The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Harold Bauer collection, 1886-1951
Writings, 1917-1951 (continued)
Writings by Bauer, 1923-1951 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 5/16 Foreword to a piano method book, undated
Holograph in ink and pencil; 5 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/2 "From Rabelais-Chapter: Abbey de Thélème," undated
Holograph in ink; 1 page
Note: Address to the Beethoven Association
BOX-FOLDER 5/17 "The Growth of Music in America," 1923 May 16
Note: Address to the Music Division of the National Federation of Settlements, Washington, D.C.
Note: Published in The Musical Courier, 1923 June 7
BOX-FOLDER 5/18 Inborn musical sense and amateur musicians, undated
Typescript (incomplete); 4 pages
Typescript carbon copy; 6 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/19 "Let the Amateur Make Music," The Etude, July 1931
By Bauer and R. H. Wollstein
Clipping; 1 page
BOX-FOLDER 5/20 "Let the Amateur Make Music," Reader's Digest, September 1931
By Bauer and R. H. Wollstein
BOX-FOLDER 5/21 Letter to members of the Beethoven Association, 1935 December 30
Holograph in ink; 4 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/34 Miscellaneous notes
Holograph; 4 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/22 "The Musical Amateur," 1932 May 9
Holograph in ink; 10 pages
Typescripts; 6 pages each
Typescript carbon copies, with emendations; 7 pages each
Caption title: New York American
BOX-FOLDER 5/23 Notes regarding Chopin's Polonaise and Liszt's Etude, undated
Holograph in pencil; 1 page
BOX-FOLDER 5/24 "Notes on Robert Schumann," undated
Typescript; 3 pages
Typescript carbon copies; 2 pages each
BOX-FOLDER 5/25 Participation in music, undated
Holograph in ink; 3 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/26 "Popular Music," undated
Holograph in ink; 22 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/27 "Popular music," undated
Typescript; 21 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/28 Pythagorean monochord notes, undated
Holograph in pencil, with sketches; 1 page
BOX-FOLDER 5/29 "Robert Schumann," undated
Holograph; 20 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/30 "Schumann's Novelette, op. 99, no. 9," The Etude, August 1951
Clipping; 4 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/31 "Self Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man." The Musical Quarterly, volume 29, no. 2 (April 1943): 153-168
BOX-FOLDER 5/32 Support for government funding for the arts, undated
Typescript, with emendations in ink and pencil; 5 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/33 "Wm. Lym [?] Phelps: Autobiography, Ye Love of Change," undated
Holograph in ink; 3 pages
Writings about Bauer, 1927-1951
Lectures, articles, and clippings about Bauer's life and career.
Arranged alphabetically by last name of author or title.
BOX-FOLDER 5/39 Bauer, Harold. "Marie Volpe on Music," Miami, February 21, 1948
Typescript; 7 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/35 Downes, Olin. "Harold Bauer." Lecture, Bauer Memorial Broadcast on WQXR, March 14, 1951
Typescript; 3 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/36 Feldman, Abraham J. "Harold Bauer - An Appreciation." Lecture, Harold Bauer Memorial Concert from Hartt College of Music, Hartford, Connecticut, May 17, 1951
Typescript; 2 pages
BOX-FOLDER 5/37 Fulles músicals, volume 1, no. 1 (October 1927)
Note: Biography of Bauer on page 4
BOX-FOLDER 5/38 Heylbut, Rose. "Education as Emancipation: A Conference with Harold Bauer," The Etude, May 1948
Clipping; 2 pages
BOX 6-7 Miscellaneous Writings, 1917-1951
Articles and clippings, pamphlets, reports, and other printed materials related to Bauer and his works.
Arranged by author or title.
Beethoven Association Materials
BOX-FOLDER 6/1 Constitution and By-laws of the Beethoven Association, April 1923 [?]
Printed pamphlet
BOX-FOLDER 6/2-15 Beethoven Association Annual Report, 1925 April - 1938 August
Complete run of reports
BOX-FOLDER 7/1-28 Miscellaneous, A -- Z, 1917-1951
Articles and clippings, pamphlets, reports, and other printed materials related to Bauer's works and interests. Includes writings by Hendrik Willem van Loon, Curt Sachs, Harold Spivacke, Robert Lewis Taylor, and others. Arranged alphabetically by title, subject, or last name of author
BOX 8 Clippings, 1887-1951
Articles related to Bauer's life and performances, his autobiography, and other subjects. The number of items appears within parentheses following each entry.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX-FOLDER 8/17 Chopin, Frédéric (27)
BOX-FOLDER 8/16 Harold Bauer, His Book (47)
BOX-FOLDER 8/1-14, 8/22 Miscellaneous, 1887-1951 and undated (501)
BOX-FOLDER 8/19-21 Miscellaneous, A -- Z (122)
BOX-FOLDER 8/15 Obituaries (17)
BOX-FOLDER 8/18 Paderewski, Ignace Jan (18)
BOX 9-11 Programs and Publicity Materials, 1892-1949
Chiefly programs for performances by Bauer, as well as materials used to promote his tours and performances. The bound programs were originally contained in five leather-bound volumes.
Arranged by format, then chronologically or by subject therein.
BOX-FOLDER 9/1-5 Bound programs, 1892-1911
BOX-FOLDER 10/1-16 Unbound programs, before 1899-1949 and undated
Note: Includes programs for recitals by Bauer and performances by others
BOX-FOLDER 11/1-11 Concert tour materials, 1936-1944 and undated
Mostly programs, with some press books, lists, itineraries, and other miscellaneous items
BOX 15-16 Awards and Certificates, 1901-1945
Certificates and other honors given to Bauer in recognition of his achievements.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX-FOLDER 15/24 Library of Congress, 1935 April 17
Receipt for Bauer's gift of a photo-reproduction score of Beethoven's Grand Fugue: op. 134
BOX-FOLDER 15/20 Manuscript honoring Bauer, signed by the Queen Regent of Portugal, 1902 December 1
BOX-FOLDER 15/21 Ministère de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1903 March 1
BOX-FOLDER 15/22 Ministère de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1908 May 23
BOX-FOLDER 15/23 Mu Phi Delta, Colgate University, 1937 April 20
BOX-FOLDER 15/25 New York Public Library, 1945 May 11, for HB's gift of a score of L. van Beethoven's Grande Fugue, op. 133 (Vienna, 1827).
Receipt for Bauer's gift of a score for Beethoven's Grand Fugue: op. 133
BOX-FOLDER 16/2 Ordem Española de Isabel la Católica, 1901 September 22
BOX-FOLDER 16/1 Ordre National de la Légion d'Honneur, Paris, 1927 January 12 and 14
BOX 12, 14A, 15, 17 Iconography, 1886-1948
Chiefly photographs of Bauer and his contemporaries and a small quantity of drawings and other artwork featuring his likeness.
Organized in two subseries.
Photographs, 1886-1948
Images of Bauer, prominent friends and colleagues, composers, and other subjects. Photographer credits are indicated in known.
Arranged by subject.
Bauer, alone
BOX-FOLDER 12/1 HB as young boy, with violin
Credits: Offenbach, New York
BOX-FOLDER 14A/1 HB as young boy, 1886
Framed photograph; fragile
BOX-FOLDER 12/2 HB, 1896
Credits: Elliott & Fry, London
BOX-FOLDER 15/1 HB as young man, undated
Credits: Loudon G. Charlton, Carnegie Hall
BOX-FOLDER 12/3 HB as young man, undated
BOX-FOLDER 12/4 HB at piano, 1897
Credits: Herman Hamnqvist, Stockholm
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