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Serge Lifar collection on Serge Diaghilev, 1750-1950

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IV. Printed Material, 1750-1950 (continued)
A. Libretti and Synopses (continued)
Spanisches Fest [Der Geburtstag der Infantin.] Wien: Universal Edition, 1926; 8 p . (continued)
Published synopsis (“Frei nach Oskar Wildes Novelle ‘Der Geburtstag der Infantin’”).
Whitworth, Geoffrey
BOX-FOLDER 78/10 Le jardin enchanté.
Typed synopsis; 6 p.
Language note: French.
[Unidentified composer/librettist.]
BOX-FOLDER 78/11 Rats
Autograph synopsis, in ink; 3 p. (one bifolio on music manuscript paper), “d’après la fable de La Fontaine ‘Le rat de village et le rat de campagne’.”
Language note: French.
BOX 79-80 BOX S/67 BOX S/68 BOX S/69 B. Books, Monographs, Programs, etc.
D’Armana, Jean
BOX-FOLDER 79/1 Le crépuscule des dieux. Bordeaux: Delmas, 1936 .
Libretto; 61 p.
Language note: French.
Checchi, Eugenio
BOX-FOLDER S/67 Rossini. Firenze: G. Barbèra, 1898; 6, 200 p .
Language note: Italian.
Croce, Benedetto
BOX-FOLDER S/68 Saggi sulla letteratura italiana del seicento. Bari: Giuseppe Laterza & Figli, 1911; 23, 444 p .
Language note: Italian.
De Guarinoni, Eugenio
BOX-FOLDER 79/2 Indice generale: Archivio musicale Noseda. [Milan]: [s.n.], n.d.; [2], 420 p.
Language note: Italian.
Lacking pages 1-12 (in foreword; includes page numbers 13, 14 only); 1-12 (in main text).
Finck, Henry T.
BOX-FOLDER 79/3 Léon Bakst and Serge de Diaghileff’s Ballet Russe.
Monograph extracted from the New York Evening Post, 1915 Nov 20; 5 p.
Language note: English.
Gastoué, Amédée
BOX-FOLDER 80/1 Les primitifs de la musique française. Paris: Henri Laurens, 1922 ; 117 p.
Language note: French.
Gozzi, Carlo
BOX-FOLDER 80/2 Théâtre fiabesque. Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, 1865 ; 357 p.
Translated by Alphonse Royer.
Language note: French.
[Jullien, Adolphe]
BOX-FOLDER 80/3 Bibliothèque musicale de M. Adolphe Jullien. Vente du 23 juin 1933. Paris, Hôtel Drouot. Salle No. 9.
[No publication data], 52 p.
Language note: French.
Parente, Alfredo
BOX-FOLDER 80/4 Colori e forme nella musica: Il probleme dell'interferenza delle arti e l'estetica del futurismo. [S.l.]: [s.n.], n.d. ; 20 p.
Language note: Italian.
Monograph extracted from La Rassegna musicale (Torino), no. 1, January 1930.
BOX-FOLDER 80/5 Critica e storiografia musicale: Premesse metodologiche. [S.l.]: [s.n.], n.d. ; 27 p.
Language note: Italian.
Monograph extracted from La Rassegna musicale (Torino), no. 5, September 1930.
BOX-FOLDER 80/6 Natura estetica dell'armonia. Firenze: Felice Le Monnier, 1936 ; 8 p.
Language note: Italian.
Monograph extracted from La Rassegna musicale (Torino), no. 11, 1936 (p. 326-333).
Laid in: Parente's business card.
BOX-FOLDER 80/7 Note sull'estetica musicale contemporanea in Italia. [S.l.]: [s.n.], n.d. ; 26 p.
Language note: Italian.
Monograph extracted from La Rassegna musicale (Torino), no. 3, May 1931.
BOX-FOLDER 80/8 Pensieri di F. de Sanctis intorno alla musica. Napoli: Edizioni "Aspetti Letterari", 1934 ; 20 p.
Language note: Italian.
Monograph extracted from La Rassegna musicale (Torino), no. 1, May-June 1934.
Pirro, André
BOX-FOLDER 80/9 Les clavecinistes. Paris: Henri Laurens, n.d. ; 125 p.
Language note: French.
Scherillo, Michele
BOX-FOLDER S/69 L'opera buffa napoletano durante il settecento. [S.l.]: Remo Sandron, n.d. ; 11, 55 p.
Language note: Italian.
BOX 80 C. Serials
BOX-FOLDER 80/10 L’Arte. (Italian, French) Milano: September-December 1956 (vol. 20); 128 p.
BOX-FOLDER 80/11 Innen-Dekoration. (German) Darmstadt: January 1929 (vol. 40); 8 p.
BOX-FOLDER 80/12 Das Theater. (German) Berlin: December 1925 (vol. 6, no. 23); 20 p.
BOX-FOLDER 80/13 Das Theater. (German) Berlin: November 1926 (vol. 7, no. 21); 13 p.
BOX-FOLDER 80/14 Das Theater (German): hand-colored illustration, ca. 1920; 1 p.
BOX 81 D. Photographs
BOX-FOLDER 81/1 Cecchetti, Enrico
Inscribed to “Mis [sic] Leonora Sher”; dated 1916.
Photographer: Count Jean de Stre[lec]ki (partially illegible).
BOX-FOLDER 81/2 Cecchetti, Enrico
In Pétroushka. Includes typed synopsis of the ballet.
Undated [ca. 1911].
BOX-FOLDER 81/3 Duncan, Isadora
BOX-FOLDER 81/4 Fokina, Vera
Inscribed to “Miss Shier.”
BOX-FOLDER 81/5 Fokina, Vera
Reproduction of a photograph previously signed by Fokina.
BOX-FOLDER 81/6 Fokine, Michel
BOX-FOLDER 81/7 Galli, Rosina
Undated [ca. 1914-16].
Photographer: C. Mishkin (New York).
BOX-FOLDER 81/8 Hoffman, Gertrude
Inscribed, on both recto and verso, to “Senora [sic] Shier.”
Photographer: Frank Bangs.
BOX-FOLDER 81/9 Karsavina, Thamar
In Schéhérazade.
Undated [ca. 1910].
BOX-FOLDER 81/10 Lind, Jenny
Photograph of a painting of Lind attributed to S.F.B. Morse.
BOX-FOLDER 81/11 Lopokova, Lydia [two copies]
Undated; second copy of photograph is dated 1917 on verso.
Photographer: Burke Atwell.
BOX-FOLDER 81/12 Marmein, Miriam
Inscribed to Leonora Shier.
Dated 1947 on verso.
Photographer: DeBellis (New York).
BOX-FOLDER 81/13 Nijinsky, Vaclav
In Pétrouchka.
Undated [ca. 1911].
Photographer: Mishkin (New York).
BOX-FOLDER 81/14 Nijinsky, Vaclav
In Le Spectre de la Rose.
Undated [ca. 1911].
Photographer: Mishkin (New York).
BOX-FOLDER 81/15 Nijinsky, Vaclav
BOX-FOLDER 81/16 Pauley, Andreas
In Bacchanale.
Photographer: Moffett.
BOX-FOLDER 81/17 Pauley, Andreas
Dated 1919.
Photographer: Moffett (Chicago).
BOX-FOLDER 81/18 Pavlova, Anna
BOX-FOLDER 81/19 Revalles, Flore
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