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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
BOX 119 Berg, Alban, 1927 August 9
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
Note: Mentions Lyric Suite; Hertzka
BOX 119 Berg and Webern, 1928 August 25
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
BOX 119 Berg and Webern, 1929 February 12
Autograph letter; 2 pages; German
BOX 119 Gerhard, Roberto, 1924 February 19
Postcard, signed; German
Note: Text addresses Wieser
BOX 119 Goehr, Rudolph and Nina, 1933-1949
Reproductions of 12 letters, signed; 16 leaves; German
BOX 119 Hagemann, Carl, undated
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 119 Mahler, Fritz, 1947-1949
5 typescript letters, signed; 7 leaves; English
Includes: An additional five carbon copy letters to Schoenberg, from Fritz Mahler, 1949; a letter to Fritz Mahler, from Richard Hoffmann; an invoice for Moses und Aron, "Dance around the Golden Calf," with autograph annotations, 1949
BOX 119 Manschinger, Kurt, 1944 October 3
Letter, signed with autograph annotations; 1 page; English
BOX 119 Pisk, Paul, 1929 October 22
Typescript letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 119 Pisk, Paul, 1934 March 4
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 119 Rice Jr., William C. from Ed. Friedmann (?), 1898 December 2
Postcard, signed; English
Note: Joint greetings by "companions" Schoenberg, Oskar Friedmann, Wassermann, and other musicians and authors
BOX 119 Rice, Melanie, 1924 June 9
Postcard, signed; 2 pages; German
Note: Cosigners include Alban Berg, Helene Berg, Trudi Greissle, Gutheil-Schoder, Steuermann, Martha Ullmann, Webern, Zemlinsky, and others
BOX 119 Rice, Melanie Guttman, 1933 December 23
Autograph card, signed; German
Includes: Note from Gertrud Schoenberg
BOX 119 Rice, Melanie Guttmann, 1934 July 21
Postcard, signed; German
Includes: Note from Gertrud Schoenberg
BOX 119 Rice, Melanie Guttmann, undated
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 119 Schloss, 1925 February 10
Typescript letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 119 Schloss, Julius, 1924 November 6
Typescript letter, signed; 1 page; German
BOX 119 Schloss, Julius, 1947 December 28, 1948 December 18
Reproductions of 2 letters; 2 pages; German
BOX 119 Schwarzmann, Dr. Norbert, 1928 October 28
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
Note: Regarding Webern's illness
BOX 115 Webern, Anton, 1912 November 8
Postcard, signed; 1 page; German
Note: Penned on verso of his own portrai photograph
BOX 119 Weiss, Adolph, 1925-1937
24 letters; 24 leaves; German
Note: Translating Harmonielehre
BOX 119 Zemlinsky, Alexander, 1911-1927
77 typed transcripts of letters, letter drafts, and postcards; 82 leaves; German
BOX 119 Zweig, Friderike, 1950 February - 1951 May
6 letters, signed; 7 pages; German and English
BOX 119 Unidentified, 1934 September 15
Postcard; German
Note: Signed to Universal Edition
BOX 119 Unidentified, 1948 December 18
Reproduction of letter; 1 page; German
Note: Recommendation for Julius Schloss by Schoenberg
BOX-FOLDER 46/1 Adagio, for string orchestra and harp, before 1897
Autograph full score; 3 pages; 35 x 27 cm.; pencil
Note: Unpublished; originally titled "Andante"
Digital content available
BOX-FOLDER 47/2 Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, op. 42, circa 1944
Printed first edition; 99 pages
Note: Signed to Adolph Weiss with inscription, 1944 September 12-13
Note: Reduction for 2nd piano by Steuermann
New York: G. Schirmer
BOX-FOLDER 46/1 Concerto for String Quartet and Orchestra, 1933
Adapted from Handel's Concerto Grosso, op. 6, no. 7
Autograph music sketches; 2 leaves; 35 x 27 cm.; ink and red pencil
Note: To Alma Mahler
Includes: Description of his method and purpose for the transcription, in German
Digital content available
BOX-FOLDER 47/3 Dreimal tausend Jahre, op. 50a, circa 1955
Text by Dagobert D. Runes
Printed score; two copies; 3 pages each; German and English
Note: Signed by the poet of the text; with embossed stamp of Mrs. Schoenberg
Mainz: Schott's
BOX-FOLDER 47/3 Erwartung, op. 17, circa 1922
Printed piano-vocal score; 47 pages; German
Note: First edition; signed to Josef Palnauer, 1924 June; also signed by Marie Pappenheim, Alexander Zemlinsky, and Marie Gutheil-Schoder
Vienna: Universal Edition
BOX-FOLDER 46/4 Fehlerliste, 1933 January 29
3 leaves; ink and colored pencils; stamped with address
Note: Marked "Neue Liste"; corrections for 90 measures of Variationen, op. 31, including musical examples and annotations
BOX-FOLDER 48/6 Funf Orchesterstücke, op. 16, circa 1912
Printed score, signed on title page with several notations in the score
Note: Cover contains the rubber stamp of Rudolph Ganz, who received the score from the composer
Note: Score was used by Schoenberg when he conducted the work with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 1934 February 8
Laid in: Errata list, 1922
Leipzig: Peters
BOX-FOLDER 46/2 Gavotte und Musette (im alten Style), für Streich-Orchester, 1897
Autograph full score, signed; 7 pages; 35 x 27 cm.; ink
BOX 101 Gurre-Lieder, no. 49, circa 1912
By Alban Berg
Printed piano-vocal score; 238 pages
Note: Of the special edition, Büttenpapier
BOX 101 Gurre-lieder, undated
Bound facsimile of first edition; 179 pages; German
Note: Autograph annotations by Polnauer
BOX-FOLDER 46/2 Im Korn, undated
Music by Zemlinsky; text by Evers
Autograph music manuscript; 2 pages; 25 x 30 cm.; German
Note: Song for soprano and piano
Includes: Zemlinsky's signature and dedication to Mela
BOX-FOLDER 46/7 Die Jacobsleiter, undated
Facsimile of original music manuscript; 39 pages; German
Note: Stamped by Schoenberg
BOX-FOLDER 47/5 Klavierstück, 1932 April
Printed score; 7 pages
New Music
BOX-FOLDER 46/6 Moses und Aron, undated
Typescript libretto with autograph revisions, signed; 46 pages; German
BOX-FOLDER 46/8 Moses und Aron, undated
Photostat of autograph full score; pages 103-178 (measures 166-976
Note: To Fritz Mahler
BOX-FOLDER 47/1 Moses und Aron, undated
Photostat; 5 pages
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