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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
Chelard, Hippolyte-André-Baptiste
BOX 12 Die Seekadetten. Andantino, 1848 August 28
Autograph music quotation; German
Note: Signed to Schlösser
Cherubini, Luigi
BOX 12 Breitkopf & Härtel, 1833 December 10
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; French
Note: Regarding Ali Baba
Digital content available
BOX 12 Levasseur, undated
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; French
Digital content available
BOX 12 Dancla, Charles, 1828 April 22, 1829 September 7
2 autograph certificates of admission for conservatory classes, signed; 2 pages; French
BOX 110 Portrait, 1833
Reproduction of lithograph, signed
Note: Mounted on page of Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung
BOX 12 Sujet de fugue, traiter avec deux contre-sujets seulement... (concours de 1838), undated
Autograph music manuscript; 1 page; 12 measures; ink
Includes: Authentication by Dancla
Digital content available
Chevillard, Camille
BOX 12 Autograph letter, 1910 June 188
Signed; French
Note: On verso, 8 measure musical quotation from Gounod's Mireille
Note: Mentions conducting Elgar's Gerontius
BOX 110 Portrait, 1910
Photograph, signed
BOX 110 Portrait, undated
Reproduction of photograph
Chopin, Frédéric
BOX 109 Nocturne, op. 62, no. 1, undated
Reproduction of music manuscript sketch; mounted on board; 4 pages
BOX 13 Prelude in A-flat Major, for piano solo, 1834 July 10?.
Autograph complete score; 2 pages; 16 x 24 cm.; ink
Note: Signed to Pierre Wolff
Includes: Reproduction of letter of authentication from Arthur Hedley
LCCN: 2009542976
Digital content available
BOX 13 Tarantelle, op. 43, 1930
Facsimile of music manuscript; 8 pages
Paris: Catlin
Chrysander, Friedrich
BOX 13 Bagge, Selmar, 1876 February 28
Autograph letter, signed; 4 pages; German
Includes: Second letter to Selmar Bagge from Karl Opitz, 1876 February 24
BOX 13 Elise, undated
Autograph letter, signed; 3 pages; German
Chung, Woo-Hyen
BOX 94 Quartett, 1955 May 23
Autograph music manuscript; 12 pages; 39 x 27 cm.
Note: Signed to Adolph Weiss
Cilea, Francesco
BOX 13 Adriana, 1930 January 17
Autograph music quotation, signed; 1 page
BOX 13 d'Eisner, Baron Angelo, 1930 May 16
Typescript letter, signed; 2 pages; Italian
Cimarosa, Domenico
BOX 13 Il marito disperato, Come gli animali, 1785
Autograph music manuscript; 8 pages; 22 x 29 cm.
Note: Premiered in Naples
Contents: 17 measures of the prelude to the aria, and the first 26 measures of the aria itself, "Voi siete un amoroso galante francesino"
Digital content available
Ciortea, Tudor
BOX 13 Variatiuni, undated
Autograph full score, annotated and signed; 52 pages; 35 x 25 cm.
Clauss-Szarvady, Wilhelmine
BOX 13 Fischer, undated
Autograph letter, signed; 3 pages; French
BOX 13 Unidentified, 1871 January 30
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; French
BOX 13 Obituary, 1882 March 8
1 page; English
Note: For Frederick Szarvady (husband)
Note: Transcribed from World
Clementi, Muzio
BOX 13 Viotti, 1813 January 20
Autograph letter, signed; 3 pages
Note: Letter written by Viotti in French, with reply written in English by Clementi
Digital content available
BOX 13 Unidentified, 1823 April 17
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; English
BOX 13 Sonata for the Pianoforte or Harpsichord, undated
Printed score, signed; 10 pages
Note: Also signed by Margaret Abernathie
London: Preston
Coates, Gloria
Related Collection Materials
see Otte, Hans
Cocteau, Jean
Related Collection Materials
see Stravinsky, Igor
Coelho, Olga Praguer
BOX-FOLDER 128/1 Biography, undated
By Miriam E. de Kika
Typescript; 2 pages
BOX-FOLDER 128/3 CBS annual report, 1944
BOX-FOLDER 128/2 Clippings, 1952 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 128/4 Correspondence, 1948-1949
BOX-FOLDER 128/5 Financial documents, 1948-1949
BOX-FOLDER 128/6 Itinerary, undated
BOX-FOLDER 128/7 Coelho with large group of people, undated
BOX-FOLDER 128/8 Group of people seated around a table, 1941
Includes: Letter
BOX-FOLDER 128/9 Programs, 1943-1950 and undated
Related Collection Materials
see Segovia,Andrés
Colonne, Edouard
BOX 13 Fischer, Paris, 1877 August 19
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; French
Note: Regarding a concerto by Lalo
Comes, Liviu
BOX 13 Melopee, circa 1970
Printed score; 5 pages
Cluj: Conservatorul de Muzica
BOX 13 Sonata pentru pian, circa 1970
Printed score; 32 pages
Cluj: Conservatorul de Muzica
Commer, Franz
BOX 13 Autograph letter, 1848 January 27
Signed; 1 page; German
Constantinescu, Dan
BOX 13 Strukturi I, II, pentru pian, undated
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 8 pages; 33 x 25 cm.
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