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Ernst Bacon collection, 1898-1990

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Music, 1898-1990 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 2/16 Conversation, undated
Photocopy of score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 2/17 The Cool Man. A Nocturne for Clarinet and Piano, undated
Holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 2/18 Coon Hollow, undated
Photocopy of holograph score for guitar
BOX-FOLDER 2/19 Copy Cat. Imitations, undated
Photocopy of holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 Corn Belt, undated
Holograph full score for woodwinds, brass, and percussion
BOX-FOLDER 2/20 Creede, Colorado: A Chordal Tones, undated
Photocopy of holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 2/21 Cricket, undated
Two photocopies of holograph piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 2/22 Cullowhee, N.C. A Play-Doggerel Becomes a Little Fugue, undated
Holograph score for flute, clarinet, and bassoon
Deep Valley. Folk Song Manner
see Night at the Opera
BOX-FOLDER 10/1 Degas and the Paris Opera Ballet: A Black and White Study, undated
Photocopy of holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 2/23 Destiny of the Flag
see also To the United Nations
Holograph piano-vocal score for baritone or alto and chorus
Note: Written in memory of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
BOX-FOLDER 2/24 Didactic Piano Duets, undated
Three holograph scores for piano
BOX-FOLDER 11a/2-3 Doctor Franklin, undated
Holograph piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 11a/6-7 Doctor Franklin, undated
Photocopy of holograph piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 11a/5 Doctor Franklin, undated
Photocopy of piano-vocal score with holograph annotations (incomplete)
BOX-FOLDER 11b/1-2 Doctor Franklin, undated
Photocopy of holograph piano-vocal score (incomplete)
BOX-FOLDER 11a/4 Doctor Franklin, undated
Holograph drafts and sketches with annotations
BOX-FOLDER 11a/1 Doctor Franklin, undated
Two bound typescript lyric volumes with holograph annotations
BOX-FOLDER 11b/3 Doctor Franklin, undated
Holograph and typescript notes to Dr. Franklin
BOX-FOLDER 2/25 Dolly Asleep: A Cavatina, undated
Photocopy of holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 2/26 Dow-Del-Dey-Dum, undated
Photocopy of holograph piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 2/27 Down Yonder, 1955
Two printed piano-vocal scores
Rongwen Music, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 10/2 Drumlin Legend, undated
Holograph full score
BOX-FOLDER 10/3 Drumlin Legend, undated
Holograph piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 10/4-5 Drumlin Legend, undated
Copyist orchestral parts
BOX-FOLDER 10/6 The Duck's Dilemma, undated
Holograph score for oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and piano (incomplete)
BOX-FOLDER 2/28 Dusk, in Memory of Douglas Moore, undated
Two photocopies of holograph piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 2/29 Dusk Over the Marsh, undated
Holograph score for flute and piano
BOX-FOLDER 11b/4-5 Ecclesiastes: A Cantata, undated
Holograph full score and parts for SATB chorus and orchestra, soprano, and bass solos
BOX-FOLDER 11b/6 Ecclesiastes: A Cantata, undated
Holograph piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 11b/7 Ecclesiastes: A Cantata, undated
Photocopy of holograph full score for mixed chorus and orchestra with soprano and bass solos
BOX-FOLDER 2/30 Elegy on an Air of Bartolomeo Tromboncino (Venice, 1504), undated
Holograph score for strings
BOX-FOLDER 12/3 Enchanted Isle, undated
see also Tempest
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX-FOLDER 12/4 Episode for Guitar, undated
Two photocopies of holograph score for guitar
BOX-FOLDER 12/5 Episodes, undated
Holograph full score for recorder ensembles or flute, oboe, clarinet, violin, bassoon, saxophone, cello, viola, and piano with annotations
BOX-FOLDER 12/6 Episodes, undated
Photocopy of holograph score
BOX-FOLDER 12/7 Erie Canal, undated
BOX-FOLDER 12/7 Erie Canal, 1942
Two printed piano-vocal scores for low voice
Carl Fischer, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 11b/8 Erie Waters, undated
Holograph full score
BOX-FOLDER 11b/9 Erie Waters, undated
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX-FOLDER 13/1 Fables, undated
Holograph full scores with corrections
Note: Two versions
BOX-FOLDER 13/2 Fables, undated
Holograph scores for two pianos
Note: Two versions
BOX-FOLDER 13/3 Fables. The Possum and the Skunk, undated
Holograph full score
BOX-FOLDER 13/3 Fables. The Possum and the Skunk, undated
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX-FOLDER 13/7 Fables. The Possum and the Skunk, undated
Photocopy of holograph full score
Note: Early version
BOX-FOLDER 13/6 Fables. The Possum and the Skunk, undated
Photocopy of holograph full score with annotations (incomplete)
BOX-FOLDER 13/4 Fables. The Possum and the Skunk, undated
Holograph parts
Note: New version
BOX-FOLDER 13/3 Fables. The Possum and the Skunk, undated
Holograph parts
BOX-FOLDER 13/5 Fables. The Possum and the Skunk, undated
Holograph string parts
Note: Early version
BOX-FOLDER 13/8 Fables. Two Dogs and a Cow, undated
Photocopy of holograph full score
BOX-FOLDER 13/9 Fables. Two Dogs and a Cow, undated
Two sets of photocopied holograph parts (incomplete)
BOX-FOLDER 14a/1-2 Fifty songs, 1974
Two printed piano-vocal scores
Dragon's Teeth Press Publications
BOX-FOLDER 2/31 First Time Skating: Fermati, undated
Other title: Skating (Shifting Seconds)
Photocopy of holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 2/32 A Fish (A Canon in Symmetric Inversion), undated
Photocopy of holograph piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 2/33 Five Poems, 1944
Two photocopies of printed piano-vocal score
G. Schirmer, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 2/34 Flea or Follow?, undated
Photocopy of holograph piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 2/35 Flitericks, undated
Holograph score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 14a/3 The Flower of Night, undated
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