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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
Moran-Olden, Fanny
BOX 35 Autograph letter, 1880 October 13
Signed; 2 pages; German
BOX 35 Contract, 1892 March 24
Signed; 2 pages; German
Note: For a guest appearance
Morel, Auguste-François
BOX 35 La Fille de l'Hôtesse, undated
Autograph music manuscript; 2 pages; 23 x 28 cm.; French
Note: Signed to Julius Stern
Morin, Gösta
BOX 35 Moldenhauer, Hans, 1959 December 2, 1960 April 12
2 typescript letters; 2 pages; German
BOX 35 "Music Libraries and Collections," undated
Essay with autograph revisions, signed; 1 page
BOX 35 "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart," 1956
Essay, signed; 10 pages
Stockholm: Swedish Royal Library
Morlacchi, Francesco
BOX 35 Autograph letter, 1828 May 14
Signed; 1 page; Italian
Mosel, Ignaz Franz von
BOX 35 Autograph letter draft, undated
2 pages; German
Note: Discusses Lully, Rameau, and vocal style
Moser, Gustav von
BOX 35 Autograph letter, 1894 October 25
Signed; 1 page; German
Includes: Reproduction of portrait photograph
BOX 35 Autograph letter, undated
Signed; 3 pages; German
Note: On aesthetic and philosophical views
Moser, Hans Joachim
BOX 35 Autograph letter, 1937 March 18
Signed; 1 page; German
BOX 35 Moldenhauer, Hans, 1958 March 1
Postcard, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 35 Name and address, undated
Autograph document
Möser, Karl
BOX 33 Ries, Hubert, 1829 November, 1831 November 13, 1843 October 18
3 autograph letters, signed; 3 pages; German
Moszkowski, Moritz
BOX 35 Courat, Hugo, 1902 June 16
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
BOX 35 Rosenberg, undated
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
BOX 35 Unidentified, undated
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
Includes: Translation
BOX 113 Portrait, 1890 September 13
By Brasch
Photograph, signed
Mottl, Felix
Related Collection Materials
see Wagner, Siegfried
Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang
BOX 99 Fest-Chor, zur Enthüllung es Mozart Denkmals in Salzburg, aus Compositionen des Gefeierten, zusammengestellt, instrumentiert, und mit einem passenden Texte versehen von dessen Sohne W. A. Mozart, undated
Printed score; 31 pages; 25 x 33 cm.
Note: Signed to Madame Ungher-Sabatier
Vienna: Artaria
Mozart, Leopold
BOX 99 Concerto in D. Cadenze per il Clavicembalo, K. 624A-B, undated
Autograph music manuscript; 1 leaf (2 pages); 17 x 23 cm.; ink
Note: Two cadenzas for J. C. Bach, Klavier Conzerte, K. 107
Includes: Authentication, Salzburg, 1835 July 24
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
BOX 113 Portrait, circa 1800
By Johann Neidl, after Posch
BOX 124 Portrait, undated
Enamelled miniature portrait on white cross
Note: Insignia of the Masonic Lodge at Leipzig, "Mozart zur Bruderkette"
BOX 99 Diary entries, 1780 May 24
Aurograph fragment; 1 leaf (3 lines + 3 lines on verso); German
Note: From the diary of Nannerl and Wolfgang Mozart; verified by Mozart's widow, Salzburg, 1829
Includes: Letter on provenance to Hans Moldenhauer from Fibiger, 1961 October 6
Digital content available
BOX 124 Medal, undated
By A. Hartig
Bronze; 7 inches
Note: Depicts Mozart
Coined by Mozarteum, Salzburg
BOX 99 6 Menuette, K. 164, nos. 1 and 2, 1772
Autograph full score, signed; 2 pages; 23 x 30 cm.; ink
Digital content available
BOX 99 Allegro and Andante ("Fantasy") in F Minor for Mechanical Organ, K. 608, 1791
Music manuscript, copied with revisions; 6 pages; 22 x 29 cm.; two-staff version
Includes: Document from Robert Haas, and letter to Nettl, from Alfred Einstein (1951 October 19) regarding the manuscript
Digital content available
BOX 99 Anfang einer Fuge, undated
Autograph music manuscript; 1 page (27 measures); 12 x 27 cm.; ink
Note: Fragment of Fugue in C Minor, K. 626b/27
Note: Inscribed by Georg Nissen
Digital content available
Shelf Don Giovanni, undated
Arranged for piano and violin by Carlo Zulehner
Printed score; 207 pages
Note: First edition; contains the incipites of rearrangement into various movements of a mass
Mainz: Schott
BOX 99 Fantasia in F Minor, K. 608, undated
Revised and edited by John Cowell from the original
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 14 pages
Note: For piano solo
BOX 99 Fragmens d'une Sonate à quatre mains en Re majeur, undated
Facsimile of music manuscript
BOX-FOLDER 127/5 Das Veilchen, 1936
Facsimile of music manuscript; 2 pages
Note: To the Spokane Conservatory, from Ferdinand C. O. Speyer, 1958 April
Includes: 4 page document by Alfred Einstein
Wien: Reichner
BOX-FOLDER 127/4 Das Veilchen: The Violet, the History of a Song, 1949
By Paul Nettl
Facsimile of the 1785 manuscript by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
New York: Storm Publishers
BOX-FOLDER 133/4 Die Zauberflöte, undated
Reproduction of music manuscript
Includes: Drawings by Max Slevogt
BOX 99 Die Zauberflöte, Bayreuth, 1817 April 18
Related Collection Materials
see Beethoven, Ludwig van
Muck, Carl
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