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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 91/1 Sonatina zoologica, op. 187, 1960
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 18 pages
BOX-FOLDER 91/2 The Song of Songs, op. 172, 1954
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 200 pages
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer
Includes: Autograph Italian text
BOX-FOLDER 91/3 Songs of the Oceanides, 1954
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; two copies, 25 pages each
BOX-FOLDER 93/6 Songs of the Oceanides, circa 1963
Printed score; 40 pages
Note: Signed to Hans and Rosaleen Moldenhauer, 1963 March 15
New York: Franco Colombo
BOX-FOLDER 91/4 Songs of the Shulamite, op. 163, 1953
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score with autograph revisions, signed; 66 pages
BOX-FOLDER 81/10 Songs of the Shulamite, op. 163, undated
Autograph music manuscript, opening page; 1 page; 31 x 24 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 91/4 Stars, op. 104, 1940
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 86 pages
BOX-FOLDER 91/5 String Quartet no. 3, op. 203, Beverly Hills, 1964
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 17 pages + 58 pages (parts)
Note: Signed to Benard Bereson
Note: Inscribed to Hans Moldenhauer, 1965 May 15
BOX-FOLDER 82/1 Three Sephardic Songs, 1949 September 14-15
Autograph music manuscript; 9 pages + 1 page of themes; various sizes
Note: Signed to Bracha Zefire
Note: Transcribed and harmonized with piano or harp accompaniment
BOX-FOLDER 92/1 Three Sephardic Songs, 1960
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 43 pages
BOX-FOLDER 92/2 Three Shelley Songs, op. 173, 1955
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 21 pages
Note: Signed to A. Walter Kramer
BOX-FOLDER 82/1 Tobias and the Angel, undated
Autograph piano-vocal score, orchestral score, full score, and master sheets; 8 pages; various sizes
Note: Includes an omitted aria (page 31 of piano-vocal score; page 73 of orchestral score; and pages 77-81 of full score)
BOX-FOLDER 83/1 Tobias and the Angel (The Book of Tobit), op. 204, 1964-1965
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 83 pages (1) + 125 pages (2) +33 pages (3)
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer, 1964-1965
BOX-FOLDER 82/2 La Traviata. Violetta, 1944 September 30
By Giuseppe Verdi
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 4 pages; 32 x 24 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 92/2 Tre preludi al Circeo, 1961
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 11 pages
BOX-FOLDER 92/2 Tre preludi Mediterranei, op. 176, 1955
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 13 pages
BOX-FOLDER 92/2 Two Motets, op. 174, 1955
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 18 pages
BOX-FOLDER 92/3 Two Sonatas, op. 179, 1955
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score, signed; 95 pages
BOX-FOLDER 82/1 La Vallée des Cloches, 1944 October 16
By Maurice Ravel
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 6 pages; 31 x 24 cm.
Note: Arranged for cello and piano
BOX-FOLDER 82/2 Variazioni sinfoniche. Part 1, 1928
Autograph draft of full score, signed; 18 pages; 33 x 24 cm.
BOX 110 Group portrait, undated
BOX 110 Portrait, 1961
3; signed
BOX 118 1959 October 6
BOX 118 The Merchant of Venice, 1961
23 pages
Includes: Synopsis in Italian, French, English, and German
BOX 118 Michigan State University, 1959 November 13
BOX 118 San Francisco Symphony, 1960 February 3-6
BOX 118 The Song of Songs, 1963 August 7-8
Note: Signed to Hans and Rosaleen Moldenhauer
Includes: Clipping regarding world premiere
BOX 118 Undicesimo Concerto, Florence, 1959
BOX 118 University of Southern California, 1961 April 30
BOX 118 Aucassin et Nicolette, undated
Reproduction of text; 18 pages; English
BOX 118 Biographical data, undated
Typescript, 8 pages; English
Includes: Catalog of works
BOX 118 "Complete Bibliography (up to 1962)," University of California, Los Angeles, 1963 October 1
Reproduction; 30 pages
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer; compiled by Robert Taylor
BOX 118 List of lectures, undated
Reproduction; 1 page; English
BOX 118 News release, Michigan State University, October 25
Related Collection Materials
see Segovia, Andrés
Castiglioni, Niccolò
BOX 12 Quodlibet at the Year's Corner, Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, 1968-1979
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 20 pages; 31 x 24 cm.
Castillo, Manuel
BOX 12 Cuatro invenciones para cuarteto de cuerda, Sevilla, 1967 May
Autograph full score, signed; 14 pages; 36 x 27 cm.
BOX 12 Sonata para violín y piano, Sevilla, 1961-1962
Autograph music manuscript with revisions, signed; 26 pages; 36 x 26 cm.
Caudella, Eduard
BOX 12 Chant de la race latine, 1909 May 12
Autograph music quotation, signed; 1 page; French
BOX 12 Autograph letter, 1909 May 4
Signed; 2 pages; French
BOX 12 Bainton, Georges, 1909 May 12
Postcard, signed; French
BOX 12 Calling card, undated
Cerha, Friedrich
BOX 109 Langegg, Maria, Vienna, 1970 March 12, 1971 December 19, 1973 July 19
3 typescript letters; 3 pages + 1 page; German
BOX 109 A. Langegger Nachtmusik, for orchestra. Movement 2, 1969-1970
Music manuscript sketches on master sheets; 12 pages; various sizes
BOX 109 Enjambements, 1959
Printed score
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer, 1975
Universal Edition
BOX 109 Enjambements, for six players, 1959
Autograph music sketches; 3 pages; 44 x 59 cm. + 44 x 56 cm.
Chabrier, Emmanuel
BOX 12 Chabrier, Mme, 1887
Autograph letter; 1 page; French
Note: Signed to "Maman"
BOX 12 Piano composition in E Major in 9/8 time, undated
Autograph music manuscript (incomplete); 1 page; 25 x 32 cm.; ink
Note: Signed to Boaz Piller
Note: Mounted with portrait photograph
BOX 110 Portrait, undated
By Benoue
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