marie
BOX 244 Wiechowicz, Stanisław
BOX 244 Wiehmayer, Theodor
BOX 244 Wielhorsky, Matvei
Access point(s): Wielhorsky [Vielgorsky], Matvei
BOX 244 Wieniawski, Henri
BOX 244 Wigman, Mary
BOX 244 Wihtol, Joseph
BOX 244 Wilckens, Friedrich
BOX 244 Wildberger, Jacques
BOX 244 Wilde, Oscar
BOX 244 Wilder, Alexander
BOX 244 Wilding-White, Raymond
BOX 244 Willan, Healey
BOX 244 Williams, Clifton
BOX 244 Williams, Cootie (Charles)
BOX 244 Williams, Don
BOX 244 Williams, Frederic Arthur
BOX 244 Williams, Grace
BOX 244 Williams, Hank
BOX 244 Williams, John
BOX 244 Williams, John Gerrard
BOX 244 Williamson, John Finley
BOX 244 Williamson, Malcolm
BOX 244 Willman, Allan Arthur
BOX 244 Willner, Arthur
BOX 244 Willson, Meredith
BOX 244 Wilm, Nicolai von
BOX 244 Wilson, Dennis
BOX 244 Wilson, Jackie
BOX 244 Wilson, Mortimer
BOX 244 Wilson, Richard
BOX 244 Windgassen, Wolfgang
BOX 244 Windt, Herbert
BOX 244 Winham, Godfrey
BOX 244 Winkler, Alexander
BOX 244 Winkler, Peter K.
BOX 244 Winter, Peter
BOX 244 Winternitz, Emanuel
BOX 244 Wischnegradsky, Jean
BOX 244 Wissmer, Pierre
BOX 244 Witkowski, Georges-Martin
BOX 244 Wittmeyer, Keith
BOX 245 Wohl, Yehuda
BOX 245 Woldemar, Michel
BOX 245 Wolf, Arthur William
BOX 245 Wolf, Hugo
BOX 245 Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno
BOX 245 Wolff, Albert
BOX 245 Wolff, Christoph
BOX 245 Wolff, Hugh
BOX 245 Wolff, Konrad
BOX 245 Wolff, Werner
BOX 245 Wolffers, Jules
BOX 245 Wölfl, Joseph
BOX 245 Wolfurt, Kurt von
BOX 245 Wollenhaupt, Hermann
BOX 245 Wolpe, Irma
BOX 245 Wolpe, Stefan
BOX 245 Woltmann, Frederick
BOX 245 Wolzogen, Baron Hans Paul von
BOX 245 Women composers
BOX 245 Wonder, Stevie
BOX 245 Wood, Henry J.
BOX 245 Wood, Hugh
BOX 245 Wood, Mary Knight
BOX 245 Wood-Hill, Mabel
BOX 245 Woodbury, Arthur
BOX 245 Woodhouse, Armine
BOX 245 Woods, Harry MacGregor
BOX 245 Woodward, Roger
BOX 245 Woodworth, G. Wallace
BOX 245 Wooldridge, John
BOX 245 Woollen, Russell
BOX 245 Wordsworth, William
BOX 245 Wörner, Karl Heinrich
BOX 245 Woronoff, Wladimir
BOX 245 Wöss, Josef V. von
BOX 245 Wouters, Adolphe
BOX 245 Woyrsch, Felix von
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