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National Flute Association, Inc. archives, 1898-2012

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Arÿ Van Leeuwen Collection, 1898-1957 (continued)
Music by Others (continued)
Fantaisie caractéristique, op. 16 (continued)
Printed part for flute
Fantasies nationales, no. 1, Danois, op. 59
Printed score for flute and piano
Printed part for flute
Fantasies nationales, no. 2, Ecossais, op. 59
Printed score for flute and piano
Printed part for flute
Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor von Otto Nicolai
Printed score for flute and piano
Printed part for flute
Schwedische Polska-Lieder von I. Dannström, no. 2, G dur
Printed score for flute and piano
Ashford, E. L.
My task
Printed piano-vocal score
Aste, Dalle
In deiner Stimme!, op. 12
Ms. piano-vocal score
Note: Text by Betti Pauli
Berbiguier, T[ranquille]
Dix-huit exercices ou é tudes dans tous les tons
Printed part for flute
Boehm, Th[eobald]
Fantaisie sur des thêmes Suisses, op. 23
Printed part for flute
Brant, Henry
Temperamental mobiles for unaccompanied flute
Photocopy of part for unaccompanied flute
Briccialdi, G[uilio]
Allegro alla Spagnuola, op. 69
Printed score for flute and piano
Printed part for flute
Capriccio, op. [105]
Printed score for flute and piano
Printed part for flute
Il disimpegno, no. 1, Ernani
Printed score for flute and piano
Printed part for flute
Büchner, Ferdinand
Concertino für Flöte mit Clavierbegleitung, op. 40
Printed score for flute and piano
Printed part for flute
Concertwalzer, op. 21
Printed score for flute and piano
Printed part for flute
Grosse Russische Fantasie, op. 22
Printed score for flute and piano
Printed part for flute
Ungarische Fantasie, op. 33
Printed score for flute and piano
Printed part for flute
Couperin, François
Les cherubins, arranged by Gustav Havemann
Printed score for violin and piano
Printed part for violin
Donjon, Johannes
Études de salon pour flûte sans accompagnement
Printed part for unaccompanied flute
Elinescu, P.
Album naţional
Printed part for flute
BOX 122 Gariboldi, G[iuseppe]
Étude complète des gammes
Printed part for flute
Gluck, Christoph Willibald von
Der Zauberbaum
Printed piano-vocal score
Handel, George Frideric
6 Sonaten für Flöte und Pianoforte
Printed score for flute and piano
Printed part for flute
Note: Annotated by AVL
Hasse, Johann Adolph
Konzert für Flöte, zwei Violinen, Viola und Bass, D dur
Printed score for flute, two violins, viola, violoncello or bass, and two pianos
Haydn, Joseph
Liebes Mädchen, hör’ mir zu
Ms. piano-vocal score
Typed lyric sheet in German
Karg-Elert, Sigfrid
30 Capricen, op. 107
Printed part for flute
Kauer, Ferdinand
Hulda’s Werbung
Typed lyric sheet in German
Note: Text by Ferdinand Kauer
Kling, Henri
Die beiden kleinen Finken (The two little finches)
Printed parts for two piccolos
Printed part for piano
L’oiseau du paradis: valse de concert
Printed part for solo flute (or piccolo) in C
Köhler, Ernesto
12 mittelschwere Uebungsstücke, op. 33, Heft II
Printed part for flute
Die Welle : Arie für Gesang, Flöte oder Violine mit Klavierbegleitung
Printed piano-vocal score
Printed parts for voice, flute, and violin
Kummer, Gaspard
Trio, op. 24
Printed parts for three flutes
Trio, op. 53
Printed parts for three flutes
Lauber, Joseph
Quatre intermezzi
Printed parts for flute, English horn, clarinet, and bassoon
Liszt, Franz
Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke from Erster Mephisto Walzer
Ms. part for flute
Lully, Jean Baptiste
Printed score for violin and piano
Printed part for violin
Note: Arranged by Willy Burmester, Alte Weisen, no. 9
Méhul, Etienne-Nicolas
Printed score for violin and piano
Printed part for violin
Note: Arranged by Willy Burmester, Alte Weisen, no. 3
Moyse, Marcel
Douze études de grande virtuosité
Printed part for flute
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Andante für eine Walze einer kleinen Orgel
Printed parts for flute, oboe, and viola
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