Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX 39 | Fétis, 1850-1865 | ||||||||||||
8 autograph letters, signed; 15 pages; French | |||||||||||||
Panseron, Auguste | |||||||||||||
BOX 39 | Canon enigmatique à 2 parties, undated | ||||||||||||
Autograph music quotation, signed | |||||||||||||
Note: With text "Bonjour bon au Henry Berton Montan" | |||||||||||||
Papier Paumgartner, Rosa | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Album leaf, 1885 November 7 | ||||||||||||
Autograph, signed; 1 page | |||||||||||||
Papini, Guido | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Baering, 1876 December 18 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 3 pages; French | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Le Mécanisme du Jeune Violiniste, A Complete and Progressive Course of Instruction for the Violin in Four Parts, undated | ||||||||||||
Printed score; 100 pages | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to Constance and Rob Bell, 1888 January 7 | |||||||||||||
London: Chanot | |||||||||||||
Parent, Armand | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Asseyons-nous tous deux près du chemin sur le vieux banc..., undated | ||||||||||||
Autograph complete score; 4 pages; 33 x 25 cm. | |||||||||||||
Note: Song with piano accompaniment | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Ceillier, Laurent. "Amand Parent," undated | ||||||||||||
Typescript article with revisions; 6 pages; French | |||||||||||||
Note: From |
BOX 114 | Portrait, 1906 | ||||||||||||
By Rouault | |||||||||||||
Painting; paint and colored chalks | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | La Sonate de Franck, undated | ||||||||||||
Typescript document; 3 pages; French | |||||||||||||
Note: From Parent's Souvenirs et Anecdotes | |||||||||||||
Related Collection Materials see Redon, Odilon |
Related Collection Materials see Utrillo, Maurice |
Parish Alvars, Elias | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Fantasie sur le dernier pensé musicale de Bellini, pour flûte et harpe undated | ||||||||||||
By Parish Alvars and Joseph Fahrbach | |||||||||||||
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 19 pages; 33 x 25 cm. | |||||||||||||
Pascual-Ayllón, Fernando | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Lugareñas, 1926 July | ||||||||||||
Music manuscript with revisions, copied and signed; 11 pages; 37 x 27 cm. | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to Ricardo Viñes | |||||||||||||
Pasdeloup, Jules Etienne | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Autograph letter, December 8 | ||||||||||||
Signed; 1 page; French | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Massenet (?), undated | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; French | |||||||||||||
Note: Mentions Lalo | |||||||||||||
BOX 114 | Portrait, undated | ||||||||||||
By Marion | |||||||||||||
Photograph, signed | |||||||||||||
Pasta, Giuditta | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Autograph letter, 1826 September 28 | ||||||||||||
Signed; 1 page; Italian | |||||||||||||
BOX 114 | Portrait, undated | ||||||||||||
By Armytage | |||||||||||||
Engraving | |||||||||||||
Patti, Adelina | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Album leaf, 1876 July 26 | ||||||||||||
Autograph, signed | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Clippings, undated | ||||||||||||
2 items | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Breconshire, Emily, 1899 October 12 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 4 pages; English | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Cosanby, Spencer from Patti's husband (the Marquis de Caux), undated | ||||||||||||
Letter, signed; French | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Unidentified, 1868 May 20 | ||||||||||||
Letter | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed from Patti's husband (the Marquis de Caux) | |||||||||||||
BOX 114 | Portraits, undated | ||||||||||||
Reproductions of two photographs | |||||||||||||
Pauer, Ernst | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Autograph letter, 1876 May 20 | ||||||||||||
Signed; 2 pages; English | |||||||||||||
Note: On verso, obituary | |||||||||||||
Paz, Juan Carlos | |||||||||||||
BOX 99 | Dos baladas, op. 7, nos. 3 and 5, 1927 December | ||||||||||||
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 9 pages; 36 x 26 cm. | |||||||||||||
Pembaur, Joseph, Jr. | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Lindner, Eugen, 1908 November 9 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 4 pages; German | |||||||||||||
Pembaur, Joseph, Sr. | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Calling card, undated | ||||||||||||
Annotation; German | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Hildegundens Lied, undated | ||||||||||||
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 1 page; 34 x 26 cm. | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Unidentified, 1899 September 6 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter; 3 pages; German | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to the director of the Musician's Association in Vienna | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Unidentified, 1911 March 22 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German | |||||||||||||
BOX 114 | Portrait, undated | ||||||||||||
Photograph, signed | |||||||||||||
BOX 114 | Portraits, undated | ||||||||||||
Reproduction of 2 photographs | |||||||||||||
Pénavaire, Jean Grégoire | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Ninette et Ninon, 1881 February | ||||||||||||
Printed score, signed; 88 pages | |||||||||||||
Paris: Chatot | |||||||||||||
Penderecki, Kryzstof | |||||||||||||
Music | |||||||||||||
BOX 107 | Fluorescences, for Orchestra, 1961-1962 | ||||||||||||
Autograh music sketches, complete draft in full score, and incomplete sketches; 80 pages; 45 x 24 cm., some 19 x 35 cm.; multicolored ink, felt-tip markers, and pencils | |||||||||||||
Includes: Performance instructions in German and English; full-page, multicolored, outline for Penetrazioni | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
BOX 107 | Polymorphia, for 48 String Instruments, 1961 | ||||||||||||
Autograph complete draft in full score and incomplete sketches; 33 pages; 45 x 34 cm.; multicolored ink, felt-tip markers, and pencil | |||||||||||||
Includes: Performance instructions in Polish | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
BOX 114 | Portraits, Donaueschingen Festival, 1962 | ||||||||||||
2 photographs | |||||||||||||
Includes: One with Hans Rosbaud | |||||||||||||
BOX 107 | Review, undated | ||||||||||||
1 page; English | |||||||||||||
Pepping, Ernst | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Moldenhauer, Hans, 1960 November 7 | ||||||||||||
Typescript letter, signed; 1 page; German | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Zwei Orchesterstücke über eine Chanson des Binchois, 1958 | ||||||||||||
Autograph full score, signed; 119 pages; 33 x 27 cm. | |||||||||||||
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista | |||||||||||||
Related Collection Materials see Giardini, Felice |
Peri, Achille | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Autograph card, 1885 January 26 | ||||||||||||
Signed; 1 page; German | |||||||||||||
BOX 40 | Autograph letter, 1844 May 19 | ||||||||||||
Signed; 3 pages; Italian | |||||||||||||
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