Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Sostenuto, 1899 June (continued) | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to Francesco Berger | |||||||||||||
Rossini, Gioachino | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Mignani, Angelo, 1849 April 21 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; Italian | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Olympie Desguilliers Rossini from Balzac (?), October 17 and undated | ||||||||||||
2 autograph letters, signed; 4 pages; French | |||||||||||||
Note: From and unidentified | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Olympie Desguilliers Rossini from unidentified, October 17 | ||||||||||||
2 autograph letters, signed; 4 pages; French | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Pacini, 1861 November 29 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; Italian | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Moïse, undated | ||||||||||||
Autograph full score; 3 pages + 1 page sketches to Finale; 26 x 34 cm.; ink; French version | |||||||||||||
Note: Section of the ensemble beginning with the words of Moses, "Je réclame la foi promise Pharaon," marked "Dopo il Ballo." | |||||||||||||
Digital content available | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Liceo Musicale Rossini in Pesaro, undated | ||||||||||||
Facsimile of an unpublished autograph manuscript; bound; 3 pages | |||||||||||||
BOX 114 | Portrait, undated | ||||||||||||
By Woolnoth | |||||||||||||
Engraving | |||||||||||||
Rota, Nino | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Messa per coro e organo, 1960 March 16 | ||||||||||||
Autograph complete draft of full score; 30 pages; 33 x 24 cm.; pencil | |||||||||||||
Roters, Ernst | |||||||||||||
box-folder: 133/1 | Musik zu Ein Sommernachtstraum (Shakespeare), op. 14I, undated | ||||||||||||
Music manuscript, copied and signed; bound 86 pages; 33 x 26 cm. | |||||||||||||
Note: Piano reduction | |||||||||||||
Rouault, Georges | |||||||||||||
Related Collection Materials see Parent, Armand |
Roussel, Albert | |||||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Roussel, Mrs. from Hans Rosbaud, undated | ||||||||||||
Letter draft; 2 pages | |||||||||||||
Includes: Letter draft to André Améller | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Unidentified 1910 August 12 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; French | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Unidentified, 1936 December 5 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter; 1 page; French | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to a conductor | |||||||||||||
BOX 114 | Portrait, Boston, 1930 October 21 | ||||||||||||
By Lipnitzki | |||||||||||||
Photograph | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to Boaz Piller | |||||||||||||
BOX 114 | Portrait, 1949? November 12 | ||||||||||||
Reproduction of photograph, annotated; 2 pages; French | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to Hans Rosbaud | |||||||||||||
Note: Composer at the piano | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Symphonie in Sol, 1930 October 22 | ||||||||||||
Autograph music quotation, signed | |||||||||||||
Note: Themes from each movement | |||||||||||||
Rubin, Marcel | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Konzert für Kontrabass und Orchester, 1970 January 19 | ||||||||||||
Autograph music sketches; 17 pages; 34 x 27 cm. | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Quatre Poëmes de Rimbaud, 1937 February 28 | ||||||||||||
Autograph music manuscript; 17 pages; 35 x 27 cm. | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to Hanna Schwarz, 1937 October | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Quatre Poëmes de Rimbaud, 1937 | ||||||||||||
Printed score; 15 pages | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to Hanna Schwarz, 1937 April 4 | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Troisième Sonate, 1928 | ||||||||||||
Printed score; 24 pages | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to Stefan Auber, 1934 May | |||||||||||||
Rubinstein, Anton | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Musical Evenings, undated | ||||||||||||
2 music covers; Russian | |||||||||||||
Note: For copy books 9 and 10 | |||||||||||||
BOX 114 | Portrait, undated | ||||||||||||
Reproduction of painting | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Printing instructions, undated | ||||||||||||
Autograph; 1 page | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Texts, undated | ||||||||||||
Autograph; 15 pages; German | |||||||||||||
Note: For thirteen poems, with correction for Der Morgen | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Zwölf Lieder, for Voice and Piano, op. 78, undated | ||||||||||||
Based on poems by Pushkin and others | |||||||||||||
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 17 pages; 38 x 26 cm.; ink and pencil; German (translation) | |||||||||||||
Note: Manuscript was used for publication by B. Senff, Leipzig | |||||||||||||
Contents: Hebräische Melodie; Lied; Der Engel; Der Sturm; Klage; Der Gefangene; Neugriechisches Lied; Elegie; Lied; Sinngedicht; Lied; Scene aus "Der Zigeuner" | |||||||||||||
Rubinstein, Nikolai | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Reinecke, undated | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German | |||||||||||||
Related Collection Materials see Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich |
Rudersdorff, Hermine | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Autograph letter, undated | ||||||||||||
Signed; 1 page; French | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Creythe, 1860 October 25 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; English | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Lockey, 1856 April 1 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; English | |||||||||||||
Rudolph, Archduke of Austria | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Pallotta, Cardinal, 1827 December 24 | ||||||||||||
Letter, signed; 1 page; Italian | |||||||||||||
Rufer, Josef | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | "Das Problem der modernen Oper," undated | ||||||||||||
Typescript essay with revisions, signed; 5 pages; German | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Weiss, Adolph, 1927-1933 | ||||||||||||
5 autograph letters, signed; 12 pages; German | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Weiss, Adolph, 1931-1934 | ||||||||||||
4 typescript letters, signed; 7 pages; German | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Weiss, Adolph from Joseph (Adolph's father), 1931 July 31 and October 24 | ||||||||||||
2 letters, signed; 4 pages; German | |||||||||||||
Ruiz Aznar, Valentín | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Cinco canciones para soprano y acompañamiento de piano, 1962 | ||||||||||||
Printed score, signed; 17 pages | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer, 1971 September 14 | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Nana, undated | ||||||||||||
Autograph music manuscript; 3 pages; 30 x 21 cm. | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to Hans Moldenhauer, 1971 September 15 | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Program, Granada, 1970 July 6 | ||||||||||||
16 pages; Spanish | |||||||||||||
Note: Booklet of testimonial ceremony | |||||||||||||
Includes: Reproduction of "Solea" by Ruiz Aznar | |||||||||||||
Ruiz García-Jalón, Sabino | |||||||||||||
BOX 19 | Danza de diablillos, 1925 March | ||||||||||||
Music manuscript with autograph revisions, copied; 8 pages | |||||||||||||
Note: Signed to Ernesto Halffter | |||||||||||||
Note: Title was originally "Danza grotesca" | |||||||||||||
BOX 19 | Humoresca, 1925 | ||||||||||||
Music manuscript with autograph revisions, copied; 9 pages | |||||||||||||
Saar, Louis Victor | |||||||||||||
BOX 44 | Franko, 1917 June? 21 | ||||||||||||
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German | |||||||||||||
Sachse-Hofmeister, Anna | |||||||||||||
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