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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
Levi, Hermann
BOX 30 Autograph letter, 1896 July 7
Signed; 1 page; German
Levitzki, Mischa
BOX 113 Portrait, 1921 March 1
Note: Signed to Boaz Piller
Lienau, Emil Robert
BOX 30 Gottschalg, A. W., 1870 June 9
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
Lier, Bertus van
BOX 55 In Memoriam, 1933
By Johan Franco, piano reduction of "Elegy" by van Lier
Autograph music manuscript, with revisions; 3 pages; 34 x 26 cm.
Note: Music in the autograph of van Lier; annotations at the top of the first page by Franco
BOX 55 In Memoriam, for String Orchestra, 1939
Printed score, signed; 5 pages
New York: Composers Press
BOX 55 Kleine Suite, 1935
Printed score
Note: Signed to Wolfgang Fraenkel
Amsterdam: Broekmans & Van Poppel
BOX 55 "The Song of Songs," 1955 March
By Johan Franco
Reproduction of article; 2 pages
Note: On van Lier
Rosicurcian Digest
Ligeti, György
BOX 107 Coates, Gloria, 1972 November 4
Postcard, signed; 2 pages; English
BOX 107 Vega, Aurelio de la, 1963 June 8, 1966 July 17
2 typescript letters, signed; 2 pages; English
BOX 107 Apparitions, 1958-1959
Autograph full score, signed; 9 pages; 42 x 30 cm.; pencil
BOX 109 Atmosphères, 1961
Autograph sketches in full score; 5 pages; 34 x 27 cm.; blue and red ink, pencil
Limbert, Frank L.
BOX 30 Autograph letter, 1912 May 22
Signed; 2 pages; German
Note: Provides biographical details
BOX 30 Johannes, op. 18, undated
Autograph music quotation, signed; German
BOX 113 Portrait, undated
Note: Signed by Luck
Lincke, Paul
BOX 30 Music quotation, 1911 Febraury 21
Autograph, signed
Lind, Jenny
BOX 30 Clipping, 1920 October 6
1 page; English
BOX 30 Balfe, 1846?
Autograph letter, signed; 3 pages; French
Includes: Translation
BOX 30 Gonne, Madame, undated
Autograph letter fragment, signed; 3 pages; German
Includes: English translation
BOX 30 Obituaries, undated
2 items; English
BOX 113 Portrait, undated
Includes: Attached clipping
Lindblad, Rune
BOX 30 Vega, Aurelio de la, 1970 February 28, 1972 June 14
2 typescript letters, signed; 2 pages; English
Lindner, Eugen
BOX 30 Autograph letter, 1899 May 20
4 pages; German
Note: Signed to a colleague; also signed by Gustav Gutheil, Karl Goepfart, Eduard Lassen, Rosel, and others
Lipsius, Marie
BOX 30 Two autograh letters, 1895 August 9 and 19
Signed; 7 pages; German
Liszt, Franz
BOX 30 Liszt, Eduard von, 1869 April 30
Autograph letter, signed; 3 pages; German
BOX 30 Liszt, Franz, undated
Reproduction of 2 letters; 4 pages; French
Note: Written by "Ossiana" and "Sorella"
BOX 30 Serres, Louis de, 1885 January 29
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; French
BOX 30 Von Bülow (?), 1850 August 6
Autograph letter; 3 pages; French
Note: Signed to an editor
BOX 30 Unidentified, 1881 January 24
Autograph letter; 1 page; German
Note: Signed to a Berlin conductor
BOX 30 Unidentified, Friday morning, 1844 July 22
2 autograph letters, signed; 3 pages + 2 pages; French
BOX 30 Unidentified, 1874 May 9, 1881 May 11?, 1884 May 7
2 autograph letters, signed; 1 page + 1 page + 1 page; German
BOX 30 Unidentified, Friday
Autograph letter, signed; 4 pages; French
Note: Referring to a visit with the Schumanns
BOX 30 Psalm 18, Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes, for Tenor, Bass, and Accompaniment, 1860
Autograph draft in condensed score; 8 pages; 27 x 35 cm,; ink and pencil
Digital content available
BOX 30 Le Triomphe funèbre du Tasso, St. Elizabeth, 1866 November 19
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 11 pages; 31 x 24 cm.; brown and red ink
Note: Unpublished work for piano duet
BOX 30 Ungarischer Marsch, 1867
Printed score; 31 pages
Note: Signed to Anton Faulwetter, 1885 March; Faulwetter did the instrumentation of the march
Note: First autograph purchase by Hans Moldenhauer
Leipzig: Schuberth
BOX 113 Portrait, undated
Related Collection Materials
see Webern, Anton
Litolff, Henry
BOX 30 Three autograph letters, 1860 June 20, July 6, and July 23
Signed; 8 pages; French and German
BOX 30 Two autograph letters, 1860 September 5 and 8
Signed; 4 pages; French and German
BOX 30 Mein Lieb! Flieht ein Tag, 1844
Autograph music manuscript; 4 pages; 17 x 25 cm.
Note: Signed to Heinrich Schlesinger
Loeffler, Charles Martin
BOX 98 Bolero triste, Chansons d'aman, undated
Text by Gustave Kahn
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