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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
Schröder-Devrient, Wilhelmine
BOX 49 Pfeiffer, Charlotte, 1824
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
Schubert, Franz
BOX 49 An den Mond in einer Herbstnacht, 1818 April
Based on a poem by Aloys Wilhelm Schreiber
Autograph complete score, signed; 11 pages; 22 x 30 cm.; ink
Note: Song with piano accompaniment
BOX-FOLDER 133/2 Drei Symphonie-Fragmente, 1978
Facsimile of music manuscripts; 31 pages
Note: To Hans and Rosaleen Moldenhauer from Ernst Hilmar, 1979 May 1
Kassel: Bärenreiter
BOX 49 Four Songs, 1815
Autograph music manuscript; 4 pages; 24 x 32 cm.; ink
Contents: Nachtgesang; An Rosa I; An Rosa II; Idens Schwanenleid
Digital content available
BOX 49 Das Mädchen aus der Fremde, 1814 October 16
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 4 pages; 25 x 33 cm.; ink
Note: Song with piano accompaniment, first version
Note: Schubert wrote this song on the day of the first performance of his first mass. He again set the poem (Schiller) on 1815 August 12
BOX 49 "Schullehrer in der Rossau," Vienna, 1828 November 20
Death announcement; 1 page; German
BOX-FOLDER 133/3 Symphony in B Minor ("Unfinished"), 1943
Facsimile of music manuscript; 77 pages
Note: To Hans Rosbaud from ?
London: Cockerell, Willis & Belliere
Schubert, Heinz
BOX 49 Hymnus nach dem Persischen des Zarathustra, undated
Autograph piano score, signed; 38 pages; 34 x 27 cm.
Schubert, Joseph
BOX 49 Autograph letter, 1803 April 8
Signed; 4 pages; German
Schuberth, Julius
BOX 49 Gottschalg, A. W., 1870-1884
8 autograph letters, signed; 9 pages; German
Note: Writing on behalf of Schuberth & Co.; contains numerous references to Liszt
Schulhoff, Ervín
BOX 49 Sanders, Paul, 1931 September 23, October 28, and November 11
4 postcards, signed; 4 pages; German
BOX 49 Sanders, Paul, 1931 September - December
6 typescript letters, signed; 11 pages; German
BOX 49 Sanders, Paul, 1932 July 9
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
Note: Regarding politics, the opera Flammen
BOX 49 Specifications for setting of H.M.S. Royal Oak, Ein Jazz Oratorium von Otto Rombach und Erwin Schulhoff, undated
Carbon copy of text; German
Schulhoff, Julius
BOX 49 Lüstner, Louis, undated
Autograph card; 2 pages; German
Schulz-Beuthen, Heinrich
BOX 49 Des Enkelkindes Schlummerlied, undated
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 2 pages; 35 x 27 cm.
BOX 49 Koenig Lear, undated
Autograph music full score and excerpt, signed; 1 page; 35 x 27 cm.
BOX 49 Suite for Piano Solo, undated
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 12 pages; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 115 Portrait, Dresden, 1908 April 19
Photograph, signed
Schumann, Clara
BOX 49 Ad Libitum, 1890 March
Autograph music quotation, inscribed
BOX 49 Address panel, 1876 June 3
Note: To Marie Michaelis
BOX 49 Black, 1859 June 4
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; English
Note: Regarding a concert rehearsal
BOX 49 Calling card, undated
Annotated; German
BOX 49 Deichmann, Julie, 1881 February 15
Postcard, signed; German
BOX 49 Speyer, 1886 April 9
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
BOX 49 Unidentified, 1867 February 13
Autograph letter; 4 pages; German
Note: Signed to a conductor in Edinburgh
Note: Regarding Carnaval
BOX 49 Unidentified, 1883? October 16
Autograph card, signed; 2 pages; German
BOX 115 Portrait, undated
Includes: Biological sketch from The Graphic
BOX 115 Portrait, undated
Schumann, Robert
BOX 49 Burla, for piano solo in G Minor, circa [1831]
Autograph music manuscript; 1 page (61 measures); ink
Note: Unpublished
Digital content available
BOX 49 Levy, 1849 May 5
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
Note: Levy was a French horn virtuoso
LCCN: 2010561082
BOX 49 Pauline, 1849 April 22
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
LCCN: 2010561081
BOX 49 Spohr, 1838 February 9
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
Note: Regarding Spohr and Mendelssohn
BOX 49 Whistling, 1846 June 23
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
Note: Details publishing Bach fugues; ill health
LCCN: 2010560426
BOX 49 Unidentified, undated
Autograph letter; 1 page; German
Note: Signed to a singer
BOX 115 Portrait, undated
Schunke, Hugo
BOX 49 Bavaria, Hymne für grosses Orchester, 1906 May 4
Autograph music manuscript; 15 pages + 18 pages; 32 x 25 cm.
Note: Arranged for two pianos; Piano 1 in Schuncke's autograph, Piano 2 in the hand of a copyist
Schweitzer, Albert
Related Collection Materials
see Casals, Pablo
Sciortino, Edouard
BOX 49 Ibère Berbère, undated
2 copyist music manuscripts; 22 pages; 35 x 27 cm.
Note: To Henry de Montherlant
Scontrino, Antonio
BOX 49 Quartetto per archi in do maggiore, 1906 December 31
Autograph music quotation
Note: Signed to Glars
Scribe, Eugène
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