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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
Artôt de Padilla, Lola, 1909 June 19 (continued)
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
BOX 29 Ellis, undated
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; English
BOX 29 Meine Gesangskunst, 1909
Title page
BOX 113 Group photograph, undated
BOX 113 Reproduction, 1909
Leibowitz, René
BOX 29 Kahn, Erich Itor, 1949 October 20
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; French
BOX 29 Moldenhauer, Hans, 1960-1962
6 autograph letters, signed; 7 pages; English
BOX 29 Pisk, Paul A. 1962 April 2
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; English
BOX 29 Vega, Aurelio de la, 1957 May 15, 1959 May 20
2 typescript letters, signed; 2 pages; English
BOX 29 Vega, Aurelio de la, 1957 May 28, 1958 March 4, 1959 August 17
3 autograph letters, signed; 3 pages; English
BOX 29 Concertino for Piano Four Hands, op. 47, 1958 September-October
Autograph complete score; 12 pages; 35 x 27 cm.; ink and pencil
Note: First draft
BOX 29 Concertino for Piano Four Hands, undated
Reproduction of 2 music manuscripts, signed; 20 pages each
BOX 29 "Hommage à Arnold Schoenberg," 1947 January 29
22 pages; French
Note: Booklet for the Festival International de Musique de Chambre Contemporaine
Note: Signed to the Moldenhauers; inscribed by René and Mary Jo Leibowitz
BOX 29 "Mödlinger Schoenberg-Tage," 1982 October
10 pages; German
BOX 113 Portrait, 1982 October 28
Note: To Hans Moldenhauer; inscribed by Maro Jo Leibowitz
BOX 29 Erich Itor Kahn: un grand répresentant de la musique contemporaine, 1958
Book; 182 pages; French
Note: Signed by René Leibowitz and Konrad Wolff; inscribed by René and Mary Jo Leibowitz, 1982 October 29
Paris: Buchet
BOX 29 "Hommage à René Leibowitz," 1973 February-March
By Pierre Chan, Max Deutsch, Claude Helffer, Michel Leiris, Maurice Le Roux, Jean-Marie Move, and Michel Philippot
Article; 30 pages; French
Note: Inscribed by Mary Jo Leibowitz
Musique de tous les temps
Léner, Jenó
Related Collection Materials
see Schoenberg, Arnold
Léonard, Adolph
BOX 29 Melodic line, 1866 February 26
Autograph music quotation, signed; 4 measures
Leoncavallo, Ruggero
BOX 30 La Bohème, 1897 May 27
Autograph music quotation, signed
Leschetizky, Theodor
BOX 30 Mankiewicz, Frau, 1903 July 20
Autograph letter, signed; 3 pages; German
Levi, Hermann
BOX 30 Autograph letter, 1896 July 7
Signed; 1 page; German
Levitzki, Mischa
BOX 113 Portrait, 1921 March 1
Note: Signed to Boaz Piller
Lienau, Emil Robert
BOX 30 Gottschalg, A. W., 1870 June 9
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
Lier, Bertus van
BOX 55 In Memoriam, 1933
By Johan Franco, piano reduction of "Elegy" by van Lier
Autograph music manuscript, with revisions; 3 pages; 34 x 26 cm.
Note: Music in the autograph of van Lier; annotations at the top of the first page by Franco
BOX 55 In Memoriam, for String Orchestra, 1939
Printed score, signed; 5 pages
New York: Composers Press
BOX 55 Kleine Suite, 1935
Printed score
Note: Signed to Wolfgang Fraenkel
Amsterdam: Broekmans & Van Poppel
BOX 55 "The Song of Songs," 1955 March
By Johan Franco
Reproduction of article; 2 pages
Note: On van Lier
Rosicurcian Digest
Ligeti, György
BOX 107 Coates, Gloria, 1972 November 4
Postcard, signed; 2 pages; English
BOX 107 Vega, Aurelio de la, 1963 June 8, 1966 July 17
2 typescript letters, signed; 2 pages; English
BOX 107 Apparitions, 1958-1959
Autograph full score, signed; 9 pages; 42 x 30 cm.; pencil
BOX 109 Atmosphères, 1961
Autograph sketches in full score; 5 pages; 34 x 27 cm.; blue and red ink, pencil
Limbert, Frank L.
BOX 30 Autograph letter, 1912 May 22
Signed; 2 pages; German
Note: Provides biographical details
BOX 30 Johannes, op. 18, undated
Autograph music quotation, signed; German
BOX 113 Portrait, undated
Note: Signed by Luck
Lincke, Paul
BOX 30 Music quotation, 1911 Febraury 21
Autograph, signed
Lind, Jenny
BOX 30 Clipping, 1920 October 6
1 page; English
BOX 30 Balfe, 1846?
Autograph letter, signed; 3 pages; French
Includes: Translation
BOX 30 Gonne, Madame, undated
Autograph letter fragment, signed; 3 pages; German
Includes: English translation
BOX 30 Obituaries, undated
2 items; English
BOX 113 Portrait, undated
Includes: Attached clipping
Lindblad, Rune
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