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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
Moldenhauer, Hans, 1962 February 12, 1965 July 10, 1969 August 21 (continued)
3 autograph letters, signed; 4 pages; German and English
BOX 77 Pisk, Mrs., 1925 May 1
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 77 Pisk, Paul, 1937 September 18, 1938 January 5, 1962 July 17
3 autograph letters, signed; 5 pages; German and English
BOX 77 Vega, Aurelio de la, 1965 August 6
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; English
BOX 77 Sonata for Violin Solo, op. 72, 1953 April 16-17, revised 1959 November 24-26
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 7 pages; 31 x 23 cm.; ink and pencil
BOX 77 Sonata for Violin Solo, op. 72, circa 1961
Printed score; 8 pages
New York: Rongwen
BOX 77 Sonata for Violin Solo, op. 72. Adagio, undated
Autograph music sketches; 2 pages; 31 x 23 cm.; pencil
BOX 77 "In Memoriam Egon Wellesz," undated
2 items; 6 pages each; English
BOX 77 Recital handout, undated
Reproduction; 5 pages; German and English
Note: Poems with translation
Wenzel, Eberhard
BOX 77 Ährenlied, undated
Autograph full score, signed; 2 pages; 34 x 27 cm.; German
BOX 77 Bauernlied, undated
Autograph full score, signed; 2 pages; 34 x 27 cm.; German
Wetz, Richard
BOX 77 Tischer, 1929 December 26
Autograph letter, signed; 12 pages; German
Note: Discusses Weinachtsoratorio
BOX 77 Tischer, 1930 January 14
Autograph card, signed; 2 pages; English
Widor, Charles-Marie
BOX 77 Biographical sketch, undated
BOX 77 Fanny (?), 1886 June 25
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; French
BOX 77 Two autograph letters, undated
Signed; 2 pages; French
Wiel, Marie
BOX 77 Autograph letter, September? 28
Signed; 4 pages; German
Wieniawski, Henryk
BOX 77 Autograph letter, August?
Signed; 1 page; French
Wieniawski, Józef
BOX 77 Calling card, 1880 March 17
Annotated; German
Wild, Franz
BOX 77 Tichatschek, 1837 February 16 and 23
2 autograph letters; 6 pages; German
Wilhemj, August
BOX 77 Herfurth, Rudolf,1884 December 19
Postcard, signed; German
Wimberger, Gerhard
BOX 77 Ars amatoria, 1967
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 1 page; 33 x 27 cm.
BOX 77 La Battaglia oder Der rote Federbusch, 1959
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 2 pages; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 77 Chronique, 1969
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 2 pages; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 77 Dame Kobold, 1963
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 1 page; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 77 Drei lyrische Chansons, undated
Autograph full draft in condensed score; 40 pages; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 77 Hero und Leander, 1963
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 1 page; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 77 Lebensregeln, 1972
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 2 pages; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 77 Memento vivere, 1974
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 2 pages; 33 x 21 cm.
BOX 77 Multiplay, 1973
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 2 pages; 27 x 32 cm.
BOX 77 Resonance für 3 Orchester-Gruppen, 1967
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 2 pages; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 77 Signum für Orgel, 1970
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 2 pages; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 77 Stories, 1962
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 2 pages; 36 x 27 cm.
BOX 77 Works list and biographical sketch, undated
Typescript with autograph revisions; 2 pages
Winding, August
Related Collection Materials
see Grieg, Edvard
Winkelmann, Hermann
BOX 77 Autograph letter, 1881 March 14
Signed; 1 page; German
Wirén, Dag
BOX 77 Sinfonietta, op. 7, circa 1951
Printed score; 105 pages
Note: Signed to Fritz Mahler
Vienna: Universal
Wit, Margarete
BOX 116 Portrait, undated
Reproduction of photograph, signed
Wittgenstein, Paul
BOX 77 Weigl, Karl, December 30
Autograph letter, signed; 4 pages; German
Note: Concerning piano concerto for the left hand
Wittinger, Róbert
BOX 102 Calling card, undated
BOX 102 Clipping, 1971 January
1 page; German
Includes: Group photograph
BOX 102 Concentrazione, op. 6, 1965
Autograph title page and first page of full score, signed; 1 leaf; 42 x 29 cm.
Includes: Additional printed score, circa 1967
BOX 102 Divergenti, op. 13, 1969 June-September
Autograph sketch; 2 pages (1 leaf); 60 x 42 cm.
Includes: Additional printed score, circa 1969
BOX 102 Works lists, undated
2 documents with autograph revisions; 2 pages; German
Wohlgemuth, Justus Albert
BOX 77 Gottschalg, A. W., 1857 May 18
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
Wolf, Hugo
BOX 77 An* (Lenau), Windischgraz, 1877 April 27-May 8
2 autograph complete scores, signed; l leaf; 35 x 27 cm.; ink and pencil
Note: Songs with piano accompaniment
Note: On verso, "Morgenthau (aus einem alten Liederbuche)," Windischgraz, 1877 June 19
Digital image available
BOX 77 Der Corregidor, Act 4. Ave Maria purissima, undated
Autograph original draft, signed; 1 page (10 measures); 25 x 33 cm.; ink and pencil
Includes: Letter to Hinterberger from Ilse Kautsky, 1956 July 4
BOX 77 Potpeschnigg, Heinrich, 1897 May 31
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