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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
BOX 44 Sonata for Solo Clarinet, 1960
Reproduction of music manuscript; 6 pages
BOX 44 Sonata for Solo Clarinet. Andante, undated
Autograph music sketches; 3 pages; 37 x 25 cm.
Rosenthal, Albi
BOX 44 "Franz Anton und Carl Maria von Weber in der Frühgeschichte der Lithographie," 1985
Essay; 9 pages; German
Note: Signed to Hans and Mary Moldenhauer, 1985 September 26
Tutzing: Hans Schneider
Related Collection Materials
see Da Ponte, Lorenzo
Rosenthal, Manuel
BOX 44 Missa Deo Gratia, undated
Autograph full score, signed; 19 pages; 35 x 27 cm.
BOX 44 Sanders, Paul, 1946 April 12
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; French
Rosenthal, Moriz
BOX 44 "Mahleriana," undated
9 pages; German
Note: In the hand of Mrs. Rosenthal; describes various encounters with Mahler
BOX 44 Neuer, Madame, 1925 January 27
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; English
BOX 114 Portrait, Cap d'Ail, 1932 December 31
By Foyer
Note: Signed to Bruno Eisner
Note: On verso, message by Hedwig Rosenthal-Kammer
BOX 114 Portrait, undated
BOX 44 Sostenuto, 1899 June
Autograph music quotation
Note: Signed to Francesco Berger
Rossini, Gioachino
BOX 44 Mignani, Angelo, 1849 April 21
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; Italian
BOX 44 Olympie Desguilliers Rossini from Balzac (?), October 17 and undated
2 autograph letters, signed; 4 pages; French
Note: From and unidentified
BOX 44 Olympie Desguilliers Rossini from unidentified, October 17
2 autograph letters, signed; 4 pages; French
BOX 44 Pacini, 1861 November 29
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; Italian
BOX 44 Moïse, undated
Autograph full score; 3 pages + 1 page sketches to Finale; 26 x 34 cm.; ink; French version
Note: Section of the ensemble beginning with the words of Moses, "Je réclame la foi promise Pharaon," marked "Dopo il Ballo."
Digital content available
BOX 44 Liceo Musicale Rossini in Pesaro, undated
Facsimile of an unpublished autograph manuscript; bound; 3 pages
BOX 114 Portrait, undated
By Woolnoth
Rota, Nino
BOX 44 Messa per coro e organo, 1960 March 16
Autograph complete draft of full score; 30 pages; 33 x 24 cm.; pencil
Roters, Ernst
box-folder: 133/1 Musik zu Ein Sommernachtstraum (Shakespeare), op. 14I, undated
Music manuscript, copied and signed; bound 86 pages; 33 x 26 cm.
Note: Piano reduction
Rouault, Georges
Related Collection Materials
see Parent, Armand
Roussel, Albert
BOX 44 Roussel, Mrs. from Hans Rosbaud, undated
Letter draft; 2 pages
Includes: Letter draft to André Améller
BOX 44 Unidentified 1910 August 12
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; French
BOX 44 Unidentified, 1936 December 5
Autograph letter; 1 page; French
Note: Signed to a conductor
BOX 114 Portrait, Boston, 1930 October 21
By Lipnitzki
Note: Signed to Boaz Piller
BOX 114 Portrait, 1949? November 12
Reproduction of photograph, annotated; 2 pages; French
Note: Signed to Hans Rosbaud
Note: Composer at the piano
BOX 44 Symphonie in Sol, 1930 October 22
Autograph music quotation, signed
Note: Themes from each movement
Rubin, Marcel
BOX 44 Konzert für Kontrabass und Orchester, 1970 January 19
Autograph music sketches; 17 pages; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 44 Quatre Poëmes de Rimbaud, 1937 February 28
Autograph music manuscript; 17 pages; 35 x 27 cm.
Note: Signed to Hanna Schwarz, 1937 October
BOX 44 Quatre Poëmes de Rimbaud, 1937
Printed score; 15 pages
Note: Signed to Hanna Schwarz, 1937 April 4
BOX 44 Troisième Sonate, 1928
Printed score; 24 pages
Note: Signed to Stefan Auber, 1934 May
Rubinstein, Anton
BOX 44 Musical Evenings, undated
2 music covers; Russian
Note: For copy books 9 and 10
BOX 114 Portrait, undated
Reproduction of painting
BOX 44 Printing instructions, undated
Autograph; 1 page
BOX 44 Texts, undated
Autograph; 15 pages; German
Note: For thirteen poems, with correction for Der Morgen
BOX 44 Zwölf Lieder, for Voice and Piano, op. 78, undated
Based on poems by Pushkin and others
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 17 pages; 38 x 26 cm.; ink and pencil; German (translation)
Note: Manuscript was used for publication by B. Senff, Leipzig
Contents: Hebräische Melodie; Lied; Der Engel; Der Sturm; Klage; Der Gefangene; Neugriechisches Lied; Elegie; Lied; Sinngedicht; Lied; Scene aus "Der Zigeuner"
Rubinstein, Nikolai
BOX 44 Reinecke, undated
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
Related Collection Materials
see Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich
Rudersdorff, Hermine
BOX 44 Autograph letter, undated
Signed; 1 page; French
BOX 44 Creythe, 1860 October 25
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; English
BOX 44 Lockey, 1856 April 1
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; English
Rudolph, Archduke of Austria
BOX 44 Pallotta, Cardinal, 1827 December 24
Letter, signed; 1 page; Italian
Rufer, Josef
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