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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
The Marriage of Figaro, Cerubino, 1944 (continued)
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 21 pages; 31 x 24 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 81/10 The Marriage of Figaro. Susanna, undated
By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Autograph violin part, signed; 2 pages; 31 x 24 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 88/2 Memorial Service for the Departed, 1960
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 10 pages
BOX-FOLDER 88/3-5 The Merchant of Venice, undated
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 99 pages (1) + 120 pages (2) + 131 pages (3)
BOX-FOLDER 82/2 The Merchant of Venice, undated
Autograph title page
Note: Also titled Sem
BOX-FOLDER 93/6 The Merchant of Venice, undated
Printed libretto with autograph revisions; 17 pages
BOX-FOLDER 93/6 The Merchant of Venice, undated
Printed libretto; 70 pages
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer
Milan: Ricordi
BOX-FOLDER 89/1 The Mermaid Tavern, opera 113A and 113B, 1942
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 6 pages (A) + 10 pages (B)
BOX-FOLDER 81/4 Minstrels by Debussy, 1951 June 30
Autograph music mnauscript, signed; 3 pages; 33 x 24 cm.
Note: Transcribed for guitar
BOX-FOLDER 81/4 Naaritz'cho, undated
Autograph draft of ending; 2 pages; 36 x 31 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 93/4 The Nightingale, circa 1944
Printed score; 4 pages
Note: Signed to Irene Hanna, 1944 June 7
New York: Galaxy
BOX-FOLDER 89/1 Nocturne in Hollywood, 1941
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 9 pages
BOX-FOLDER 89/2 I Nottambuli, 1960
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 93 pages
BOX-FOLDER 89/3 Notturno, 1960
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; two copies, 19 pages each
BOX-FOLDER 81/4 The Octoroon Ball, op. 136, undated
Autograph piano score opening, signed; 14 pages; 30 x 24 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 89/3 Ozymandias, 1944
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 4 pages
BOX-FOLDER 81/4 Ozymandias for voice and piano, op. 124, 1944 June 8
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 5 pages; 36 x 27 cm.
Note: Unpublished. Based on the poem by Shelley. Inspired by the reading of the poem when Raymond Gram Swing announced the downfall of Mussolini over the radio.
Digital content available
BOX-FOLDER 89/4 Partita in B minor, 1964 April
By Johann Sebastian Bach
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 35 pages
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer
Note: Arranged for string orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 93/5 Passacaglia, op. 180, circa 1970
Printed score; 11 pages
Milan: Edizioni Musicali
BOX-FOLDER 89/5 Pastorale and Rondo, op. 185, 1958
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, annotated and signed; 35 pages
BOX-FOLDER 81/5 Pavane pour une infante défunte, 1946 July 28
By Ravel
Autograph music manscuript, signed; 9 pages; 32 x 24 cm.
Note: Arranged for two pianos, four hands
BOX-FOLDER 81/5 Platero y yo, op. 190, 1960 July 18
Autograph music manuscript; 2 pages; 33 x 24 cm.
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer, 1960 December 26
Includes: Work sheets containing four themes and the composer's comments
BOX-FOLDER 89/6 Platero y yo, op. 190, 1960
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 35 pages (1) + 30 pages (2) + 36 pages (3) + 39 pages (4)
BOX-FOLDER 93/5 Platero y yo, op. 190, circa 1972
Printed score; 38 pages
Milan: Edizioni Musicali
BOX-FOLDER 90/1 Poesia Svedese, op. 189, 1960
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 67 pages
BOX-FOLDER 83/2 Poesie Romanesche, op. 131, 1946
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 13 pages
BOX-FOLDER 90/2 Prayers My Grandfather Wrote, 1962
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 18 pages
Note: Signed to Hans and Rosaleen Moldenhauer, 1962 December 4
BOX-FOLDER 90/2 Primavera Fiorentina, 1911, 1967
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 28 pages
BOX-FOLDER 81/5 I Profeti, undated
Autograph draft of introduction; 7 pages; 32 x 23 cm.
Note: Version for piano and violin
BOX-FOLDER 90/3 The Proverbs of Solomon, op. 168, 1953
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 45 pages
Note: To Hermann Stein
Contents: Go to the Ant; Hear, Ye Children; There Be Six Things; The Foolish Woman Is Clamorous; Who Hath Woe?; A Virtuous Woman Who Can Find
BOX-FOLDER 90/3 Psyche, op. 113, no. 5, 1951
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 10 pages
BOX-FOLDER 81/5 The Queen of Sheba, op. 161, undated
Autograph draft of opening; 1 page; 36 x 30 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 90/3 The Queen of Sheba, op. 161, 1953
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 32 pages
BOX-FOLDER 80/6 Quintetto per due violini, viola, violoncello, e pianoforte, no. 2, 1934 February 28
Autograph draft, signed; 3 pages; 33 x 24 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 81/6 Rondo, op. 129, undated
Autograph sketches; 5 pages; 36 x 27 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 90/4 Sacred Service, op. 122, 1943
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 54 pages
BOX-FOLDER 81/7 Saul, op. 191, 1960 August 1 - September 12
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 1 page; 43 x 29 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 90/5 Serenade, 1942-1943
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score with autograph revisions, signed; 48 pages + 13 pages (guitar part, revised)
BOX-FOLDER 81/7 The Seventh Day, 1963
Autograph master sheets, signed; 2 pages; 33 x 27 cm.
Note: Formerly called "The Peace of the Sabbath"
BOX-FOLDER 90/6 The Seventh Day, op. 202, 1963
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 16 pages
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer, 1963 November 18
BOX-FOLDER 81/7 The Shadow, 1944 June 14
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 4 pages; 36 x 27 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 93/5 The Shadow, circa 1945
Printed score; 5 pages
New York: Cark Fischer
BOX-FOLDER 81/7 Shakespeare Overtures, circa 1932
Autograph thematic sketches, signed; 3 pages; 33 x 24 cm.
Contents: As You Like It; Othello; Romeo and Juliet; Antony and Cleopatra; All's Well That Ends Well
BOX-FOLDER 81/8 Shakespeare Sonnets, op. 125, no. 30, 1944 July 3
Autograph music manuscript; 4 pages; 32 x 24 cm.
Note: Signed to Aldo
BOX-FOLDER 90/6 Shakespeare Sonnets, op. 125, nos. 53, 40, 47, and 71, 1963
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 17 pages
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer
BOX-FOLDER 81/8 Shakespeare Sonnets, op. 125, no. 57. What is your substance whereof you are made, 1945 September 22
Autograph full score, signed; 5 pages; 31 x 24 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 81/8 Shakespeare Sonnets, op. 125, no. 94, 1945 October 11
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 10 pages; 31 x 26 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 81/8 Shakespeare Sonnets, op. 125, no. 154, 1945 September 21
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 6 pages; 31 x 24 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 90/6 La Sirenetta e il pesce Turchino, undated
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; two copies, 28 pages each
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