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Music Composed by Nicolas Slonimsky, 1913-1990 (continued)
Manuscript, 1913-1990 (continued)
İok, effendi. Fox-trott (continued)
Holograph in ink; 2 p.
On cover: "Constantinople, 1921."
Note: piano
BOX 119 Isle of Zanti
Ms. in ink; 4 p.
Completed in September of 1927 in Portsmouth, N.H.
Note: voice and piano
BOX 119 Isle of Zanti
Holograph piano-vocal scores (2), in ink; 3 p., 3 p.
Completed in September of 1927 in Portsmouth, N.H.
Note: voice and piano
BOX 119 Khoral, pisannyĭ na ėkzamenie, 5 maia 1913.
Holograph in ink with pencil annotations; 1 p.
At top: "Examination piece, St. Petersburg Conservatory 1913."
BOX 119 Krug viekoviechnyĭ (Eternal circle)
Holograph in ink with annotations and English words (Slonimsly, trans.) in pencil; 5 p.
Completed in Sofia in August, 1921.
Note: voice and piano
BOX 119 Liubi menia iasno. Romans dlia vysokogo golosa
Holograph in ink with pencil annotations; 4 p.
At end: "Sofia, 1/XII 1921."
Note: voice and piano
BOX 120 Marche grotesque
Holograph parts (11).
Crossed-out title: "Little march for a big bowl"
Note: Piccolo, horns, trumpets, trombone, percussion, piano, strings
BOX 120 [miscellaneous melody(ies) with accompanying "words"]
Holograph in ink; 1 p.
BOX 120 [miscellaneous Slonimsky holographs of music of others]
Includes fragments copied from the music of Bizet, Mozart, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Satie, as well as melodies by composers unknown, among which can be found several Russian songs and texts as recalled by Slonimsky, and believed to date from 1900 to 1904. (8 leaves)
BOX 120 [miscellaneous Slonimsky holographs of the music of Roy Harris]
Includes fragments for the following (17 leaves):
  • 1st symphony.
  • 2nd symphony. [2 leaves]
  • American portraits, third movement.
  • Fantasy (identical with the slow movement of the First Symphony).
  • First string quartet, slow movement ; Third symphony.
  • Piano sonata, second movement, middle section ; Ending of the piano sonata.
  • Quintet [clarinet, strings, piano]. [photocopy of annotated printed fragment]
  • Rock of ages, for mixed chorus and orchestra. [2 index cards]
  • Second movement [violin] ; Third movement [cello, piano].
  • Soliloquy and dance [viola solo ; piano].
  • The theme of collective force.
  • Third symphony.
  • Trio.
  • Violin concerto ; 3rd symphony.
  • Western cowboy [voice and piano].
BOX 120 Möbius strip tease
Holographs (2) in ink and ink and pencil; 1 p., 1 p.
Printed version (1).
Note: lyricized melody
BOX 120 Music illustrations to changing styles of Soviet music.
BOX 120 Music examples from music of Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Deshevov, Khachaturian, Dzerzhinsky, Kabalevsky, Tchishko, and Knipper.
Holograph, in pencil; 4 p.
BOX 120 O, esli b znali vy...
Holograph in ink with pencil annotations; 4 p.
On cover: "N. Sonimsky 1913."
Note: voice and piano
BOX 120 Objets trouvés in a dodecaphonic environment
Holograph (dated 1987) in ink; 3 p.
Photocopies (3) of holograph; 1 p. (incomplete), 5 p., and 7 p.
Note: piano
BOX 120 Otchego nas vsegda op'ianiaet luna
Holograph in ink; 4 p.
At end: "Sofia, 19/X 1921."
Note: voice and piano
BOX 120 A penny for your thoughts. Vocalise
Holograph in colored pencil; 2 p.
Dated March 1930.
Note: voice and piano
BOX 120 Le petite cochon qui se dégonfle
Holograph in ink; 2 p.
At end: "Paris, 1922."
Note: piano
BOX 120 Petite suite galéenne
Photocopy of holograph; 6 p.
Dated "Vernal Equinox, 1962."
Note: piano
BOX 120 Piccolo divertimento [no. 1]
Photocopy scores (4 reduced-size, one of which is heavily annotated; 1 full-size).
Note: crossed-out title of "Little suite."
Note: woodwinds, percussion, typewriter, and cat's meow
BOX 120 Piccolo divertimento [no. 2]
Sketches: holograph (7 p.) and photocopies (10 p.), some showing annotations for final version.
Note: early version: flute/piccolo, oboe, clarinet, horn, trumpet, trombone, percussion, piano and violin
BOX 120 Piccolo divertimento [no. 2]
Photocopy parts (14) for no. 1-14, incomplete, piano lacking, some annotated.
Note: early version: flute/piccolo, oboe, clarinet, horn, trumpet, trombone, violin, piano and percussion
BOX 121 Piccolo divertimento no. 2
Photocopy and ms. scores (3), some annotated, for no. 9 (Bach dislocated)-12 [final version]; [21 p. total]
Photocopy scores or short scores for no. 9 (Square root of B5)-14 (early version); 10 p.
Photocopy scores for discarded or renumbered sections, some annotated; 13 p.
Title lists (4).
Note: final version: flute/piccolo, oboe, clarinet, percussion and piano
BOX 121 Piccolo divertimento [no. 2]
Parts (photocopy and ms.), modified to final form, clarinet and percussion incomplete; [39 p.]
Note: final version: flute/piccolo, oboe, clarinet, percussion and piano
BOX 121 Piccolo divertimento [no. 2]
Photocopy parts (9) for no. 1-12, some annotated.
Note: final version: flute/piccolo, oboe, clarinet, percussion and piano
BOX 121 Posliedniaia panikhida, dlia soprano
Holograph in ink; 4 p.
Completed in Sofia, July 1921.
Note: voice and piano
BOX 121 Quaquaversal suite [4 sections]
Holograph sketches (no. 1, 2 and 4); 20 p.
Ms. violin part, complete parts (2 photocopies), and notes.
Note: piccolo, clarinet, violin, cello, 2 pianos
BOX 340 Quaquaversal suite [6 sections]
Scores (2 photocopies), and ms. of p. 9.
Composed 1990.
Note: flute/piccolo, percussion, and piano
BOX 340 Quaquaversal suite [7 sections]
Ms. score and 2 photocopy scores (all lacking a cut p. 6).
Photocopy of truncated p. 2.
Note: flute/piccolo, percussion, and piano
BOX 121 Quodlibet
Note: holograph melody over printed piano music paste-ins; 1 p.
BOX 121 Quodlibet (La putaine)
Holograph in ink; 1 p.
Basis for no. 41 of "51 minitudes."
Note: piano
BOX 121 Studies in black and white
Holograph in ink with pencil annotations; 13 p.
Dated July 1928.
Note: piano
BOX 121 Surrealistically dodecaphonic birthday greetings.
Holograph in ink; 1 p.
Similar to "Happy birthday"; also used in "Piccolo divertimento."
BOX 121 Twenty-ninth anniversary cantata, July 30, 1960
Holograph in ink and pencil; 3 p.
Commemoration of Slonimsky's wedding.
Note: voice and piano
BOX 121 A very great musician, or, A story of an unrequited passion
Holograph in ink; 3 p.
Poem by Theophil Marzials. Dedication to Paul Cherkassky.
At end: "June 11, 1928"
Note: voice and piano
BOX 122-124 Printed Music, 1920-1990
BOX 122 51 minitudes for piano, 1972-76. New York: G. Schirmer, 1979 .
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