| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Music, 1911-1974
(continued) |
Music by Other Composers
(continued) |
(continued) |
BOX-FOLDER 204/6 |
Quartet, strings, E minor
Score |
BOX-FOLDER 204/6 |
Quartet, strings, E minor
Parts |
BOX-FOLDER 204/7 |
Sonata for violin, piano, op. 1
Holograph piano-violin score |
Zsolt, Nàndor
BOX-FOLDER 204/8 |
Quintet, strings, piano
Piano score and parts |
BOX-FOLDER 204/9 |
Satyr and dryads
Piano-violin score and part |
Unidentified |
BOX-FOLDER 205/1 |
Giga for violin and piano |
Piano-violin score and part |
BOX-FOLDER 205/2 |
Instrumental ensemble work |
5 leaves of manuscript score |
BOX-FOLDER 205/3 |
Lamps in the street |
Typed lyric sheet with emmendations |
BOX-FOLDER 205/4 |
Sonata for piano |
Printed piano score, incomplete |
Note: Fragment of last movement |
BOX-FOLDER 207/3 |
51 piano pieces from the modern repertoire
Piano score |
BOX-FOLDER 206/4 |
100 magyar nóta
Piano-vocal score |
BOX-FOLDER 205/5 |
Album de musica popular Mexicana no. 2
Piano-vocal score |
BOX-FOLDER 205/6 |
Alte meister des violinspiels
Edited by Arnold Schering |
Piano-violin score and part |
BOX-FOLDER 205/7 |
Bergerettes, romances and songs of the eighteenth century
Edited by J.B. Wekerlin |
Piano-vocal score |
BOX-FOLDER 205/8 |
A century of Russian song
Edited by Kurt Schindler |
Piano-vocal score |
BOX-FOLDER 205/9 |
Folk-dance music
Edited by Elizabeth Burchenal and C. Ward Crampton |
Piano score |
BOX-FOLDER 206/1 |
Kerr's collection of reels and strathspeys
Violin score |
BOX-FOLDER 206/2 |
Kerr's modern dance album for the violin
Violin score |
BOX-FOLDER 206/3 |
Lieder-sammelbuch für die jüdische schule und famile
Piano-vocal score |
BOX-FOLDER 206/5 |
The modern violin soloist
Edited by George Perlman |
Piano-violin score and part |
BOX-FOLDER 207/1 |
Ouvertüren album
Edited by Richard Kleinmichel |
Piano (4 hands) score (2 volumes) |
BOX-FOLDER 207/2 |
Ouvertüren album
Piano (4 hands) score |
BOX-FOLDER 207/4 |
Songs to Jehovah's praise
Piano-vocal score |
Music Lists and Catalogs
Published catalogs of arrangements and transcriptions by Heifetz, as well as personal music inventories. |
Arranged alphabetically by title or format. |
BOX-FOLDER 207/5 |
Chamber music repertory and piano trios |
Typewritten list |
BOX 208 |
Index card file of Heifetz's library |
- Cream: Music
- Pink: Records by Heifetz
- Blue: Records (other than Heifetz)
- Other: Books
BOX-FOLDER 207/6 |
Jascha Heifetz: Arrangements/transcriptions/encores |
Catalogs published by Carl Fischer |
BOX-FOLDER 207/7-9 |
Jascha Heifetz music library files |
- 207/7 Typewritten list of music originally in Heifetz's two black file cabinets; compiled by Claire Hodgkins
- 207/8 Orchestra parts and scores
- 207/8 Typewritten list with annotations by Heifetz
- 207/9 Various lists
- 207/9 Typewritten lists of chamber music, concerti, viola music, small pieces, and violin and piano pieces with annotations by Heifetz
BOX 219-233, 240 |
Programs, 1917-1974
Programs of Heifetz's concert and radio performances from 1911 to 1974. Programs are unbound unless otherwise noted. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 240 |
1911-1917? |
Scrapbook |
BOX 218 |
1917-1921 |
BOX 232 |
1917-1933 |
BOX 230-231 |
1917-1954 |
Radio programs |
BOX 219 |
1922-1926 |
BOX 220 |
1927-1929 |
BOX 221 |
1930-1932 |
BOX 230 |
Program notebook |
BOX 222 |
1933-1935 |
BOX 229 |
1933-1949 |
Radio programs |
BOX 233 |
1933-1972 |
BOX 223 |
1936-1938 |
BOX 224 |
1938-1941 |
BOX 225 |
1941-1945 |
BOX 226 |
1946, 1947, 1949 |
BOX 227 |
1949-1953 |
BOX 228 |
1953-1956, 1958-1959, 1961-1963 |
BOX 229 |
1964-1968, 1970, 1972, 1974 |
BOX-FOLDER 5/7, 55/4, 123/13, 134/5, 232/1-2, 234 |
Correspondence, 1864-1986
Letters from significant musical figures of the twentieth century, including Leopold Auer, Benjamin Britten, Sergei Prokofiev, George Bernard Shaw, and Sir William Walton. |
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent. |
BOX-FOLDER 234/1 |
Auer, Leopold,
BOX-FOLDER 234/2 |
Boulanger, Nadia, undated
BOX-FOLDER 234/3 |
Britten, Benjamin,
Burgin, Richard, undated
BOX-FOLDER 234/4 |
Chaliapin, Feodor,
BOX-FOLDER 234/5 |
Conus, Julius,
BOX-FOLDER 234/6 |
Damrosch, Walter,
BOX-FOLDER 234/7 |
David, Ferdinand,
Note: Not to Heifetz |
Dinicu, Grigoras,
BOX-FOLDER 234/8 |
Edelmann, Chester M.,
BOX-FOLDER 234/9 |
Elgar, Sir Edward,
BOX-FOLDER 234/10 |
Garden, Mary,
BOX-FOLDER 234/11 |
Gaubert, Phillipe,
BOX-FOLDER 234/12 |
Glazunov, Alexander,
BOX-FOLDER 234/13 |
Gliere, Reinhold,
BOX-FOLDER 234/14 |
Grossman, Mrs. Herbert,
BOX-FOLDER 234/15 |
Juon, Pavel,
BOX-FOLDER 234/16 |
Kenny International Corp.,
BOX-FOLDER 234/17 |
Leclerc de Hautecloque,
BOX-FOLDER 234/18 |
Medtner, Nicolas,
BOX-FOLDER 234/19 |
Melba, Nellie, 1920 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 234/30 |
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, undated
BOX-FOLDER 123/13 |
Moeran, Ernest John,
1946 December 31
Note: Not to Heifetz |
BOX-FOLDER 134/5 |
Nero, Paul, 1952
BOX-FOLDER 234/20 |
Pierné, Gabriel,
BOX-FOLDER 234/21 |
Prokofiev, Sergei,
BOX-FOLDER 234/22 |
Reagan, Ronald,
BOX-FOLDER 234/23 |
Ries, Ferdinand,
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