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Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990

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Musical Figures, 1000-1987 (continued)
Invano!, undated (continued)
By F. Paolo Tosti
Score for voice, mandolin, and piano
BOX-FOLDER 129/26 Lamento Mexico, 1950
By Rebecca Dunn
Piano-vocal score
BOX 49 Lección 17, 1950 April 6
Autograph music manuscript; 2 pages; 34 x 27 cm.
BOX 49 Lección 21, 1950 April 30
Autograph music sketches, signed; 3 pages + 1 page; 30 x 23 cm.
BOX 49 Lección fácil, 1950 March 28
Autograph music manuscript; 1 page; 32 pages x 24 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 131/20 The Legend of the Festival of Yurupari, undated
Composer unidentified
Manuscript part for soprano voice
BOX-FOLDER 130/37 Loonshadow, undated
By Loreen Stein
Score for voice and guitar
BOX-FOLDER 129/33 Madrigal, 1942
By Camargo Guarnieri
Piano-vocal score
BOX 49 La Maja de Goya, 1949
By Granados
Autograph music manuscript; 6 pages; 30 x 23 cm.; ink
Note: Signed to Olga Coelho
BOX-FOLDER 131/7 Malia, undated
By F. Paolo Tosti
Score for voice, mandolin, and piano
BOX-FOLDER 128/18 Maracarã Azueiro, undated
By Durvall Mello
Two pages, manuscript
BOX-FOLDER 131/2 Maracatus, undated
By Hekel Tavares
Piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 130/27 La Marangona, 1933
By Geni Sadero
Score for voice, mandolin, and guitar
BOX-FOLDER 129/21 Maria, 1951 February
By Olga Coelho
Score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 130/7 Marinera, undated
By Alberto de Lima
Piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 129/10 Mas Cuentos Musicales, undated
By Olga de Blanck and Maria Julia Casanova
Music education book for children
BOX-FOLDER 129/30 Mascarada, 1941
By Manuel Galvez
Orchestra parts, incomplete
BOX-FOLDER 131/12 Mi Noviecita, undated
By Juan Vega
Piano-vocal score; lyric sheet
BOX-FOLDER 130/15 Modinha, undated
By Jayme O'Valle
Manuscript piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 131/31 Modinha, undated
Composer unidentified
Manuscript lead sheet
BOX-FOLDER 130/10 Modinha a Duo, undated
By Ioze Mauricio
Lead sheet
BOX-FOLDER 131/4 My Master Hath a Garden, 1938
By Randall Thompson
Piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 129/23 Naranjerita, 1944
By J. Osvaldo Sosa Cordero
Piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 130/5 No se Emendaria Jamas, undated
By Haedel
Piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 130/9 Non è Ver, undated
By Tito Mattei
Score for voice, mandolin, and guitar
BOX-FOLDER 129/25 Norteña, undated
By Jorge Gomez Crespo
Score for guitar
BOX-FOLDER 131/15 O Balão do Bitú and Quantos dias tem o mez?, undated
By Heitor Villa-Lobos
Vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 130/33 O Ragazzine Belle, 1934
By Gino Senigalia
Piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 129/14 October Lament, undated
By James F. Bray
Piano-vocal score
BOX 49 Ojos morenicos, undated
By Escobar
Autograph music sketches; 1 page + 1 page; 32 x 24 cm.
BOX 49 Oración, 1949 May
Reproduction of music manuscript; 2 pages
BOX-FOLDER 129/6 Ou thu Paciqueia, undated
Manuscript score for piano
BOX-FOLDER 131/13 Palabritas de Amor, undated
By Juan Vega
Piano-vocal score; lyric sheet
BOX 49 Palomita, undated
Arranged by Manuel Ponce
Reproduction of music manuscript; 2 pages; 32 x 24 cm.
BOX-FOLDER 129/34 Pann Cristina Maritanz, 1939
By Camargo Guarnieri
Piano-vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 129/3 La Partida, 1928
By F. M. Alvarez
Piano-conductor score and parts for orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 129/11 El Pequeño Pianista, undated
By Olga de Blanck and Gisela Hernández
Music education book for children
BOX-FOLDER 130/13 Pianto é Mamma, 1935
By Jacopo Napoli
Piano-vocal score
BOX 49 Platero y yo, Angelus, undated
By Castelnuovo-Tedescore
Autograph guitar score with fingerings by Segovia, signed; 4 pages; 34 x 25 cm.
Note: With fingerings by Segovia
BOX 49 Platero y yo, Melancolía, undated
By Castelnuovo-Tedescore
Autograph guitar score, signed; 5 pages; 34 x 25 cm.
Note: With fingerings by Segovia, text in the hand of Castelnuovo-Tedesco
BOX-FOLDER 130/1 Ponteio, 1947
By Camargo Guarnieri
Score for guitar
BOX 49 Preludio, 1944
Autograph music manuscript, signed; 3 pages; 33 x 23 cm.
BOX 49 Preludio, undated
By Manuel Ponce
Autograph music manuscript; 6 pages; 27 cm. x 17 cm.
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