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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
BOX 39 Fétis, 1850-1865
8 autograph letters, signed; 15 pages; French
Panseron, Auguste
BOX 39 Canon enigmatique à 2 parties, undated
Autograph music quotation, signed
Note: With text "Bonjour bon au Henry Berton Montan"
Papier Paumgartner, Rosa
BOX 40 Album leaf, 1885 November 7
Autograph, signed; 1 page
Papini, Guido
BOX 40 Baering, 1876 December 18
Autograph letter, signed; 3 pages; French
BOX 40 Le Mécanisme du Jeune Violiniste, A Complete and Progressive Course of Instruction for the Violin in Four Parts, undated
Printed score; 100 pages
Note: Signed to Constance and Rob Bell, 1888 January 7
London: Chanot
Parent, Armand
BOX 40 Asseyons-nous tous deux près du chemin sur le vieux banc..., undated
Autograph complete score; 4 pages; 33 x 25 cm.
Note: Song with piano accompaniment
BOX 40 Ceillier, Laurent. "Amand Parent," undated
Typescript article with revisions; 6 pages; French
Note: From Le Monde Musical
BOX 114 Portrait, 1906
By Rouault
Painting; paint and colored chalks
BOX 40 La Sonate de Franck, undated
Typescript document; 3 pages; French
Note: From Parent's Souvenirs et Anecdotes
Related Collection Materials
see Redon, Odilon
Related Collection Materials
see Utrillo, Maurice
Parish Alvars, Elias
BOX 40 Fantasie sur le dernier pensé musicale de Bellini, pour flûte et harpe undated
By Parish Alvars and Joseph Fahrbach
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 19 pages; 33 x 25 cm.
Pascual-Ayllón, Fernando
BOX 40 Lugareñas, 1926 July
Music manuscript with revisions, copied and signed; 11 pages; 37 x 27 cm.
Note: Signed to Ricardo Viñes
Pasdeloup, Jules Etienne
BOX 40 Autograph letter, December 8
Signed; 1 page; French
BOX 40 Massenet (?), undated
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; French
Note: Mentions Lalo
BOX 114 Portrait, undated
By Marion
Photograph, signed
Pasta, Giuditta
BOX 40 Autograph letter, 1826 September 28
Signed; 1 page; Italian
BOX 114 Portrait, undated
By Armytage
Patti, Adelina
BOX 40 Album leaf, 1876 July 26
Autograph, signed
BOX 40 Clippings, undated
2 items
BOX 40 Breconshire, Emily, 1899 October 12
Autograph letter, signed; 4 pages; English
BOX 40 Cosanby, Spencer from Patti's husband (the Marquis de Caux), undated
Letter, signed; French
BOX 40 Unidentified, 1868 May 20
Note: Signed from Patti's husband (the Marquis de Caux)
BOX 114 Portraits, undated
Reproductions of two photographs
Pauer, Ernst
BOX 40 Autograph letter, 1876 May 20
Signed; 2 pages; English
Note: On verso, obituary
Paz, Juan Carlos
BOX 99 Dos baladas, op. 7, nos. 3 and 5, 1927 December
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 9 pages; 36 x 26 cm.
Pembaur, Joseph, Jr.
BOX 40 Lindner, Eugen, 1908 November 9
Autograph letter, signed; 4 pages; German
Pembaur, Joseph, Sr.
BOX 40 Calling card, undated
Annotation; German
BOX 40 Hildegundens Lied, undated
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 1 page; 34 x 26 cm.
BOX 40 Unidentified, 1899 September 6
Autograph letter; 3 pages; German
Note: Signed to the director of the Musician's Association in Vienna
BOX 40 Unidentified, 1911 March 22
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 114 Portrait, undated
Photograph, signed
BOX 114 Portraits, undated
Reproduction of 2 photographs
Pénavaire, Jean Grégoire
BOX 40 Ninette et Ninon, 1881 February
Printed score, signed; 88 pages
Paris: Chatot
Penderecki, Kryzstof
BOX 107 Fluorescences, for Orchestra, 1961-1962
Autograh music sketches, complete draft in full score, and incomplete sketches; 80 pages; 45 x 24 cm., some 19 x 35 cm.; multicolored ink, felt-tip markers, and pencils
Includes: Performance instructions in German and English; full-page, multicolored, outline for Penetrazioni
Digital content available
BOX 107 Polymorphia, for 48 String Instruments, 1961
Autograph complete draft in full score and incomplete sketches; 33 pages; 45 x 34 cm.; multicolored ink, felt-tip markers, and pencil
Includes: Performance instructions in Polish
Digital content available
BOX 114 Portraits, Donaueschingen Festival, 1962
2 photographs
Includes: One with Hans Rosbaud
BOX 107 Review, undated
1 page; English
Pepping, Ernst
BOX 40 Moldenhauer, Hans, 1960 November 7
Typescript letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 40 Zwei Orchesterstücke über eine Chanson des Binchois, 1958
Autograph full score, signed; 119 pages; 33 x 27 cm.
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
Related Collection Materials
see Giardini, Felice
Peri, Achille
BOX 40 Autograph card, 1885 January 26
Signed; 1 page; German
BOX 40 Autograph letter, 1844 May 19
Signed; 3 pages; Italian
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