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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
Portrait, Dresden, 1908 April 19 (continued)
Photograph, signed
Schumann, Clara
BOX 49 Ad Libitum, 1890 March
Autograph music quotation, inscribed
BOX 49 Address panel, 1876 June 3
Note: To Marie Michaelis
BOX 49 Black, 1859 June 4
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; English
Note: Regarding a concert rehearsal
BOX 49 Calling card, undated
Annotated; German
BOX 49 Deichmann, Julie, 1881 February 15
Postcard, signed; German
BOX 49 Speyer, 1886 April 9
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
BOX 49 Unidentified, 1867 February 13
Autograph letter; 4 pages; German
Note: Signed to a conductor in Edinburgh
Note: Regarding Carnaval
BOX 49 Unidentified, 1883? October 16
Autograph card, signed; 2 pages; German
BOX 115 Portrait, undated
Includes: Biological sketch from The Graphic
BOX 115 Portrait, undated
Schumann, Robert
BOX 49 Burla, for piano solo in G Minor, circa [1831]
Autograph music manuscript; 1 page (61 measures); ink
Note: Unpublished
Digital content available
BOX 49 Levy, 1849 May 5
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; German
Note: Levy was a French horn virtuoso
LCCN: 2010561082
BOX 49 Pauline, 1849 April 22
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
LCCN: 2010561081
BOX 49 Spohr, 1838 February 9
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
Note: Regarding Spohr and Mendelssohn
BOX 49 Whistling, 1846 June 23
Autograph letter, signed; 2 pages; German
Note: Details publishing Bach fugues; ill health
LCCN: 2010560426
BOX 49 Unidentified, undated
Autograph letter; 1 page; German
Note: Signed to a singer
BOX 115 Portrait, undated
Schunke, Hugo
BOX 49 Bavaria, Hymne für grosses Orchester, 1906 May 4
Autograph music manuscript; 15 pages + 18 pages; 32 x 25 cm.
Note: Arranged for two pianos; Piano 1 in Schuncke's autograph, Piano 2 in the hand of a copyist
Schweitzer, Albert
Related Collection Materials
see Casals, Pablo
Sciortino, Edouard
BOX 49 Ibère Berbère, undated
2 copyist music manuscripts; 22 pages; 35 x 27 cm.
Note: To Henry de Montherlant
Scontrino, Antonio
BOX 49 Quartetto per archi in do maggiore, 1906 December 31
Autograph music quotation
Note: Signed to Glars
Scribe, Eugène
BOX 117 Autograph letter, May 30
Signed; 1 page; French
Note: Cosigned by F. Halèvy
Scuch-Proska, Clementine
BOX 49 Garr (?), 1875 May 13, 1877 December 10, 1879 December 28
3 autograph letters, signed; 7 pages; German
BOX 49 Lindner, Eugen, 1890 November 11
Autograph letter, 3 pages; German
BOX 49 Unidentified, undated
Autograph letter; 3 pages; German
Note: Signed to a theater official in Coburg
Searle, Humphrey
BOX 49 Symphony no. 5, op. 43, 1964 June-September
Autograph ccomplete condensed score, signed; 25 pages; 37 x 27 cm.; ink and pencil
Note: "In Memory of Anton Webern"
Sechter, Simon
BOX 49 Autobiographical and aesthetical manifesto, undated
Autograph document; 2 pages; German
Note: Signed to August Schmidt
Note: Setting forth his credo as a composer, theoretician, and pedagogue
BOX 49 Thema von Mozart, weiter bearbeitet von Simon Sechter, 1858 November 9
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 4 pages; 26 x 33 cm.
Includes: Three fragmentary themes in C Minor, F Major, and G Major by Mozart, worked out by Sechter
Digital content available
Seeger, Ruth
Related Collection Materials
see Crawford, Ruth Porter
Segovia, Andrés
BOX-FOLDER 128/12 Clippings, 1953 and undated
BOX 49 La Forge, Frank, 1947 March 18
Autograph letter, signed; 3 pages; French
BOX 49 Piller, Boaz, 1929 February 26
Autograph letter, signed; 1 page; French
BOX 129 Rodrigo, Joaquin, 1956 July 12 and August 13
2 typescript letters; 2 pages; Spanish
BOX 49 Telegram, 1956 March 8
BOX-FOLDER 128/13 Unidentified, 1948-1957 and undated
BOX 49 Unidentified, 1956 August 14 and 21
2 typescript letters, annotated; 2 pages; French
Note: One to Segovia, the other written on his behalf; regarding concerts in Paris
BOX 49 Guitar strings, undated
12-carat gold
BOX-FOLDER 131/19 3 Sertaneja, undated
Composer unidentified
Score for voice and violin
BOX-FOLDER 131/20 3 Songs, undated
Composer unidentified
Music sketches
BOX-FOLDER 130/19 Las 4 Preguntas, undated
By Morales Piso
Vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 131/21 4 Songs, undated
Composer unidentified
Manuscript piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 131/22 16 Songs, undated
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