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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
Mers-tefs per violino solo, circa 1971 (continued)
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 6 pages
Cologne: Gerig
BOX 109 Musik für mehrere Violinen, circa 1971
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 21 pages
Cologne: Gerig
BOX 25 À la recherche de la verticale, circa 1970
Reproduction of music manuscript; 12 pages
Includes: Biographical information
Cologne: Gerig
BOX 109 Soliloquium x 2, Streichquartett, circa 1971
Blue-line reproduction of manuscript score; 16 pages
Cologne: Gerig
BOX 25 Sonata for Clarinet and Piano, circa 1969
Reproduction of music manuscript; 24 pages
Bucharest: Editura Muzicala
BOX 25 Sonata for Viola and Piano, circa 1965
Reproduction of music manuscript; 12 pages
BOX 25 Sonata for Violin and Piano, Bucharest, circa 1968
Reproduction of music manuscript; 36 pages
BOX 25 Sonata no. 1, circa 1966
Reproduction of music manuscript; 49 pages
Bucharest: Editura Muzicala
BOX 25 Sonnets, 1972-1973
Autograph preliminary drafts in two spiral notebooks, signed; 12 leaves + 43 pages; 30 x 22 cm.
BOX 109 Sonnets; Concerto per Clavicembalo e orchestra, circa 1973
2 blue-line reproductions of manuscript scores; 10 pages + 31 pages
Cologne: Gerig
BOX 25 Third Piano Sonata, Bucharest,circa 1968
Reproduction of music manuscript; 16 pages
BOX 25 Trio for Violin, Viola, and Bassoon, circa 1968
Reproduction of music manuscript; 14 pages
Note: To Hans Moldenhauer, Eugene, Oregon, 1973 June 1
BOX 25 UNDA, circa 1969
Reproduction of music manuscript; 10 pages
Paris: Salabert
BOX 25 Volumes, Inventions, 1963
Reproduction of music manuscript; 14 pages
Note: With biographical information
Bucharest: Editura Muzicala
Hubay, Jenő
BOX 26 Neuburger, Hugo, 1919 October 15
Autograph letter, signed; 3 pages; German
BOX 112 Portrait, 1903 January 29
Note: Signed to Heinrich Grünfeld
Huberman, Bronislaw
BOX 26 Weigl, Karl Ascona, 1927 October 20
Typescript letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 26 Unidentified, undated
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 112 Group portrait, 1938? December 20?
Photograph and facsimile
Note: Signed by Hubermann and Toscanini and the Palestine Orchestra on the occasion of the orchestra's first concert
Huhn, Charlotte
BOX 26 Clipping, 1893
Annotated; 2 pages (185-186); German
Includes: Reproduction of photograph
Neue Musik-Zeitung, 14
BOX 26 Receipt, Cologne, 1898 December 8
1 page; German
BOX 26 Senff, Bartolf, 1893 August 6 and 22
2 autograph letters, signed; 7 pages; German
Humperdinck, Engelbert
BOX 26 Kirchhoff, 1907 June 25
Postcard, signed; German
BOX 26 Speyer, Edward, 1892 May 2, 1894 November 10
2 postcards, signed; German
BOX 26 Wurm, Mary, 1915 October 25
Postcard, signed; German
BOX 26 Unidentified, 1897 July 2
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
BOX 26 Unidentified, 1907 May 24
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 26 Gaudeamus. Hoch der Jugend! Tod den Philistern!, 1919 January 24
Autograph music quotation, signed
BOX 26 Rosmarin, for voice and piano, 1908 March 1
Autograph complete score, signed; 2 pages; 27 x 34 cm.; German; ink
BOX 112 Portrait, undated
Huré, Jean
BOX 26 Le petit Cordonnier, undated
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 7 pages; 32 x 25 cm.; French
BOX 26 Two autograph letters, 1910 October 17 and November 15
Signed; 2 pages; French
Hûrka, Friedrich Franz
BOX 26 Autograph letter, 1801 April 7
Signed; 1 page; German
Hüttenbrenner, Josef
BOX 26 Autograph letter, 1869 October 7
Signed; 1 page; German
Ibert, Jacques
BOX 112 Portrait, 1954 March 11
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer
BOX 112 Portrait, undated
Indy, Vincent d'
BOX 26 Autograph letter, 1914 March 22
Signed; 2 pages; French
Note: Regarding Parsifal
BOX 26 Autograph letter, undated
3 pages; French
Note: Signed to a singer
BOX 26 Autograph letter, undated
Signed; 2 pages; French
Note: Discusses the rehearsal of a work of Brahms and one of his own
Inghelbrecht, D. E.
BOX 26 La Nursery, undated
Autograph music excerpt; 1 page; 31 x 23 cm.
Note: For piano, four hands
BOX 112 Portrait, undated
Note: Signed by Liard
Inglés, Joan A.
BOX 26 Paris-Lleyd, for band, 1908 May 10
Arranged by Ribera
Copyist manuscript full score; 11 pages
Iradier, Sebastián
BOX 78 Autograph letter, 1858 September 16
Signed; 2 pages; Spanish
Ives, Charles E.
Shelf 114 Songs, 1884-1921
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