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Carrie Jacobs-Bond collection, circa 1896-circa 1944

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Correspondence (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Eaton, Hubert
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Ellish(?), Laurence B. and Family
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Fabyan, Mr. George and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Fidelity Van and Storage
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Fields, Gracie
BOX-FOLDER 4/18 Fletcher, Ed
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Frankel, Cecil and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Gandell, F. M. K.
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Gentle, Miss Alice
BOX-FOLDER 4/19 Gilbert-Blair, Gertrude
BOX-FOLDER 4/20 Goodspeed, Edgar and Elfleda Goodspeed
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Granger, Mary Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 4/21 Grant, Ollie R.
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Graves, Lucile B.
BOX-FOLDER 4/14 Grauman, Sid
BOX-FOLDER 4/22 Grulick, Richard W.
BOX-FOLDER 4/23 Hamlin, George
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Hammerand, Erhard and Emilie Hammerand
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Hamon, Count and Countess
BOX-FOLDER 4/24 Harding, Warren G.
BOX-FOLDER 4/25 Harding, Warren G. (Mrs.)
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Harmer, Lillian
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Hathaway, Cara
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Hay, W. H.
BOX-FOLDER 4/26 Heintz, Executive Schumann
BOX-FOLDER 4/27 Hemenway, Lyman
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Hirsch, Anna M.
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Holcomb, Margaret K.
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Holland, Dr. and Mrs. Josiah Hutton
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Hoyt family
BOX-FOLDER 4/28 Hubbard, Elbert
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Humphrey, C. S.
BOX-FOLDER 4/29 Irish, Florence
BOX-FOLDER 4/30 Jacobs, Moses
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 James, Mr. Harry C. and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Jessurun(?), A. E.
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Jester, Lois Ann and Ralph Jester
BOX-FOLDER 4/31 Johnson, Lyman H.
BOX-FOLDER 4/32 Jones, Beccir(?) and Russell Jones
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Jungquist,Jane
BOX-FOLDER 4/33 Kagen, L. M.
BOX-FOLDER 4/34 Keller, Helen
BOX-FOLDER 4/35 Kellogg, Charles
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Kent, Atwater
BOX-FOLDER 4/36 Kimball Company. (W. W. Kimball Co).
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Kirchhofer, Hugo
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Kirpatrick, Charlotte E.
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Kleinsmidt, Rufus and Elisabeth Kleinsmidt
BOX-FOLDER 4/37 Klinker, Orpha
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Kopp, Mrs. F. P.
BOX-FOLDER 4/38 Koverman, Ida R.
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 Lane, Rollin and Katharine Lane
BOX-FOLDER 4/39 League of American Pen Women
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 Learned, Mrs. Myron Leslie
BOX-FOLDER 4/40 Leeds Phonograph Record Co., Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 Link, Harold
BOX-FOLDER 4/41 Miscellaneous correspondence "H-K"
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 Miscellaneous correspondence "L-R"
BOX-FOLDER 4/43 MacAlarney, Robert E. and Florence T. MacAlarney
BOX-FOLDER 4/44 MacLennan, Stewart
BOX-FOLDER 4/45 Magnin, Rabbi Edgar F.
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 Malek, Leona and A. W. Malek
BOX-FOLDER 4/46 Maxwell, Phil
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 McClay, Mrs. Samuel
BOX-FOLDER 4/47 McCutcheon, John T.
BOX-FOLDER 4/48 McGroarty, John Steven
BOX-FOLDER 4/49 McIntosh, Burr
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 Miller, Mr. Franklin and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 4/50 Mills Novelty Co.
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 Moreno, Mr. Antonio and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 4/51 National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 4/52 Navarre, Rita
BOX-FOLDER 4/53 Nielsen, Alice
BOX-FOLDER 4/54 Nillard, W.
BOX-FOLDER 4/54 Otto Heinemann Phonograph Supply Company
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 Parera, Mr. Valentine and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 4/55 Parlane, Mrs. D. J.
BOX-FOLDER 4/56 Pickford, Mary (Mrs. Buddy Rogers)
BOX-FOLDER 4/56 Pickford (Rogers), Mary; Buddy Rogers, and Roxie Rogers
BOX-FOLDER 4/57 Porter, Dorothic H.(?)
BOX-FOLDER 4/58 Raymond, Jeanette and Gene Raymond
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 Read, Billy and Auntie
BOX-FOLDER 4/59 Rice, Dorothy Burton
BOX-FOLDER 4/60 Robson, May
BOX-FOLDER 4/61 Roycrofters
BOX-FOLDER 4/62 Rueth, Beatrice M.
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 Ryan, M. E.
BOX-FOLDER 4/42 Ryus, Celeste
BOX-FOLDER 4/63 S. Brainard's Sons Co.
BOX-FOLDER 4/64 Schumann-Heink, Ernestine
BOX-FOLDER 4/80 Schirmer, Gustave
BOX-FOLDER 4/65 Self, Elsie Warner
BOX-FOLDER 4/66 Shaw, Frank L.
BOX-FOLDER 4/67 Sincere, Victor W.
BOX-FOLDER 4/68 Sloan-Orcult, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 4/69 Smith, Arthur Clarendon
BOX-FOLDER 4/70 Smith, Frederick Jacobs
BOX-FOLDER 4/71 Springer, Thomas Grant
BOX-FOLDER 4/80 Stack, Mrs. James Langford
BOX-FOLDER 4/72 Standard Music Roll Co.
BOX-FOLDER 4/73 Stephan, George E.
BOX-FOLDER 4/80 Stephenson, William H.
BOX-FOLDER 4/80 Stoermer, Grace S.
BOX-FOLDER 4/80 Strong, Theodore
BOX-FOLDER 4/74 Swisher, C. C.
BOX-FOLDER 4/80 Taylor, Ezra
BOX-FOLDER 4/80 Temple, Gertrude and George Temple
BOX-FOLDER 4/75 Temple, Shirley
BOX-FOLDER 4/80 Templeton, Alec and Julie Templeton
BOX-FOLDER 4/76 Thomas, Mrs. Fred
BOX-FOLDER 4/77 Tibbett, Lawrence and Grace Tibbett
BOX-FOLDER 4/78 Trauger, Cyrus J.
BOX-FOLDER 4/79 Trent, Spi M.
BOX-FOLDER 4/80 Miscellaneous correspondence "S-T"
BOX-FOLDER 4/81 Unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 5/1 United States. House of Representatives. (Rep. Gerald O'Loughlin)
BOX-FOLDER 5/2 Vallee, H. P. (Rudy)
BOX-FOLDER 5/3 Van Dyke, Henry
Voitier, E.
see: An I've got home, Box 1
BOX-FOLDER 5/4 Wagner, Charles L.
BOX-FOLDER 5/5 Wakefield, Mrs. Nettie B.
BOX-FOLDER 5/6 Wangsgard, Mrs. Lizzie
BOX-FOLDER 5/7 Warde, Frederick
BOX-FOLDER 5/8 Warner, Jack L.
BOX-FOLDER 5/9 Watchers, Rebecca
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