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National Flute Association, Inc. archives, 1898-2012

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Officers, 1973-1999 (continued)
1993-1994 / Victoria Jicha
Committees, new
1996-1997 / Leonard Garrison
Board of Directors
Flutist Quarterly
Long-range planning
1998-1999 / Nancy Andrew
Minutes and action points
Secretary, Assistant
1986-1988 / Katherine Borst Jones
Annual meeting minutes, 1986-1988
Annual reports and budget, 1987-1988
Board of Director’s minutes and questionnaire results, 1986-1988
Correspondence, 1985-1988
Member profile and roster, 1975-1988
Questionnaire, 1989
1995-1996 / Leonard Garrison
Annual Reports
NFA Committee / Competition reports
2000-2001 / Judith Ranheim
Minutes and action points
Secretary / Treasurer
1975-1977 / Linda Tauber
Minutes of special meetings, Board of Directors
1983-1984 / Sarah Baird Fouse
BOX 7 1985-1987 / Katherine Borst Jones
Annual reports, budget, and appointments, 1983-1988
Board meeting minutes
Corrected and policy decisions, 1986-1987
Committee reports, 1985-1987
Convention hotels, 1986-1987
Correspondence and miscellaneous materials, 1985-1987
Financial reports, 1985-1987
Miscellaneous correspondence and reports, 1985-1986
Policy decisions, minutes, and survey results, 1985-1987
BOX 8 Proposed organization guide, 1987
Questionnaire results, 1986-1987
Site Selection and Convention Coordinator, 1984-1987
Summary of policy decisions, 1987
Young Artist report, 1987
1988 / Mary Jean Simpson
Board minutes
1989 / Mary Jean Simpson
Board minutes and agenda
1973-1974 / Philip Swanson
Convention, 1974
Music Library
NFA Anaheim
Swift-Dorr Publications
1974-1975 / Philip Swanson
Annual treasurer’s report
Convention, 1995
Dues, reduced
Goldberg, Bernard
Honorary presidency
Membership lists
Louis Moyse recording project
Music Library (2 folders)
Swift-Dorr Publication
1993-1994 / John Solum
Endowment and Development
1995-1996 / Richard Wyton
Vice President
1975-1976 / William Montgomery
Board meeting minutes
1976-1977 / Samuel Baron
BOX 9 1979-1980 / Richard Hahn
Board meeting minutes
Committee reports
Convention, 1980
Financial report
1993-1994 / Katherine Borst Jones
Board of Directors, 1993
Budget, committee report, competition, 1990-1995
Committees, 1993-1994
Convention, 1993
Correspondence, 1992-1993
Correspondence and notes, 1992-1994
Financial, 1993
Fischer, Penelope, 1994
Floyd, Angeleita, 1994
Flute Clubs, 1993
FYI to Board
BOX 10 Exhibits Coordinator, 1993-1994
Hoover, Eric, 1993-1994
Instrument insurance, 1994
Logo, 1993-1994
Midwinter minutes, 1994
Newly Published Music Committee, 1992-1994
Operations, 1993
Organization plan, 1993
Pedagogy Committee / Linda Lancaster, 1992
Pemberton, Phyllis, 1994
Program Chair, Gwen Powell, 1993-1994
Program followup, 1992-1993
Questionnaire, 1987-1994
Regionalization, 1993-1995
Reports, 1992
Solum, John, 1994
Trips, 1994
Vice president, 1993
Volunteers, 1994
BOX 11 1994-1996 / Gwen Powell
Independent contractors
1995-1996 / Gwen Powell
Committee reports
1996-1997 / Gwen Powell
Samuel Baron obituaries
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