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Julius Gold collection, 1858-1964

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BOX 14 Programs, 1960-1964
The Programs series consists of programs for musical performances (1900-1964, undated)
Arrangement is chronological by date and alphabetical by institution.
BOX-FOLDER 14/14 Programs of musical performance (1900-1964, undated)
BOX-FOLDER 14/15-16 Programs of instruction (arranged alphabetically by institution)
BOX 15, 21-22 Clippings, 1860-1960s and undated
The Clippings series consists of periodicals, clippings, and promotional material about Julius Gold and various students.
Arrangement is by format and alphabetical by title.
German periodicals
BOX-FOLDER 15/1, 21/3 Allgemeine Deutsche Musik-Zeitung (Allgemeine Musik Zeitung) , 1878-1914
See also: box 20 for 1860 issue.
BOX-FOLDER 15/2-6 Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung , 1820, 1868, 1871-73, 1877-78, 1880-81
BOX-FOLDER 15/7 Deutsche Tonkünstler Zeitung (1910)
BOX-FOLDER 15/8 Monatschrift für Gottesdienst und kirchliche Kunst , 1897-1898
BOX-FOLDER 15/9 Die Musik , 1915
BOX-FOLDER 21/4 Musikalisches Wochenblatt , 1896
BOX-FOLDER 21/4 Musik Welt , 1881, and undated
BOX-FOLDER 15/10 Neue Zeitschrift für Musik , 1887-1905
BOX-FOLDER 15/11, 21/3 Unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 15/12 Scrapbook
Clippings and promotional material about Julius Gold and various students.
BOX-FOLDER 21/5-9, 22/1-5 American periodicals
BOX 16, 20 Photographs
The Photographs series consists of prints of Julius Gold, his family, etc.
Arrangement is alphabetical by subject.
BOX-FOLDER 16/1, 20/1 Julius Gold, alone and with others
BOX-FOLDER 16/2 Glen Gold (daughter) and her house
BOX-FOLDER 16/3 Others
BOX 16 Financial / Legal Papers, 1934-1953
The Financial / Legal Papers series consists of bills, receipts, and other legal documents.
Arrangement is by genre.
BOX-FOLDER 16/4-7 Bills and receipts
  • Glen Gold Books
  • Residences
  • Storage
  • Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 16/8 Certificates, licenses, contracts
BOX-FOLDER 16/9 Insurance
BOX-FOLDER 16/10 Medical (correspondence, receipts)
BOX-FOLDER 16/11 Musician's Union (membership cards, pamphlets, correspondence)
BOX-FOLDER 16/12 Papers regarding sale of Gold's music library
BOX-FOLDER 16/13-15 Tax Forms
  • Federal (1934-1943, 1944-1953)
  • City, County, State (1937-1943)
BOX 17 Catalogs
The Catalogs series consists of catalogs from various publishers and institutions.
Arrangement is by genre and publisher.
BOX 17/1 American Institute of Musicology
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 D. Appleton-Century Company
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 Athenaeum Cremonense
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 Bärenreiter-Verlag
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 C. H. Beck'sche Berlagsbuchhandlung
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 The Bookfellows
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 Books & Music
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 Breitkopf & Härtel
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 Bureau of Musical Research
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Cambridge University Press
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 El Colegio de Mexico
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Concordia Publishing House
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 J. G. Cotta-Verlag
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Deutscher Musikliteratur Verlag
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Oliver Ditson Company
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Ernst Eulenburg
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 J. Fischer & Bro.
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Helen Gentry
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Gesellschaft für Musikforschung
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Ginn and Company
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 Walter de Gruyter & Co.
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Wilhelm Hansen
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 G. Henle Verlag
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Max Hesses Verlag
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Houghton Mifflin Company
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Insel Verlag
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Institut d'Estudis Catalans
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Institute of Renaissance and Baroque Music
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Wm. A. Kaun Music Company
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Ernst Klett Verlag
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Leo Liepmannssohn
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 G. and C. Merriam Co.
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Edition Merseburger
BOX-FOLDER 17/3 Munksgaard
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 Albert Nauck & Co.
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 Martinus Nijhoff
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 Henning Oppermann
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 Oxford University Press
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 Edition Peters
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 Random House
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 Reclam
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 C. G. Röder
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 William Edwin Rudge
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 St. Martin's Press, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 B. Schott's Söhne
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 Schweizerische Musikforschende Gesellschaft
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 Smith College
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 Steeger Verlag
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 Edition Steingräber
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 Universal Edition
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 University of California Press
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 University of Chicago Press
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 Arno Volk Verlag
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 Joseph Williams Ltd.
BOX-FOLDER 17/5 Yale University Press
BOX-FOLDER 17/6 Goodspeeds (Early English Engraved Portraits)
BOX-FOLDER 17/7 Foster Hall
BOX-FOLDER 17/7 Library of Congress
BOX 17, 20, 22 Printed Music
The Printed Music series consists of music by various composers.
Arrangement is alphabetical by composer and title.
Everest, C.
BOX-FOLDER 17/8 The Sabbath, a work containing the most popular psalm and hymn tunes in general use. Philadelphia: Lee & Walker, 1873 .
Signed: Eleanor Warner Everest, 1887
Noted in pencil: Bernhard Ziehn notations, see pages 299, 317, 327.
Pages 223-384 have been cut out
Fragale, Frank
BOX-FOLDER 20/2 Sprightly flight. New York: Edition Musicus, 1943 .
Set of parts.
Godowsky, Leopold
BOX-FOLDER 20/3 Progressive series of music lessons for the use of conservatories, teachers and students. St. Louis, Missouri: Art Publication Society, 1913 .
Middelschulte, Wilhelm
BOX-FOLDER 17/4 Passacaglia (D moll) für die orgel. Leipzig: C. F. W. Siegel, 1901 .
Dedicated to Bernhard Ziehn.
BOX-FOLDER 17/5-7 Piano scores by A. Arensky, C. P. E. Bach, J. S. Bach (2 piano), L. van Beethoven, Franz Bendel, Mathilde Bilbro (2 piano), Fr. von Esterhazy, Leopold Godowsky, Halfdan Kjerulf, Aug. Labitzky, Heinrich Lichner, Immanuel Liebich, Dorothy McGrath, Moritz Moszkowski, Ottorino Respighi (2 piano), Joachim Raff, Erno Rapée, James H. Rogers, Robert Schumann, Trygve Torjussen, and Mortimer Wilson [alphabetically by composer; 3 folders]
BOX-FOLDER 17/8 Piano/vocal scores by Buenta Carter, Palmer John Clark, Franco Leoni, Arthur Lee Mancebo, Dorothea Martini, James H. Rogers, Meredith Willson, and Lawrence Zenda
BOX-FOLDER 17/9 Fragments

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