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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
Shelf Heterophonika Idiomela, 1967
Autograph music sketches, signed; 8 pages + 1 page (explanation); various sizes
BOX 97 Teresias. Die Stadt, 1971
Autograph music sketches, signed; 39 pages; various sizes
Includes: Additional blue-line reproduction of manuscript score (18 pages); outline
Kozinski, Stefan
BOX-FOLDER 139/13 Bloomsday Odyssey, undated
Autograph music manuscript; 106 pages; 43 x 28 cm.; pencil and ink
Note: Dedicated to "Bruce Ferden...."; commissioned by the Spokane Symphony Orchestra for the Washington State Centennial Celebration
Includes: Additional sketches and alternate pages
Krantz, Eugen
BOX 28 "Reportrait On Edyth Walker's study at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Dresden," 1893 April 19
Document, signed; 2 pages; German
Krastel, Fritz
BOX 28 Löwe, Ferdinand, 1899 October 19
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
BOX 112 Portrait, undated
Engraving, signed
Kraus, Felix von
BOX 28 Lindner, Eugen, 1898 May 5, 11
2 autograph letters; 16 pages; German
Krebs, Carl
BOX 28 Chrysander, 1893 January 14
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
Krebs, Karl August
BOX 28 Brünner, 1842 December 31
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
Krebs, Marie
BOX 28 Alla Polacca, Vivace, op. 89, 22 May 1875
By Beethoven
Autograph music quotation
Note: Signed to a friend, Minnie (?)
BOX 112 Portrait, undated
Kretschmer, Edmund
BOX 28 Autograph letter, 1878 June 26
Signed; 1 page; German
BOX 28 Autograph letter, 1885 April 11
Signed; 1 page; German
BOX 28 Autograph letter, 1898 August
1 page; German
Note: Signed to a theater director
BOX 28 Heinrich der Löwe. Heinrichs Erzählung, Dresden, 1876 March 23
Autograph musical quotation; German
BOX 112 Portrait, undated
Reproduction of photograph
Kretzschmar, Hermann
BOX 28 Sonne, Otto, 1897 February 15
Postcard, signed; 1 page; German
Kreutzer, Leonid
BOX 28 Löwe, Ferdinand, 1908 September 5
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
Note: Concerning Piano Concerto, op. 30 by Rimsky-Korsakov
BOX 112 Portrait, undated
Reproduction of photograph
Includes: Biographical information
Kreutzer, Rodolphe
BOX 28 Plantade, 1806 December 6
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; French
Note: Recommending a colleague; mentioning Cherubini
Krolop, Franz
BOX 28 Schloss, 1872 May 10 and December 19, and undated
3 autograph letters, signed; 5 pages; German
Krommer, Franz
BOX 28 Quartetto I, 1808? November 22
Autograph music manuscript; 38 pages; 14 x 32 cm.
Kubelik, Jan
BOX 28 Music quotation, 1906 November 12
Autograph; 3 measures
Note: Signed for Baron Fritz Schey
BOX 112 Portrait, undated
Note: Signed by Miss Reyburn
Note: Clipping attached on verso, 1921 September 26, English
Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm
BOX 28 Clipping, Köln, 1882 May 1
2 pages
Note: Biographical account
Includes: Reproduction of portrait
Neue Musik-Zeitung, no. 9
BOX 28 Autograph letter, 1879 February 16
Signed; 3 pages; German
BOX 28 Cocks, Robert, 1850-1853
3 autograph letters, signed; 11 pages; German
Includes: Musical illustration
BOX 28 Die jungen Musikanten, op. 36, Heft 2, Berlin, undated
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 2 pages; 24 x 30 cm.; German
Kuhe, Wilhelm
BOX 28 Music quotation, 1872 August 18
Autograph, signed
BOX 28 Music quotation, 1896 March 31
Autograph, signed
Kurzmann-Leuchter, Rita
BOX 28 Jokl, Otto, 1931 October 1
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
L'Espée, Roland de
BOX 30 Typescript letter, 1935 May 23
Signed; 1 page; French
BOX 30 Two autograph letters, 1919 Friday 6, 1936 July 30
Signed; 3 pages; French
BOX 30 Draft document, undated
Typescript, with revisions; 1 page; French
Note: Suggests concerts for the "Week of French Music"
BOX 30 Flyer, Saint Germaine en Laye, undated
1 page; French
Note: Announces concert series "Semaine Debussy 1935,"
BOX 30 List of names, undated
Typescript document; 1 page
BOX 30 List of sponsor names, undated
Typescript document, annotated; 1 page
Includes: Additional copy
L'vov, Alexei Feodorovich
BOX 30 Schlesinger, 1845 February 21 and March 5
Autograph letter, signed; 4 pages; French
Note: Refers to his new opera; Viardot, Meyerbeer, and others
La Fage, Adrien de
BOX 28 Two autograph letters, July? 1, 1858 October 13
Signed; 2 pages; French
La Grange, Henry-Louis de
BOX 28 Mahler, Alma, 1959 June 18
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; English
BOX 28 Mahler, Alma, undated
Postcard, signed; French
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