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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
Jonas, Oswald
BOX 27 Announcement, undated
1 page; German
Note: For Jonas lecture series
BOX 27 "The Genius and His Contemporaries," 1940 Spring
Autograph lecture; 30 pages
Jone, Hildegard
BOX 27 "Zum ersten internationalen Webern-Fest, in Zuneigung," undated
Autograph program, signed; German
Related Collection Materials
see Webern, Anton
Jongen, Joseph
BOX 27 Autograph letter, undated
Signed; 2 pages; French and English
BOX 27 Concerto for Piano, op. 127, undated
Autograph music quotation, signed
Journet, Marcel
BOX 27 Autograph letter, 1906 June 9
Signed; 2 pages; French
Jullien, Louis
BOX 27 Autograph letter, March 18
Signed; 1 page; English
BOX 27 Clipping, 1845 July 5
BOX 27 Obituary, 1860
BOX 112 Portrait, 1846 November 21
Reproduction of caricature
Kàan, Jindrich z Albestu
BOX 27 Germinal. Overture, 1909 February 15
Autograph music quotation, signed
Kabalevsky, Dmitri
BOX 27 Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra. Allegro, op. 49, 1948-1949
Autograph full score of first 18 measures; 1 page; 37 x 25 cm.
Note: Signed to the Spokane Conservatory, Moscow, 1955 December 10
BOX 27 Moldenhauer, Hans, 1955 December 12
Typescript letter, signed; 1 page; Russian
BOX 112 Portrait, Moscow, 1955 December 12
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer
Kadosa, Pál
BOX 27 Sanders, Paul F., 1933 April 18 and June 15
2 autograph letters, signed; 2 pages; German
Kahn, Erich Itor
BOX 95 Evarts, 1945 December 23
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; English
Kahn, Otto
BOX 95 Pond, James, 1919 October 24
Typescript letter, signed; 1 page; English
Kahn, Robert
BOX 27 Autograph card, March 5
Signed; 1 page; German
BOX 27 Morgenfrühe, undated
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 2 pages; 23 x 33 cm.; German
Note: On verso, complete draft of another song
BOX 112 Portrait, undated
Reproduction of photograph, signed
Kahnt, Christian Friedrich
BOX 27 Gottschalg, A. W., 1860 October 27, 1861 August 12, 1873 July 4
3 autograph letters, signed; 4 pages; German
Note: References Liszt
BOX 27 Gottschalg, A. W. from Paulina Kahnt, 1898 and undated
3 autograph letters, signed; 18 pages; German
Kalbeck, Max
BOX 27 Autograph letter, 1883 May 26
Signed; 2 pages; German
Kálmán, Imre
BOX 27 Sanders, Paul F., 1947 February 28
Typescript letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 27 Waltz melody, 1941
Autograph music quotation, signed
Kämpf, Karl
BOX 27 Autograph letter, 1912 June 9
Signed; 4 pages; German
Includes: Works list
BOX 27 Idyllen für Pianoforte, op. 35, no. 2., undated
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 3 pages; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 112 Portrait, Berlin, 1912 June 9
Reproduction of photograph
Note: Signed to George Bainton
Karauschek, Wendelino
BOX 27 Sonata à violoncello solo con basso, undated
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 6 pages; 31 x 27 cm.
Karkoschka, Erhard
BOX 96 Karkoschka from Duczek, 1971 April 20
Letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 96 Moldenhauer, Hans, 1971 April 26, 1972 April 1, and undated
3 typescript letters; 3 pages; German
BOX 96 List of works given to the Moldenhauer Archives, undated
Typescript; 1 page; German
BOX 96 Antinomie, 1968
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 16 pages
BOX 96 Bewegungs-Strukturen, 1961
Facsimile of music manuscript; 27 pages
BOX 96 Omnia ad Maiorem Dei Gloria, 1963
Facsimile of music manuscript, with revisions and signed; 88 pages
Includes: Typed document regarding manuscript
BOX 96 Psylex (incomplete) 1968
Reproduction of music manuscript; 7 pages
BOX 96 Quattrologe, 1966
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, with revisions and signed; 46 pages
BOX 96 Sechs Konstellationen, 1962
Facsimile of music manuscript, signed; 37 pages
BOX 96 Szene im Schlagzeug, undated
Autograph music sketches and complete draft; 6 pages; 20 x 42 cm.; German
Note: Signed to Michael Ranta
BOX 96 Undarum continuum für Orchester, 1960
Reproduction of music manuscript; 69 pages
Includes: Typed document regarding manuscript
Kashkin, Nicolai Dmitrievich
Related Collection Materials
see Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich
Kashperov, Vladmir Nikitich
Related Collection Materials
see Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich
Kaun, Hugo
BOX 27 Huch, Zehlendorf, 1927 February 4
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 27 Lindner, Eugen, 1907 October 3
Autograph letter, signed; 4 pages; German
BOX 27 Römmisch (?), 1903 February 2
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 27 Tischer, Gerhard, 1925 January 26, 1928 September 1 and September 22
3 autograph letters, signed; 3 pages; German
Kelemen, Milko
BOX 97 Brochures, undated
2 items, signed
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